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Messages - newguy

HO / Hogwart's Express
September 30, 2007, 12:19:46 AM
Dear Bachmann,

Is there any chance that Bachmann will release a new Hogwart's Express set maybe around Christmas time or any time in the near future? I think this would be a great collectible. If not, does anyone know where I can get one brand new besides ebay?

new guy
HO / Re: dummy locomotives
September 29, 2007, 06:49:27 AM
That's too bad.  :(  I have seen other manufacturers offer the dummy diesel locos but I don't know if I would ever be able to find ones that match the paint schemes and exact types of locos that I have from Bachmann. With much due respect to Bachmann, I'm surprised that they don't offer the dummies with each diesel loco currently available. The shell is already made and it seems like it would be a pretty easy thing to offer. Maybe there isn't enough demand for them. That would be my product sugestion - does anyone else agree?

new guy
HO / dummy locomotives
September 28, 2007, 10:24:49 PM
Dear Bachmann,

I'm interested in purchasing some dummy diesel locomotives that match the ones that I already have. All but one of my locos is made by Bachmann. Does Bachmann sell these? I don't see them on the website but maybe I'm not looking in the right place.

New guy
HO / Re: Two questions.
September 27, 2007, 01:40:41 AM

I have spent a lot of time online looking for the best deals and I have found that ebay is the best/least expensive place to acquire any bachmann products. For example: a couple of days ago I got a brand new Bachmann Spectrum DCC equipped SD-45 diesel locomotive for $26.00 plus $8.00 shipping. On the bachmann website this loco lists for $115.00.

The next best website is It is by far the least expensive website I have found and they have virtually every bachmann product that is on the bachmann site.

What I do is I compare the price to ebay prices and if I can't get the item on ebay for %30-%50 less than I stop bidding or I don't bid at all.  If one item is too expensive just, wait a day or two and the same seller or someone else will have that item for sale again garanteed. I have purchased 8 locos this way.

There are train stores that sell their items on ebay. This is the best/safest way to go because they almost always are selling brand new items with full warrantees and they accept paypal. Avoid those sellers who only accept cashier's checks or money orders - that is a pain in the neck. Also, always look at the shipping costs. Some sellers charge too much. You might think you are getting a great deal until you add in the shipping/insurance fees and then you realize you could have just driven to you local hobby store and picked it up at the same price without having to wait a week or two for delivery.

I have seen seen the Bachman DCC set with DCC equipped loco on ebay many times. I bought the same set several months ago and I think it is a great system although I don't have anything to compare it to. I am currently running several of my DCC locos on it and it is extremely easy to use. I highly recommend it.

Hope this info helps

new guy
HO / Re: Spectrum SD45 Versions
September 22, 2007, 10:34:57 AM
Speaking of the SD-45's, I just received two Spectrum SD-45 units in the mail yesterday. I already had three standard Bachmann gp-40's but wow what a difference in overall quality. The Spectrums run so much more quietly and smoothly than the standards. I'm extremely happy with them. When I buy Bachmann locos in the future, I will only buy Spectrum from now on. Good job Bachmann with your Spectrum line.

Does anyone know why the Spectrums are so much more quiet? It must be a different motor all together inside.

new guy
HO / Re: 4-8-2 light mountain
September 19, 2007, 11:17:32 PM
I should put it this way. I want to have 10 trains with assigned numbers on the easy command - one will be DC.  You're right Djp, just running 3 or 4 trains at once takes some quick fingers let alone 10 trains. You have to watch them and not confuse their assigned numbers or else CRUNCH!! I've learned that the hard way of course.

new guy
HO / Re: magnetic coupler problems
September 19, 2007, 08:47:02 AM
Thanks hunt and Gene for the tips

new guy
HO / Re: 4-8-2 light mountain
September 19, 2007, 08:44:14 AM
hey jake,

Yeah I know I need a booster. I've got my eye on Bachmann's 5 amp power booster but I really don't know much about the boosters. Does anyone know if this will give me enough juice to run all 10 trains well?? Maybe Bach Man could tell me.

New guy
HO / Re: 4-8-2 light mountain
September 18, 2007, 11:48:03 PM
Hey Tom,

One is a Great Northern and the other is a Northern Pacific.  I haven't gotten to the point where I am modeling certain roads yet. Right now I'm just collecting DCC locos. I want to be able to run 10 locos at a time with my digital commander.  I just keep an eye on Ebay and look for great deals. I compare prices to which is the most affordable site by far that I've found. I have gotten 6 locos from ebay so far. All but one were brand new and I've gotten everything 20%-%50 less than

When I eventually do a permanent layout, I know that I want to have a station with a rail yard with lots of trains lined up. Those seem to be my favorite layouts that I've seen personally and on the web.

Sorry, I know you didn't ask for my life story..

take care

new guy

HO / Re: magnetic coupler problems
September 18, 2007, 01:24:17 PM
Sorry I accidentally hit post before I was done. I didn't cut of the whole gladhand, just enough so that it wouldn't drag.

new guy
HO / Re: magnetic coupler problems
September 18, 2007, 01:21:17 PM
Thanks everyone for your help. SteamGene I didn't cut
HO / magnetic coupler problems
September 17, 2007, 10:23:37 PM
Hey guys and gals,

Am I the only one that has problems with the magnetic, curved piece of metal that hangs down from the couplers? Sorry I'm sure it has a name but I can't think of it - or maybe I just don't know it....

For the longest time I couldn't figure out why my trains were derailing on my EZ track turnouts (mostly) as well as in other places on the track (less frequently). Finally I realized that the metal pieces were getting caught up in the turnouts and on the track. I don't uncouple the trains magnetically so I just clipped the metal pieces a bit and my troubles seem to be over for the most part. I still have an occasional unexplained derailment on the turnouts but at least the train is staying on the track.

I'm sure you experienced modelers are probably cringing at my method. I'm sure there were other options. What should I have done. Are my couplers now useless if I want to magnetically uncouple the trains in the future?

new guy
HO / Re: 4-8-2 light mountain
September 17, 2007, 10:01:01 PM
Thanks SteamGene for the good info. I'll try it and let you know tomorrow how it worked. Do you know if the Spectrum SD-45 locos will have any problems on the 18 inch radius. All I have seen is pictures. I don't really know if they are longer than the bach gp-40s that I have.

HO / Re: 4-8-2 light mountain
September 16, 2007, 09:39:06 PM
It is connected to the back hole on the bar. I thought of that. If your heavy mountain does ok then I would expect mine to do ok as well.  Maybe I just need to play around with it and figure out what is causing the problem.

I also just purchased two new spectrum SD-45 Diesels online. Should they do ok on the 18 inch radius??
HO / Re: 4-8-2 light mountain
September 16, 2007, 09:18:16 PM
Thanks for the information. I really want to convert it to DCC. I've also noticed that as it goes around corners the loco will pull the front wheels of the tender off the track and then when the track staightens the wheels are pulled back on again. Does this mean that 18 inch radius is too small for this 4-8-2?