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Messages - bevernie

HO / Re: couplers
August 21, 2007, 10:58:44 PM
Greetings, Gene! Sorry to be so long in getting back, but, as previously mentioned somewhere, I am a truck driver and my time for getting on this computer is very limited! If I actually had a train set up and running, I may never again get on this computer!!
   At any rate, did you re-read the site? As you said, 2.79 each would be rather expensive, so that was probably the main reason that I understood it to mean 2.79 per packet, which would be 10 pockets.
   I'll try to get back on here tomorrow morning, before I go to Kentucky, but if I don't, it will be at least Thursday evening!!
                                                                               Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: have a suitcase full of 20?? year old trains
August 21, 2007, 09:31:23 PM
Quote from: The Old Fardt on August 21, 2007, 07:37:04 PM
Looks like someone got their knickers in a knot...
This goes on all the time at various train chat sites and if one decides to quit everyone one of them, they would have nowhere to go.
Ride with the tide but if you half to go, see ya.

NOW YER TALKIN'!! I knew there wuz a ALABAMA FAN out there!! Dat's right!! ROLL TIDE!! ... don't zactly know whut it haz t' do wit dis scussion, but... ROLL TIDE!! 'Couse dis'll probly be scenserd, too, but... ROLL TIDE!!
                                                                                Hendersonville, NC
                                                                             (by way of ALABAMA!!)
HO / Re: couplers
August 19, 2007, 02:46:06 PM
GREETINGS, and THANK YOU, Gene!! What a generous offer!! I really need to count the couplers that I've already bought, but I know that I have about 50 engines! I saved the sight that someone else suggested, and they have them listed at 2.79 per packet of 10, so that would even be less than I had thought it would cost!
     If you are serious, and you are sure that you would NEVER need them, I would GLADLY reimburse your postage, or even (depending on where you are!!) come and get them!! Maybe I've got something you would like, and we could trade!                                                                         THANX!!
HO / Re: couplers
August 16, 2007, 09:35:23 PM
Also, does anyone sell the "box" that connects to the body, without the coupler? I went to a train show, and without thinking, bought several couplers, and just thought that I would connect them using the old (truck-mounted) box! DUH!!
HO / Re: have a suitcase full of 20?? year old trains
August 08, 2007, 01:28:15 PM
              :D   GREETINGS!!
   When you put them on EBAY, please post a couple of "item numbers" on this thread, so that we might be able to look. Also, send me a "lot price" on everything that you have left that doesn't sell!
                                                               ???                           THANX!!
                                                                                      Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: I plan model railroads
July 25, 2007, 05:23:53 PM
Is this a joke?"bnsfan"(0 previous posts) has not replied to any posts since starting this thread. Maybe he was bored, and wanted some conversation??    :-\                         ;D                                                  Ernie
HO / Re: I plan model railroads
July 24, 2007, 08:25:01 PM
Greetings!!  Where are you from? Please tell us a little about yourself. Are you retired, and have a lot of spare time?
                                 ???                                           Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: track
July 12, 2007, 10:22:39 PM
C'mon, Gene! Remember, be nice! Everyone has not had the benefits of college, like us, but this hobby does not demand it! In fact, it is probably more enjoyable to those not handicapped with "book knowledge" !!
That being said, with no slight or degredation meant to the creator of this thread, I am only asking that Gene should remember that all are not as gifted as he, and we should all keep that in remembrance as we consider our responses to these threads!      ;D
HO / Re: replace plastic wheels on ho cars
June 13, 2007, 01:40:46 PM
Actually, Derek, you've just added to my perpexity! I've really gotten depressed as a result of not having enough time, but the things that I need to change are adding to my delimma! I'm just ready to sell my "stuff"!
                                                                                    Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: replace plastic wheels on ho cars
June 13, 2007, 10:40:20 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I want to just give up and sell out! First, it was time- I never seem to have enough! Then, it was couplers- mine (horn-hook) have to be replaced. Now, it's wheels AND trucks!! I just wish I could find someone who could tell me what my stuff is worth (it's getting less every day!!) and make a serious offer!
                                                                                   Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: replace plastic wheels on ho cars
June 12, 2007, 02:16:53 PM
Please tell me, since I am on a limited budget, is it really that necessary to change from plastic to metal? What are the proes and cons?
                                                                                         Hendersonville, NC
HO / roadnames and new catalog
June 06, 2007, 09:41:31 AM
The last time that I sent some trains in to be repaired, they elected to replace them. I asked if I could change roadnames and was told that I could, but the lady that I talked to did not know what engines were being made at that time, so she had to go find out what was available. She said that
I should get a catalog to find out what was available (since it was so much trouble for her to go check!). I suggested that she keep a list of what is available at that time. When do the new catalogs come out, and what engines are availble at present, should I send in some engines and have to have them replaced?
                                                                             Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: LEDs
June 03, 2007, 11:06:02 AM
Wouldn't it be safer, and just as effective, to just use 1/2-watt resistors regardless of track voltage?   ... just a thought...                                                                                  Ernie
                                                                                         Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: ideas wanted
June 01, 2007, 11:51:31 AM
WHAT?? No building on fire, with all the noise associated with same??  I'm really disappointed! Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea as I thought it was! Oh, well... I'm still at the drawing board! See ya!!
                                                                                        Hendersonville, NC
HO / Re: ideas wanted
May 29, 2007, 11:14:00 PM
How about a burning building? I've not yet had time to get it together, but I'm planning one that has a smoking building with fire trucks and police cars, and everything else that goes with a fire! It will have sirens (that I got out of toy fire trucks and police cars) and lights (some of which are activated with the siren electronics).The (three) different siren sounds will be controlled by switches., so that you can have one, two, or all three working at one time! I wired the fire truck and police car lights to a "flame-maker" (that I got a good deal on at a train show), which is also wired to lights in the burning building for the "flashing effect. I'm thinking about making it such that I can separate it from my layout to take it to train shows and contests. Of course, right now, it's still on the planning table, as is the rest of my layout!! Oh, the life of a truck driver!!

                                                                                     Hendersonville, NC