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Messages - D.Harrison

HO / Re: HO Acela question
January 14, 2008, 10:32:05 AM
This question has come up before and you would think that since I have that large Acela website.....that I would know this.  But I don't.  I've never been really thrilled about numbers...meaning I don't really look that close at my models.  That probably drives purists up a wall, LOL.

In shows we sometimes have to grab a quick replacement for equipment thats gone "bad ordered" and I'm happy to keep the consist in correct order and need to worry about the teenie tiny number on the cars.  Yes, the power car numbers are more visible.

If I get a chance to be in Philly on this winter trip to the Amherst Show Jan 26, 27, I'll try and research all the and power cars.  I do know three new HHP-8 numbers are in the works.

David Harrison,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed/Acela%20Express,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed.html
Two weekends from now, Jan 26 and 27,  is the Amherst Big Train Show at West Springfield, MA and the Acela Express Northeast Corridor Portable Layout is in final preparation for the display. This will be my seventh year at Amherst. Of course, our very own Mr. Bachman will be there too, in the Bachmann Trains booth. This year's show is larger with four buildings being used to house the displays.  You can bet I'll be glued to the Weather Channel for the next 10 days as I plot out the best says for the 1000 mile drive from Chicago to Massachusetts.

I'm also pleased to announce that the latest updates to the Acela website have been completed and the new site is a click away in the LINKS section on this website.  The site is under "miscellaneous" links.  Or here's a shortcut,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed/Acela%20Express,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed.html

Man I wish that iMac would devise shorter URLs.  Anyway the photos have been updated, the font freshened and aligned and some missing subjects have been rescued.  Some video will be added within a few days as an added bonus.  I would like to thank several posters here for their support down through the years.

David Harrison
HO / My Acela Website Finally Updated
December 10, 2007, 01:53:17 PM

Yea!!!  Yea!!!  At long last, my Acela has been updated asnd the new edition....made on a now ready.  Notification has been sent to the Ask the Bachman moderator.  But until the change in the "LINKS" page is made. you can shortcut by using his URL,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed/Acela%20Express,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed.html

Easy to see why I don't write this UR: from memory...only fault I've found with .Mac so far...the URLs are TOO LONG!!!!

The original site going back over five years ago was made on WebTV.  When I tried to change over to MAC, many of the pictures didn't change over.  Then although the "new" MAC site existed on the internet and in the Bachmann was no longer in my laptop.  So eventually I just started all over from scratch.  In the next few days I'll rebuild the photo history of the layout displays down through the years.

But rest assured...the old topics are back including modifying the crossovers, disasembly of the Acela, and tips and  suggestions. 

David Harrison,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed/Acela%20Express,%20The%20Need%20For%20Speed.html
HO / Re: HO scale subway-elevated cars.
October 13, 2007, 09:43:22 AM
Thanks.  That was an excellent summation.  For a minute I had thought I had missed something as I implied from your previous posts that a plastic wooden model other than the Bronze Key model rareity had been made.  Now I can breathe easier, LOL.

David Harrison
HO / Re: HO scale subway-elevated cars.
October 10, 2007, 11:11:38 AM
Who has done wood, wood/steel transit cars in plastic in HO scale?  My transit modelling was mainly in O scale, although I have a lot of HO CNS&M and CSS&SB.

David Harrison
HO / Re: HO scale subway-elevated cars.
October 09, 2007, 09:35:36 PM
Franfort el said, "
All better than the usual kneejerk reaction by a manufacturer when you mention wood-bodied elevated car, interpreted as clearestory roof, with open end platforms. Either in Chicago, or New York City."

Count up the responses in this thread alone...five respondents and seven urban areas were suggested.  One respondent even has a favorite for four different areas.  For a manufacturer, their question would be  clearly...what are we going to do with the other thousands after these five each buy their sets.  Is that what you mean by "kneejerk"???  To me its just the manufacturer being practical.

Hey I'd like to see more rapid transit but its a question of practicality.  We know the chances of models when we first choose what we want  to model.  Me, with Amtrak and the NEC I was lucky, real lucky.  With UP, I just sit back and'll come in time.

