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Messages - Plow_Bender

Large / Re: Davenport Re-run?
January 08, 2017, 05:42:01 PM
Don't have access too much access to my email.  I sent you a PM.  Let me know if you can't reply.

Large / Re: Davenport Re-run?
January 08, 2017, 01:13:24 PM
To be quite honest, I would love to see the Davenport brought back.  I missed out on it when it was still available, and now I'm left with the option of trying to track one down on eBay or building my own.  Unfortunately eBay hasn't been very reliable and if I were to track down the parts on Bachmann's website and build my own, I'll be paying close to $400-$500.  Even then I'm not sure if I'd be able to get everything I need to build one.  If I could at least track down a Davenport (even if it's the wrong color scheme), I could easily purchase a new cab and hood from Bachmann's parts department and do a swap.

Like I said, I agree with you that the Davenport should be brought back, but if it was discontinued, there was most likely an issue with the model in terms of sales.  Who knows, Bachmann may bring it back again like they have done with the Lyn and the Two-Truck Climax.  Fingers crossed.

Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2017
January 06, 2017, 07:53:01 PM
Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on January 06, 2017, 05:39:02 PM
Well Bachmann may re-release the Express Coaches, according to Bachmann themselves in this video: view around the 11:00 mark for it.


Yes, Bachmann may re-release the express coaches because a Bachmann rep clearly said so in an interview with a Thomas noob.  :P

Anyone in their right mind would not believe something so, so... stupid I guess would be the right word...  Bachmann reps are not permitted (by the company) to give out details such as what plans are for future products.  That being the case, I'm sure this would especially apply to selfish kids on YouTube who are just out to discover the next biggest thing from Bachmann so they themselves can feel important and give others a reason to be jealous.  In other words, interviews or videos like this are just made for attention/publicity...

Personally Chaz and Griffin made much more sense on the topic of express coaches being released in their posts by making a statement and backing it up with reason.  There was no need to bring up poorly done interviews and assumptions by fans.  Any intelligent person would know that.

Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2017
January 06, 2017, 12:47:30 AM
Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on January 04, 2017, 02:17:40 AM
^^ Yes, both Express Coaches need to be brought back. I am fed up waiting to get Henry's and Edward's Coaches now! I've been waiting for too long! ;)

Where are these Henry and Edward's coaches we're told about?  Henry and Edward never had their own coaches, nor did James and/or Gordon.  Technically none of the engines have/had their own coaches.  Yes I know some engines like Thomas, Emily, Connor, Caitlin, Toby, etc do, but that's beside the point.  Sure each character has been seen most commonly pulling a specific livery of coach, but that doesn't necessary make them that characters coaches.  Quite honestly they are just express coaches.

And where are we getting the idea that Gordon has nothing to pull?  Regardless what Gordon's mood is, we have seen him pulling trucks in the series.  Furthermore, we have seen Gordon pulling Spencer's coach (or coaches) in the series as well.  If neither of those work for you, perhaps the red coaches would be a good substitute.

To be fair though, bringing back the express coaches is questionable when considering that if they were/are so popular, why did Bachmann discontinue them in the first place?  If they were updating their tooling it would make sense, but it's been years since the models were taken out of the catalogue and nothing has been said/done since.  Either way I agree with Mr. Griffin that the express coaches are a necessity, but it's honestly a question of whether HIT/Mattel think the same...

Thomas & Friends / Re: Troublesome Trucks
January 06, 2017, 12:25:30 AM
At this point, I can't see any reason for Bachmann not to make a Troublesome Truck #3 for large scale.  It's so simple, yet would gain a lot of interest and lead to a large number of sales.  Troublesome Truck #3 could potentially be the best selling piece of rolling stock the large scale range has had for some time, but a statement that has yet to be proven.  I think we can all agree though that it would be a much better choice of rolling stock instead of something like a circus van or fruits and vegetables van.

On the topic of faces for the van though, I'd like to revisit that.  I didn't think much of it at the time, but Metal brought up a great face idea in his post below.

Quote from: Metal on December 30, 2016, 09:35:51 PM
This one is my personal favorite.

After researching (which a few people on here fail to do...) the faces used on the van, I found the same face was once on this style of van as seen here.

