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Messages - r0bert

HO / Re: Bachmann DD40AX UP (Old Stock#81305)
April 15, 2007, 10:14:38 PM
Quote from: Jake on April 15, 2007, 09:26:31 PM
^I'm pretty sure that's a DD35, not a DDA40X a DDA40X had the wide nose, the DD35 had the GP/SD style nose.
Yes, and No,  it's a case of a prototype  that was never built.
Union Pacific did have DD35s both A and B versions, and when they ordered the DD40s they were originally designed to look like the Athearn model represented.
Athearn jumped on board, designed and built the models before the prototype was built.
By the time the DDa40s were actually built, the design had changed into the
Centennial version, the Athearn model was already done, so they just ran with it.
So while it really is a DD40, no prototype was ever built.
The Athearn model can be backdated to a DD35 farly easily, basicly, the fans have to be changed.
HO / Re: Bachmann DD40AX UP (Old Stock#81305)
April 15, 2007, 09:20:41 PM
dually with flywheels

General Discussion / Re: b0b's pick
April 15, 2007, 12:47:11 PM
always run locos light for about five minutes each way to spread lube.
General Discussion / Re: b0b's pick
April 14, 2007, 08:14:36 PM
woodland scenics scenery cement
General Discussion / b0b's pick
April 13, 2007, 09:08:41 PM
started doing some scheduled maintenance today, and decided to fire off a few shots.
Boy, I sure wish Bachmann would revisit this model, now that the UP crud is behind us!!!
Talk about a great DCC/sound canidate!! ;D

I'll bet somebody is jealous!!!!
General Discussion / Re: Power districts?
April 11, 2007, 12:56:36 AM
Power districts for DCC are more like channels for your home surround sound system, than traditional blocks.

Each district is powered by a dedicated booster power supply with any needed special componets for that district( auto-reverser, detection...),
and each district is fed DCC info from the command station.

the avantage is that each district operates independently from the others, one may need only 2 amps, say a branch line, while that big yard and loco facility may need 5 amps or more( satalite tweeters vs sub woofer).

The district also offer short protection for each section, so if you forget and run a loco across a closed tunout, the derailment will only shut down that district, not the entire layout, so everything doesn't come to a screeching halt, and makes troubleshooting easier, you know the general area of the problem.

with standard blocks, you are selecting between different cab controls for specific "blocks" of track, cab A or B, positive, negitive, or off power.
someone placed a img link to a pic from a restricted access site in the thread, and the pop up was a log in for that site.
HO / Re: My newest kit & a request
April 06, 2007, 06:47:13 PM
scan the car side with the logo into your computer, crop just the part you want, and print them out on sticky lables
HO / Re: Decoder for Spectrum GE 44 ton switcher?
April 01, 2007, 06:21:11 PM
the 4 toner and the 0-6-0 both only have the solder pads, no 8 pin plug.
the digitrax DZ123 is the decoder I use, and it's under $20
N / Re: N gauge brass track
April 01, 2007, 03:04:12 PM
Quote from: Franz T on April 01, 2007, 02:00:18 PM
Advantages to brass track: you get to spend lots and lots and lots of time cleaning it. It oxidizes very quickly. If you are the kind of person who gets off on running your trains 20% of the time and cleaning your track the other 80%, brass is definitely the way to go. You can also melt brass track down and use it to cast sculptures after you get tired of putting up with it. ;D Other than that, there are no advantages to using it.


Franz T
That's just not true.
My HO layout is 100% brass, and my N layout is nickle. The brass track has required NO more maint. or cleaning than the nickle track, in fact my brass layout needs only to be manually cleaned only about once a year, with slider cars taking care of all cleaning the rest of the year.
The nickle layout needs to be completly manually cleaned about three times a year plus the use of the slider cars and spot cleaning about once a month as dead spots develop, especially on the turnouts.
the only advantage of the nickle is that the oxidation on it is more conductive than the oxidation on brass, but there is more of it, so it better be more conductive.
I'm very interested, hopefully it will be avalable in North America soon,
even the roughly $180.00 price is very competive with other systems
HO / Re: just finished!!
March 28, 2007, 10:43:38 PM
everything is stock, except for the paint and decals, of course. ;)
HO / just finished!!
March 28, 2007, 06:12:23 PM
 8) finally off the workbench
started with Atlas undec.....

HO / Re: ebay
March 25, 2007, 12:54:18 AM
yes, super glue should hold it, rember, less is more
real reefer