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Messages - DAVISinGP

General Discussion / Leave trains running?
May 19, 2019, 10:23:19 AM
I'm going to be hosting a small gathering of friends, some of whom would like to see my trains running. Since my layout is upstairs, I'd like to leave one going (unattended) all evening. (HO, DCC)

I've seen trains run continuously at shows, and I've always wondered if there are any detrimental effects to letting a loco run at the same speed for a few hours.


General Discussion / Re: Spectrum k4 4-6-2
May 16, 2019, 06:41:37 PM
Quote from: James in FL on May 16, 2019, 05:39:49 PM
Quote[ Not sure if the problem is resolved, but I think I'm on the right...track.]

I think so too...
Get your straight edge over everything.
You checked, all your wheelsets are in gauge... yes?
And your track too?

Good luck

I don't have a gauge, but using Jonathan's suggestion above, I compared the wheels on the truck with the drivers and they seemed to be exactly the same width.
General Discussion / Re: Spectrum k4 4-6-2
May 16, 2019, 10:16:13 AM
I removed the front "truck" (the leading 4-wheel unit) and spent some time pushing it over the switch. The first thing I noticed was a significant bump at the hinge depicted by the arrow.

I filed it down just a bit, reattached the truck to the loco, and have been able to make 5 or 6 passes without a problem. As I mentioned above, my other (diesel) locos and my PCC trolley don't seem to have a problem negotiating these switches. My steam loco is certainly a bit more complex and, it seems, finicky. Not sure if the problem is resolved, but I think I'm on the right...track. (Yes, pun very much intended.  ;D)  I'll keep watching.

General Discussion / Re: Spectrum k4 4-6-2
May 15, 2019, 09:48:46 AM
Quote from: Trainman203 on May 15, 2019, 07:49:36 AMSometimes individual engines are like hard to please people, each with its own very specific and high requirements.

LOL - Now THAT I understand. ;)
General Discussion / Re: Spectrum k4 4-6-2
May 14, 2019, 10:45:32 PM
Quote from: Trainman203 on May 14, 2019, 08:03:49 PM
It sounds like the point rail needs to be slightly filed a little thinner.

Thanks for that suggestion and link. I'll look closer and maybe give that a try.

But note that all my other trains and trolleys run flawlessly.
General Discussion / Re: Spectrum k4 4-6-2
May 14, 2019, 07:24:14 PM
I've got a similar problem with my American 4-4-0 (52704).

It derails about 50% of the time when backing over a switch. Watching it very closely, it seems to be a problem with the lead wheels (which, when going backwards, are the trailing wheels) as they encounter the moving part of the switch rail - looks like the wheel flange often "ignores" the direction of the switch and tends to derail towards the center. The entire train will make it fine until the front wheels negotiate the area approaching the frog.

I've got to believe it's a "tolerance" issue between the loco's wheel flanges and the rails. I might try adding some additional weight as you suggest.

It's a bit frustrating as I've already sent this thing back twice for other problems.
Love the "Look for the Silver Lining" sign.  :D

P.S. After a bit of research, it appears to be a sign for the Silver Lining Laundry.
Thanks for posting the details.

The story brings up an interesting facet in trolley history.

Lots of folks are quick to blame GM for their "conspiracy" to replace street cars with buses. I'm not saying there wasn't. But the reality is that by the late 40s, the public perceived street cars to be antiques, lumbering down the middle of crowded streets often blocking traffic . Buses were considered "modern." I'm sure reading stories like this one back then contributed to the public's perception.
General Discussion / Re: 4-4-0 Jerky Running
January 31, 2019, 03:52:24 PM
I can see that.

To be honest, I haven't spent much time looking at schematics. I sure wish I could apprentice in locomotive assembly to learn this stuff. I've got to admit to a fear of taking anything that small apart. (Actually, I guess the real fear is having to put it all back together after I take it apart.  ;D)
General Discussion / Re: 4-4-0 Jerky Running
January 31, 2019, 03:24:42 PM
Thanks for that info.

Man, I shouldn't have slept through all those classes.

General Discussion / Re: 4-4-0 Jerky Running
January 31, 2019, 02:56:36 PM

To be honest, I can't tell which part you are referring to.

If the loco picked up juice, wouldn't it run without the tender? Mine won't.
General Discussion / Re: 4-4-0 Jerky Running
January 30, 2019, 07:39:12 PM
Quote from: Trainman203 on January 30, 2019, 07:29:55 PM
Put the engine upside down in a cradle of some kind.  Get a spray air can that you dust PC keyboards with.  Put jets of high velocity air up all around the drivers and be amazed at all the dust woofies that fly out.  Some were probably lodged in the pickup wipers occluding the forward position on the drivers.  Do the same thing under the tender. 

See if this helps.  Do it every few months .  You won't believe how much crud these engines collect while running.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Dumb question, but the current feeds through the wheels of the tender, right?
General Discussion / Re: 4-4-0 Jerky Running
January 30, 2019, 07:06:39 PM
Thanks for that info, Rich. To be honest, that procedure is a bit beyond my current capabilities. But at least I now know what I'm dealing with.

And if you're ever in southern Oregon, I'll supply the refreshments if you supply the talent.  ;)
General Discussion / Re: 4-4-0 Jerky Running
January 30, 2019, 03:00:40 PM
Quote from: Hunt on January 30, 2019, 02:40:58 PMTells you cleaning track is only part of required maintenance.  Cleaning locomotive and tender wheels, electrical pick-up contact points and proper lubrication of the locomotive also required.

No question about it, that's very true.

However if the problem isn't resolved, I'll still have more to learn.  ;)
General Discussion / Re: 4-4-0 Jerky Running
January 30, 2019, 12:27:29 PM
Well, I spent some time watching the little guy, and noticed that he had a problem mainly in curves and on switches, once again, only going forward. But when he stalled, if I gave the tender a little touch, he'd start going again. I figured it might be a contact/current issue.

I had already cleaned the track. So what I did was to put a tiny drop of conductive oil on the inside of each of the tender's wheels. Incredibly, after a couple of little hiccups, he woke up and has run flawlessly for the past 15 minutes.

Not sure if this was a permanent cure, but it tells me something - although I don't know what.  ;D