Although I was really interested in faces like what I showed in my earlier post, I can't tell you the number of people that would go crazy over a Troublesome Truck #3 like this.  Bottom line, this face wins every time, hands down.  I know there's probably some that will argue and say Bachmann can put whatever face on whatever piece of rolling stock they want, but lets not bring up the HO Troublesome Trucks #3 and #4 please...

In terms of what I have mentioned in regards to a large scale Troublesome Truck #3 in this post, I say it's a win if Bachmann decides to go with it.  As a recap of what I've said earlier, it's simple, saves on production cost, would have a positive number of sales, and would just look pretty damn cool.  In my opinion, they've got a lot of room to play here with this model, so I say pull the trigger and make it happen.

Thomas & Friends / Re: Narrow Gauge Slate Tricks
January 02, 2017, 12:53:34 AM
Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on January 01, 2017, 05:16:20 PMWhy are they called 'tricks'? Do the Slate Wagons play tricks, or something?! That's what the Troublesome Trucks do, which these are not! :) ;) :D ;D

Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on January 01, 2017, 05:48:45 PMI knew you meant to type 'trucks', rather than 'tricks'. I was joking and messing around with you, in my last comment about the Troublesome Trucks.

Just like you knew Oliver would be released before Rosie... ::)

Alright, time to educate you guys about production when it comes to large scale models.

To start off, Winston was made solely for the fact that he's a smaller model.  That's the only reason.  It's probably the same reason Bachmann announced their Speeder #96251 and Eggliners #96280.  Granted I quite like their speeder, but that's not the point of this post.  The point is that Winston (being a smaller model), was less costly than an actual locomotive such as Edward, Rosie, Diesel, etc.

If you haven't noticed (unlike the locomotives in the range), Winston is the only motive power model that doesn't have moving eyes.  This is clearly because the model is too small.  When Bachmann designed Winston, they struggled enough just to put a motor in the model.  This is why Winston's interior is the way it is.  I know for a fact that all the large scale Thomas models use the same motor, and most likely the same can be said for Winston.  Keep in mind that I'm saying "MOTOR" and not the whole gearbox.

I don't understand why you're all complaining about Winston, while many other's are as just as disappointed that Bachmann didn't announce an actual locomotive for 2016.  Besides, we all know you're just going to go out and get the model regardless how it is.  Oh, and if fitting a Bachmann Sir Topham Hatt figure in the model is really what you want, here's my advice.  Get yourself a hacksaw, cut his legs off, and then he'll be able to sit up in Winston.  Problem solved...

Thomas & Friends / Re: Troublesome Trucks
January 02, 2017, 12:01:36 AM
Alright, lets talk large scale.  While I was going to post this in the Thomas & Friends in 2017 thread, I feel like this thread would be more appropriate.  Ever since Bachmann released the vans in large scale, Troublesome Truck #3 has been something that's stuck in the back of my mind for some time now.  I touched briefly on this particular model being made in the Thomas & Friends in 2017 thread, along with a few other things I would like to see/predicted for the range in 2017.

So why should Bachmann make Troublesome Truck #3 in large scale?  As I think most of us have learned by now, Bachmann prefers to do large scale models (in terms of rolling stock) that they can reuse/recolor.  If Bachmann were to make a Troublesome Truck #3, why not make it by doing a recolor of the Ice Cream Wagon?  Personally I think Bachmann could easily get away with making a brown van and putting a face on it, similar to what we have here...


or here.

If Bachmann did reuse their existing Ice Cream Wagon tooling and simply put a face on it, it would help save on those high production costs I keep bringing up.  While I was going to throw in a few photos of the various faces Bachmann could use for Troublesome Truck #3, I feel it would just add a bunch of unnecessary clutter to this post.  I'd rather stick with the basics right now and besides, I think the photos above pretty much cover what many large scale Thomas modelers want to see.  Another advantage to Troublesome Truck #3 is that it's a piece of rolling stock that people are sure to buy 2 or more of in some cases.  As I've said many times before, "You can never have enough troublesome trucks."

