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Messages - Linzthom

I can't even get on the the page to have a look at the new stuff. The download keeps on crashing Explorer, stops working  and fouling up the computer.
On30 / Re: Heislers - tell me when... ???
June 30, 2012, 01:06:48 AM
Thanks, Royce.
On30 / Re: Heislers - tell me when... ???
June 27, 2012, 06:47:28 PM
For all us non Americans, when is that, please? Thanks.
On30 / Re: Heislers - tell me when... ???
June 27, 2012, 04:48:05 PM
Sarcasim, bourne of frustration is starting to creep in now. Thankfully we are model makers with a lot of ( declining ) patience.
Large / Re: Heisler re-runs
June 27, 2012, 04:24:31 AM
Ah !!! Heisler lust. ;D Just gotta love 'em, eh? :-*

We on the On30 board have been waiting for years for a Heisler and just as it was due to be released they were withdrawn. Gut wrenching! :o

I have seen the Large Heisler running and can totally sympathise with you wanting another 'big 'un' to play with. They are totally captivating. ;)

Good luck

Lindsay in NZ
On30 / Re: Heislers - tell me when... ???
June 26, 2012, 11:38:55 PM
so, basically the end of the year? Oh, just in time for xmas.That figures.
On30 / Re: Heislers - tell me when... ???
June 25, 2012, 05:22:41 AM
Any chance of letting us know, please?
On30 / Hey Mr Bach man
July 20, 2010, 08:05:52 PM
Just so you don't get gazzumped by other people stealing your thunder a few days before a new release, why don't don't you do a 'press release' a week before  hand.

That way you will get to announce new models before anyone else beats you to it. And it won't make a blind bit of differance about 'commercial sensitivites' with in a week of general release, will it ? After all, the models are already due for the market.

Lindsay (NZ )
2014 for New Zealand as well
On30 / Re: Model Railroader Announces New Products!
July 15, 2010, 08:54:18 PM
But not so good news about a possible Heisler  :'( :'( :'(
O M G  !!!!!!!      ;D :o :o :o  Man, where did that come from.???? Talk about left field!!!! You haven't been knocking back the turps  have you, NM ?? :D :D :D
It's to late to jinx it this year, so we  may as well let off a bit of steam. But Come next month, it's back to 'that which can't be named ' territory for another year. sigh
Oh!!! Blast It:::

Heisler...  Heisler...  Heisler...   Heisler...  Heisler...  Heisler...  Heisler...  Heisler...

There. Done it!!!! Just vented anothers years FRUSTRATION !!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Hey  Tomcat: 

The only way they'll do that is to give in to our wish list of several flamming years....................... namely: the H.....
Yup. This time next week we'll all be either yahooing or whinging for another year. ::) ::) ::) ;D