Of course if you want a transit model from Bachmann,..heh, heh!... get  a special person to work on a rehab project of an RT car in a transit museum and it'll be done.

David Harrison
HO / Re: HO scale subway-elevated cars.
October 08, 2007, 10:08:51 PM
Quote from: paulsafety on October 07, 2007, 05:24:28 PM
Of course, if the CTA 6000 series was made in affordable plastic, they could properly be lettered for SEPTA, too.  A couple of sets were sold to SEPTA to run on the Norristown High Speed line when accidents had depleted the ranks of the bullets and stratford cars (prior to the arrival of the current equipment):

The 6000 series eventually totalled 770 cars plus one replacement body. The first 200 were all- new construction, the rest were built using new bodies  and using former CTA streetcar components.  The most distinguishing feature is the side door...flat on the first 200 which are the cars that went to Philadelphia...and curved matching the curved contour of the side bodies. It would be a bit-of-engineering to allow for this distinction.  The 6201-6470 is the easiest to model being they are symetrical...the married pair having identical window arrangement.  The 6000s that went to Philly are not car in the married pair has the conductor operating position window.  The last 50 cars were double ended for one-man operation.

Not to rain on anyone's parade but this is  just to point out some of the intricasies of modelling rapid transit.

David Harrison
Quote from: Hunt on August 15, 2007, 11:56:46 PM
Out of the packaging, the #6 Crossover is wired to be used with DCC.

To use DC power --- the #6 Crossover modification information is near the end of the following webpage. The modification is needed if you wish to cross a train from one track to the other.

Note to David Harrison,
I just checked …The link I gave to your website, the image links are not being found, thus the photos are not displayed.

Thanks, Hunt...I'm on it.

David Harrison
HO / Union Pacific On MSI Great Train Story
July 14, 2007, 07:33:36 PM
Ther Union Pacific Historical Society is bringing a bus load to the Museum Of Science & Industry in Chicago Wednesday, July 18 and in honor of their visit I'm digging deep into the vault to convert the normally BNSF Great Train Story layout to UP.  This is a once in a lifetime event. Since the museum is open, the event is open to all to see.

David Harrison

Quote from: the Bach-man on July 13, 2007, 11:00:09 PM
Hi, Dave!
I was just talking about you with the Bach-Mama...  Hope I get to see you before the Big E!
the Bach-man

Wha???  You mean you're not coming to Detroit for the National???  You could shortcut and just drive across Canada, LOL.

YEA!!!! After months and months, the new Acela Homepage is now listed  under LINKS.  Thanks to the Bach Man and his sidekick in the Bach Cave back at Philly.

The new webpage has a different look because its no longer on WebTV.  Now its "made on a MAC."  There's still lots to do, but keep the faith.  It'll get done eventually.

The layout will be at the NMRA National in Detroit the last weekend in July.  I'll also probably make Worlds' Greatest Hobby-Chicago in late November.  Trainfest, I-Hobby Expo will round out the 2007 schedule.  And of course there should an appearance at the Amherst Show in January 2008.

Finally, I don't know why I did it but I bought the Lionel Acela....just for display.

David Harrison
HO / Re: EZ Track crossover
April 02, 2007, 11:21:19 AM
Thanks Hunt, yes there are a lot of photos to load so on dial-up it may take some time.  I've gone back in and reposted the crossover modification photos.  Now I'm working on rearrangements.  I see that the Bach Man site still hasn't updated the links.....Oh Mr. Bach Man????

David Harrison
HO / Re: EZ Track crossover
March 28, 2007, 08:59:13 PM
The website DID move....I've got a MacBookPro that I'll learn how to really use in ten years.  There's still a problem here on the Ask the Bach Man getting the new URL up.  In the meantime here's the old fashioned way.,%20THE%20NEED%20FOR%20SPEED.html

Lets hope the new link doesn't suffer the same fate as the photos from the museum of se-ance and _____???  What was that other name, LOL?
David Harrison
Well, Mr. Bach Man, it's been a few days since my request for a website update.  The old site is still in "links."  Any update on getting the change done?

Thanks,  David Harrison