So are there any negatives to Bachmann making Troublesome Truck #3?  Personally the only negative I can see is that this style of troublesome truck hasn't been seen in the CGI series, which the large scale models are pretty much based on.  However, models such as Annie and Clarabel, the Troublesome Trucks, Tar Wagon, and the Raspberry Syrup Tanker are in their model series forums, so I really don't see where there's any room to argue that claim with Troublesome Truck #3.  On top of that, the Explosives, Great Western, and Sodor Fruit & Vegetable Co. vans weren't in CGI either, yet we still have those.  I think I've proven my point.

Something else (which I'll just mention briefly), is that Bachmann could easily do another recolor with the tankers, and make another troublesome truck similar to what's below.  The only problem I see with this though is that these tankers only appeared in 1 episode of the series, and haven't been seen since.  Considering they're 1 off characters (that's what I'm calling them, so deal with it...) chances of them being made are probably about as likely as killing a bird by throwing it off a cliff.  Still, it's an easy model if Bachmann wanted to take a stab at it.

So in conclusion, I feel that Troublesome Truck #3 is a good chance for Bachmann to introduce something into the range that's sure to be a hot product if announced in 2017.  Granted, I do have that nagging feeling that although its simple and would make a great model, we'll probably get something nobody wants like a circus van or a Mr. Jolly's sugar car.  Still, I'm not one for jumping to conclusions, so I guess the only thing to do for now is wait and see what happens.

Thomas & Friends / Re: Oliver coming early 2017
December 30, 2016, 02:35:10 AM
Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on December 29, 2016, 01:36:48 AM
In all honesty though, I am struggling to believe Rosie will get released before Oliver.
Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on December 29, 2016, 05:24:21 AM
Well I knew that Oliver would get released before Rosie will.

Sure you did... ::)

Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2017
December 30, 2016, 02:27:27 AM
So as promised, let's talk about Mavis in large scale.  I touched briefly on this topic in an earlier post which I'll include below.  With some of the recent conversations from friends/fellow forum members, I've decided to go ahead and do a more in depth post about introducing Mavis into Bachmann's large scale range for 2017.  Chances of this model happening are about 50/50 right now, so hopefully this post can encourage Bachmann to release a proper locomotive for the range.  (insert I hate Winston comment here)  Before I get started, here's the post I mentioned earlier.

Quote from: Plow Bender on December 15, 2016, 10:46:19 PMMavis
Now Mavis is possibly a more unlikely character to be made, but I'll get to that shortly.  On a positive note, Mavis is a smaller engine which (same as the models mentioned earlier) keeps production costs down.  Another benefit to Mavis is that if she was to be made, she could use Toby's chassis.  On the downside however, I have been told (by reputable sources), diesels are not good sellers in large scale.  This could very well be the reason Bachmann discontinued their 0-4-0 Gas Mechanical and 45 ton switcher.  Then again, diesels in the Thomas range may do better in terms of sales than Bachmann's 1:20.3 line.

To start off, let's look at Mavis' recent appearances.  Mavis has appeared a lot lately in recent seasons, and has even made it into some of the recent specials.  To be fair though, most of the time she only has short roles or makes a few cameos.  It doesn't look like any recent episodes have been solely dedicated to Mavis herself, but have still managed to include her in the plot now and then.  Even with the short amount of screen time she's had, many still enjoy her character.  Even if she hasn't been in the spotlight lately, many of the older fans like her because she has been a classic character since Season 3.  A few of the less intelligent fans would also bring up that she was one of the first female engines, but let's not go there please...

Because Mavis is a classic character though, that's something that contributes to her fan base.  Looking back on when her HO model was announced, many people were just as hyped up about her as they were with Edward.  It should also be noted that once Mavis was released, she was (and has been) the best selling diesel in the range.  A large scale model could potentially fare the same way.  Many people have brought up Mavis for large scale, so clearly there's interest for the model.  I'm sure Bachmann has their doubts considering diesels don't do well in large scale in terms of sales, and that's understandable.  However, I think it's too early to call on a diesel which is in the Thomas & Friends range.  Mavis may do better or she may do worse.  We don't know because it hasn't been tried yet.

