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Messages - ta152h0

For information only, I can translate some of it but it is definitaly a DC old locomotive.

04029 / 1741
(2093B)  Bachmann
41-0658-A4  Amerikanische Schnellfahr-Dampflokomotive mit Schlepptender Class J der Norfolk & Western, Spur H0, Zweileiter Gleichstrom, Achsfolge 4-8-4, Kunststoff, schwarz/rot, Antrieb auf alle Treib- und Kuppelachsen, stromlinienförmig verkleidet, mit Rauchgenerator und Rauchöl, Betriebsnummer "600" golden im roten Streifen, seitlich am Tender "NORFOLK AND WESTERN" golden im roten Streifen, Länge ca 39 cm. Dies war eine der schnellsten Dampflokomotiven in Amerika, im Plandienst wurde mit 100 m/h gefahren. Sehr gut erhalten, wenig gefahren, Dampföl-Ampulle noch originalverschweißt, im Präsentationskarton "Limited Collctors Edition" mit Klarsichtfenster und Zierdeckel mit Lokomotivzeichnung, in Styropor-Formeinlage und Anweisung. 
HO / Re: wind deflectors
February 10, 2008, 10:54:05 PM
I have the Marklin model 3102 articulated 2-6-8-2 which was supposed to be the super locomotive. I am astounded how the german railways have been able to duplicate the MARKLIN models into real locomotives. And how BALDWIN managed to copy the esquisitely detailed SPECTRUM series. ;D
HO / wind deflectors
February 10, 2008, 05:49:29 PM
german steam locomotives generally have a wind deflector attached to the nose while american locomotives don't. is the air different on this side of the big pond ?
HO / Re: Casey Jones Engine No. 382 0-6-0
February 09, 2008, 03:41:34 PM
I use automotive carburator cleaner on the track. You could have transformer trouble like i did, some time ago. Diode shorted out. Long distance diagnosis is, at best, difficult. If the engine is very old, or much used in the past, the motor brushes could be worn down.
HO / Re: Derailing 2-8-0
January 31, 2008, 11:09:59 PM
and what is a " dill bit " ?
HO / Re: smoke generator into a DCC 2-8-4 steamloco
January 26, 2008, 12:49:40 PM
It has come to my attention, based on the several thousand years of being alive, when you tell a modeler they can't do something, they prove you wrong. If it is a plastic bodied locomotive, get a spare plastic body first.
HO / Re: MTH Triplex Question
January 15, 2008, 10:48:19 PM
maybe more like putting in a lawnmower gas tank in a peterbuilt ???? the bloomin' thing put out enough power, just not for very long.
HO / Re: Drawbar Question for the Bach Man
January 13, 2008, 03:55:25 PM
Longer drawbar also allows the fireman to carry a shovel full of coal a lot further.
HO / Re: First HO layout since I was 13
January 12, 2008, 07:25:59 PM
That is the hobby. When you can't buy the parts, you make them. I am also in awe at the knowledge portraye here.
HO / Re: First HO layout since I was 13
January 08, 2008, 10:33:33 PM
Absolutely true. I would run my locomotives at the club's track during open running ( no timetables enforced ) and the dumb thing most likely would stall and the most inconvenient place. it was uncanny. It is very helpfull to have a stick.
HO / Re: First HO layout since I was 13
January 08, 2008, 05:50:23 PM
My very first layout was a figure 8, Marklin big enough to run two trains an 060 tank loco and a streamline 4-6-4 passenger and i had so much fun crashing the two at the crossing. Both still run.
HO / Re: DCC Equipped 4-8-4
January 04, 2008, 05:13:22 PM
I have seen no answer yet on this forum the methodology to adding sound to a decoder already installed in the machine. I personally just bought decoders with sound ( speaker attached ) and replaced the factory electronics in my 4-8-4. I am guessing the sound software is not burn't into the factory boards that come with factory DCC Equipped locomotives. I have a 2-10-0 decapod with a LENS decoder and the manual states you have to add a S.U.S.I. sound card to add a speaker resulting in having to solder four wires to described pads on the decoder. So my Decapod sounds so electric.
HO / Re: Bachmann 2-6-6-2
January 04, 2008, 05:04:59 PM
you can make them really personable by chaqnging the starting volatge and deceleration rates. They can become your very own Dennis the Menace.
HO / Re: DCC decoder installation in Bachmann locos
January 01, 2008, 05:35:16 PM
I have a 4-8-2 heavy mountain and for personal reasons, I bought a sound decoder for the beast. My goal is to have all my steam loco's make noise and when i am done with the layout, all the loco's running, i will have a concert in my house. My first DCC loco was 2-10-0 Russian decapod and it came with the Bachmann decoder, which has no sound. Bottom line becomes the answer to the question " you want sound ? "  It takes just as much effort to install a DCC decoder without sound as it does to install one with sound. Just a few more dollars and the economy will do better with sound ( price will go down ) By the way, the 4-8-2 has an interesting tender that allows the spoeaker to be installed under the coal cover, after dremelling a hole big enough for the speaker to slide into this area.
HO / Re: Ma & Pa Ten wheeler
December 28, 2007, 02:11:26 PM
i was hesitating posting this but my 4-8-2 heavy mountain does not appear to have headlights either, neither on the locomotive itself or in the diagram. I made a posting here about the tender not having a light. However it does seem to have a flickering firebox LED. maybe Bachmann did not include headlights not only on the 4-8-2 but also on your ten wheeler ?