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Messages - bevernie

October 24, 2007, 01:40:56 PM
 :oGREETINGS!! A trip yesterday brought me right by OLD FORT, NC, so I just had to stop in.  ;)You won't believe his new shop! It's NOTHING like the shop at Smiley's!! You actually had room to turn around!!  ;D
::)I really can't say enough to encourage you to stop in!!
While in town, you might also enjoy the "WHISTLE-STOP CAFE", right next door, then, across the street, there's an old depot that has been refurbished!! Just plan to make a day of it!! Unfortunately, my dispatcher was hollering for the load, so I didn't have long to stay!Wes was probably glad of that, though; I didn't realize it until I got home, but, I had gotten there right at CLOSING TIME!! (Sorry, Wes!!)
If you truck drivers are planning to stop in, if you are going west, it's easy. Just exit at EXIT 75, then turn left. Follow that road on around, cross the RRtracks, and turn left onto HWY. 70. Go through town (you'll pass the shop, on the right) and just as you're going out of town, almost back on I-40, there's a place that you can pull over and park. It's lined off, so it's safe, and Wes says that if you got a ticket, he would take care of it! Going east, I'm not so sure... EXIT 72 is HWY. 70, so it goes right into town. There's a (small) pull-off with a telephone pole in the middle that you MAY be able to park a truck at. Both of them are like parking at a truck stop late... you'll have to walk about a block or so!!
HO / Re: mad....
October 17, 2007, 08:22:52 PM
What did you do with your N trains??
October 17, 2007, 08:08:57 PM
Folks, I've finally found my friend, Wes, and it turns out that I had his last name wrong!! (It's "LAEL", not "RAEL"!!) There was a train show in Hendersonville (NC) last weekend, and Wes was there, with the GOOD NEWS that he had opened a train shop in OLD FORT, NC!!(37 E. MAIN)
It's the same shop that used to be at SMILEY'S FLEA MARKET in FLETCHER, NC!! Their new phone number is: (828) 668-9434. It's on I-40, at EXIT 72, then north to downtown. Turn right at the "t" intersection, and it's on the left!! :D[color=orange]Whatever the drive, I'm sure that you will be glad that you made the trip!![/color]He has told me that this store is much larger than the one in Fletcher, but I've not yet had an opportunity to go and see for myself!!
If you get to go before I do, pllease post on here what you think of it!!
                                                                           Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: Mixing scales
October 05, 2007, 09:09:43 AM
Sinse I don't do DCC, I can't offer an "educated" opinion, but... why not? The voltage is still the same!
                                                                              Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: dummy locomotives
October 03, 2007, 09:46:41 AM
Just a thought, and you can take it for what it's worth, but, if you really want a dummy and want it to be BACHMANN, why not simply take thr "running gear" out of a BACHMANN, and make it a dummy? Then, you could sell the "running gear" at a "swap meet", or on EBAY, and recoup part of your cost!
                                                                          Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: Remount ing Horn Hook Couplers
September 15, 2007, 11:45:08 PM
HO / Re: Remount ing Horn Hook Couplers
September 15, 2007, 11:06:23 PM
Quote from: tomcat623 on September 14, 2007, 08:38:37 PM
  Someone may be able to help you but, you need to rephrase the question and read it before you post it
HO / Re: couplers
August 26, 2007, 10:54:00 PM
T H A N X ! !    Now, all I've got to do is to figure out what kind of couplers I've bought at that TRAIN SHOW!!  LOL!!  :D(Have you ever done something on impulse, then regretted it later??)
                       (g'night, all!!)
HO / Re: couplers
August 26, 2007, 09:08:30 PM
Quote from: Scott S on August 26, 2007, 08:37:52 PM
Ernie wrote to Gene:
Quote from: bevernie on August 21, 2007, 10:58:44 PMAs you said, 2.79 each would be rather expensive, so that was probably the main reason that I understood it to mean 2.79 per packet, which would be 10 pockets.

The price at for 10 *pair* of draft gear boxes and lids (that would be enough for 20 couplers) is $2.85. This is item #232. I have similar item #233 in my hand, boxes for 30-series, and it says on the packet, ten pair and also 20 each lids and 20 each gear boxes.
Scott, I went to the web site, and I didn't see "item 232" or "233" listed in "couplers", so can you please tell me how to find it? It really sounds like a good deal!!
                                                  8)                                         THANX!!
HO / Re: Installing front couplers
August 26, 2007, 09:45:24 AM
 :D No, actually, if you'll notice, I only did it on 3 threads, and each was referring to couplers! I just thought it might be convenient to have them all three together (if only for a short time!!)
HO / Re: Installing front couplers
August 25, 2007, 06:38:22 PM
HO / Re: Couplers
August 25, 2007, 06:23:44 PM
HO / Re: couplers
August 25, 2007, 06:17:21 PM
HO / Re: have a suitcase full of 20?? year old trains
August 22, 2007, 10:17:32 AM
Quote from: the Bach-man on August 21, 2007, 11:14:38 PM
Dear Ernie,
I don't see it happening... I did do a Chapel car for my brother-in-law. There's a book about them, and it might actually be titled _This Train is Bound For Glory_, but I don't recall precisely.
Why not paint one yourself?
Have fun! (and goodnight to you, too!)
the Bach-man

For several years, I have considered making one, even going so far as to remove the "CLEMENTINE" from a tender, but that is as far as it has gotten!! Surely, someday, it will happen!!
                                                                                 Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: have a suitcase full of 20?? year old trains
August 21, 2007, 11:10:28 PM
Quote from: the Bach-man on August 21, 2007, 11:04:59 PM
Dear LD 303 and Ernie,
This forum is for discussing model trains and related issues. Politics and religion are not topics that are allowed. This is not censorship; it is our perogative as hosts. Your religious convictions and beliefs may or may not be similar to mine (I know, but I won't tell...); if you want to discuss them, do so at a theology forum.
Kindly confine your discussion here to railroading.
the Bach-man

Well, Mr. B, since you are apparently online, would you please comment on the possibility of a GLORYBOUND TRAIN, that I had mentioned earlier (possibly deleted)??
                                     AND GOODNIGHT!!                        Ernie