The last thing to discuss for large scale Mavis is production costs.  Because she is a smaller model, that's going to play a big factor in a few areas.  For a start, her tooling would be relatively simple, and that might also shorten production time.  Another advantage Mavis has is that Bachmann could easily reuse Toby's chassis to cut the cost of production even further.  If Mavis is announced and these 2 factors play out, it could potentially mean an earlier release date for the model.  Perhaps in time for Christmas?

So to wrap things up, here are my thoughts on Mavis in large scale.  Personally, although not a model I was asking for, it's definitely a model I'd be happy to see introduced into the range.  Despite the fact I pretty much said that Edward (if Bachmann were to release him in large scale) would be the last large scale Thomas model I'd get, I would honestly consider adding Mavis to my collection.  It's pretty clear that the range is long overdue for a new locomotive, and many would agree that Winston just doesn't cut it.  If Bachmann wants to improve the large scale range, bringing in a locomotive (such as Mavis) for 2017 is a great place to start.

Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2017
December 25, 2016, 06:56:52 PM
Quote from: sean1994rail on December 24, 2016, 12:30:15 PMwhat about G Scale Salty?

G scale Salty is an unlikely candidate for the same reason his HO model was discontinued.  Despite all the positives the model had, for some reason Salty just wasn't a good seller.  Still (at least as far as I'm aware), the Salty's Dockside Delivery set #00696 is available, but everything in that set (with the exception of the Raspberry Syrup Tanker) is exclusive to that set.  Therefore, people would be more tempted to buy it, even if they're just after Salty, the rolling stock, or maybe even the conductor figure.  And before anyone brings up that the set is sold out and probably discontinued, how about we just wait till the 2017 catalog comes out before we jump to conclusions?

In terms of a G scale model though, it doesn't appear that Salty would fare much better.  Aside from the new tooling, Salty would also more than likely require a new chassis.  Considering the overall shape of the model, the tooling for the shell itself would be relatively simple, but the chassis would probably be a different story.  From what little I've gathered (just by taking apart the large scale models), the motor is pretty much the only reused component.  Almost everything else is entirely designed specifically for each individual model, which leaves the same to be said for Salty's chassis as well.  In the end, the production costs just wouldn't be worth it for Bachmann to even be bothered.

Quote from: thomasj219 on December 22, 2016, 07:12:16 PM
I personally would love a large scale mavis.

I agree with you there, Mr. thomasj219.  I think large scale Mavis in 2017 might be a good topic for me to revisit.  As for everyone else, stay tuned for a more in depth post about that later this week.

Quote from: Thomasfan39 on December 22, 2016, 05:54:57 PM
Don't be so mean, he can say anything and anyway he wants too.

Mmhmm, because clearly my post was made just to be mean.  It has nothing to do with the simple fact we're dealing with a user that the moderator banned earlier this year.  It's funny how you want to call me out on something when you fail to even understand what I'm talking about first, but that's none of my business...

The user in question (Jacob) was banned from the forum earlier this year because of his behavior, and 2 other users followed him out the door as well.  When these users were banned, their IP address' were blocked and this was meant to keep them from ever returning to the forum.  When a user is banned, clearly the admins do not want them here.  Despite this, Jacob still snuck his way back on under a different IP address (and obvious username), and continues to behave in the same manner he did before.  As Chaz pointed out in his post, the forum was a lot less personal before Jacob came back.  I myself remember all the trouble Jacob caused the first time, and that was the reason for the lack of posts on the forum up until he was kicked off.  We don't need that kind of behavior here.

Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on December 23, 2016, 11:24:41 AM
^ It's not me bringing up the senseless drama, Chaz. I can't stop something, if it's not coming from me.

They are also not ideas and / or assumptions. It's the truth.

Unfortunately despite everyone's efforts of trying to explain to you what you're doing (or have done) wrong, you continue to behave just as you did before you were kicked off.  Chaz is right.  You're assumptions and brining up senseless drama are starting to become rather irritating, especially when you're accusing users of things they didn't even do/say.  We've all tried to be nice and explain things to you, but the less you seem to listen.  As John Wayne would say, "Life's hard; it's harder if you're stupid."

Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on December 22, 2016, 03:24:16 AM
I wouldn't be to disappointed with another BR Class 08 getting added to the range, especially if they are in the shape of Paxton or Sidney! For a new character, with a different class of locomotive, that has not been released that is in-between a small and a large locomotive, I have the idea of Ryan, who is a GNR Class N2. Does anybody have any thoughts of Ryan getting an announcement, in 2017?

Alrighty then...  I would like to take this opportunity to point out 2 things.  First off, once again I recommend that you work on your spelling and grammar.  Second, it is too early for Ryan to be introduced into Bachmann's Thomas range, just like it is too early for you to be back on this forum again... ::)

Now would be the point in this post where I backup my statement that Ryan isn't a likely candidate for the range at this time with reason, but this is the "NEW HO THOMAS & FRIENDS ROLLING STOCK IS HERE!" thread and not the "Thomas & Friends in 2017" thread.  That being the case, I'll end on that note.

Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2017
December 19, 2016, 04:10:38 PM
Quote from: UPTODAY on December 19, 2016, 02:07:07 PM
Quote from: WilsonProductions2 on December 19, 2016, 02:36:44 PM
^ Well the Red Branchline Coaches were only released last year and I personally believe they are good sellers, so I would be suprised if they have been discontinued already. I wouldn't have thought they would be discontinued yet. We will find out if they have been discontinued, when the 2017 Catalogue gets released. I wouldn't worry about it yet, if I were you Steve.

*facedesk*  I'll try to be as nice as possible when I say this, but the both of you need to take a few calm me down tablets...

If you're intelligent, you will notice that on the rolling stock page under "Bestsellers" that the red roach is #3 on the list right behind the mail car and troublesome truck #1.  As I have stated before in earlier posts, the red coaches are a hot seller and most likely people will buy more than 1 red coach.

Quote from: Plow Bender on December 15, 2016, 10:46:19 PM
The red coaches were and still are a hot seller in HO, and they would definitely move well in large scale.  Chances are some people would even consider buying multiple red coaches instead of just buying a red coach and a red break coach.

If the red coaches are a hot seller, it should be no surprise that they are currently sold out.  Like the Bachmann Skarloey (which is constantly sold out), it's a possibility that there may be a supply and demand issue with the red coach.  Now if the coaches had been completely removed from the web store, then there's a reason to worry that they may have been discontinued.  Since they are not, there's no reason to think they are, and there's no reason we have to wait till the 2017 catalog gets released to confirm this.

Oh those pesky facts... ::)


Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2017
December 19, 2016, 01:34:21 PM
Quote from: Chaz on December 18, 2016, 02:44:50 PM
I was actually surprised that Plow Bender didn't bring up Diesel in his post since he'd be a no-brainer in the range with a simple tooling with recolors to follow.  However, he did bring up that large scale diesels from Bachmann aren't really strong sellers which does make sense, even though Mavis could still be pulled off if bothered.

I actually thought of bringing up Diesel, Chaz, but personally I feel Diesel (at least how the large scale model would be) just wouldn't have enough positives going for it.  Going back to when the HO Diesel was released, there was a lot of negative responses mainly just because of the CGI face.  I'm willing to bet money the same could be expected for the large scale model (if it was announced), even though we're all aware that large scale models are in the CGI theme.  In the end there's always going to be a bunch of ungrateful pricks complaining about it...

Even though Diesel's tooling could be reused for Arry and Bert, I'm not sure if this can really be considered an advantage.  As you and sean1994rail mentioned, Arry and Bert were not good sellers in the HO range, and considering diesels in general aren't good sellers in large scale, I think that pretty much pulls the plug on Arry and Bert happening.  Other companies (can't mention names because this is Bachmann forum) have tried Arry and Bert just because their tooling was there from Diesel, and they just don't have enough sales.

I still say that Bill and Ben would be a good choice if Bachmann wants to make multiple models in large scale using a single tooling.  Rolling stock such as the mail car, the red coaches, and troublesome truck #3 are also good options.  Speaking of troublesome trucks though, it just crossed my mind that Bachmann could honestly do something simple as just releasing troublesome trucks with different faces.  As we all know, you can never have too many troublesome trucks.  Perhaps this is a topic worth looking into?
