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Messages - lanny

General Discussion / Re: This is an experiment/test
February 24, 2007, 03:26:15 PM
Oh my! I blew that description really bad ... I used a 2-10-2 instead! :-(  Sorry! .. at least it is an ICRR :-)

Anyway, I learned something with this experiment that may help others who want to post photos, but have trouble getting proper sized ones(instead of 'thumbnails') to show up.

I 'used' to copy and past the needed info from 'Imageshack' and then add the brackets, etc., required by Bachmann forum to post, in my message. But on the new forum board, this almost always resulted in my getting only 'thumbnail' size photos to show.

Then someone mentioned using the "2nd button from the left in the second row of buttons" provided above the "Message" box.

When I click on that button, the brackets and 'img'-'/img' info automatically appear and I paste only the necessary Imageshack info between the two sets of brackets. Doing it this way now always results in getting a properly sized photo.

Hope this is helpful to others. It's really simple. Thanks to whoever it was that suggested using the 'button' provided on this web site!

lanny nicolet
General Discussion / This is an experiment/test
February 24, 2007, 03:17:59 PM
Trying out something regarding posting of photos.

This is a shot of an ICRR 2-8-0 with the 'Paducah' style sand dome. Experimenting with getting correct size posted.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: Southern Pacific 4-10-2
February 24, 2007, 03:05:44 PM
I'll put my 'vote' with Jim ('joegideon') regarding the 'early superpower Berks' that several roads used (including the ICRR) in at least a couple different versions.

The only HO ICRR 2-8-4s out there that I am aware of are brass and way, way out of my price range. A Spectrum 2-8-4 in the early version style would be a great idea in my opinion... and I think would have application to lots of railroads.

... 'course, so would Harriamn style 2-8-2s and 4-6-2's, as well as the ability to buy any number of the wonderful Spectrum Conso cabs which are very ICRR in looks and dimensions (for kit bashing projects)!  :-)

Sorry, Mr. Bach Man, I know I've mentioned the Harrimans and the Conso cabs about 400 times. Please excuse my repetition! :-)

lanny nicolet
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
February 24, 2007, 02:51:26 PM
Hi guys,

Here it is. HOplasserrem80c guessed it ... an Illinois Central RR Mastadon! I never knew they had one ... but they did; only one. It is very close to DR. EMDs photo of the GN 4-8-0. I can see only some minor differences. ICRR sold it to P&PURR who ran it, as I understand it into the 20s (Periora & Pekin Union RR ... a 'shortline' rr)

Okay, back to you guys!

lanny nicolet
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
February 24, 2007, 10:45:20 AM
Hi Dr. EMD,

Wow! That photo is very much like the one I have! Except for a few minor differences, they could almost be twins (cab windows, top of tenders, etc ... all pretty minor differences).

I have to run a couple errands this morning. I'll post the answer with the original photo showing the RR's number and lettering and the history, as I received it, in a couple hours when I have a 'breather' from running around!

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: I need some 'specific' advice, please!
February 24, 2007, 12:18:16 AM
Gene, Nigel,

Tell me more about 'tension' on the particular tool you both are talking about. What is 'too much' tension? Shouldn't the wire be 'taut'?


lanny nicolet
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
February 24, 2007, 12:15:13 AM

My! You are getting 'warm'  :-)

About the 'shortline' ... you are 'half-right'.

lanny nicolet
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
February 23, 2007, 11:18:42 PM
Hey, sorry guys, but this particular 'game' 'ain't' over yet ... nobody has correctly figured out what railroad owned this locomotive.

Good guesses and nice trys, but so far all of them are wrong!  :-)

Here's another hint ... it was the 'one and only' of this series (4-8-0) that this railroad owned before selling it to its 'second' and 'last' owner.

One more hint ... both 'guesses', though educated, are either too far East or too far West!

Wanna' keep trying?      :-)

lanny nicolet
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
February 23, 2007, 09:24:24 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry, I 'jumped in' instead of waiting 'my turn'. My apologies.

The steam locomotive I posted never was originally (or after it was sold) an NW steamer.

It was used by a US class one RR originally and sold to a 'branch/small' RR later.

I thought only SP and NW had 'Mastadons' ... until someone sent me this photo.

lanny nicolet
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
February 23, 2007, 04:41:18 PM
Okay guys,

Here's one that had two railroads. The original owner and the last owner (ran into the early 20s). Anyone know one or both of the railroads?

lanny nicolet (numbers, etc erased to make it more fun :-)
HO / Re: I need some 'specific' advice, please!
February 23, 2007, 04:28:54 PM
Thanks Mr. Bach Man, Nigel, Virginian and others who gave helful advice. I have some solid info to follow up on now.

Gene ... I don't know what took place with your knife, but it sounds to me like you have a case for 'returning' the knife and getting a new one or your money back.

Again, everyone, thanks for the advice on hot knives ... Virginian, I can understand completely the importance of being careful not to get burned or drop melted material in unwanted places on the layout. Thanks for the reminder, guys!

lanny nicolet

Great post! ROFLOL. Thanks!

lanny nicolet
Hi Gene,

When you write 'wall board', you don't mean 'sheet rock' do you? That doesn't seem like it would be a very good or sturdy or water-proof foundation to build a layout on ... specially for strength. Maybe I just don't know what 'wall board' is ... but I don't think I would recommend your using 'sheet rock'.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: I just cant stop!!!
February 22, 2007, 11:13:41 PM
Wow Gene! Thanks! That means I can go buy some more kits! You truly have made my day! (but you've hurt my pocket book  :-)

Now, let's see, where are all those catalogs, eBay listings and on-line train store addresses :-) <--------- huge, happy grin

lanny nicolet

HO / Re: i need some help
February 22, 2007, 11:08:20 PM
The first AGEIR was, as has been mentioned called a 'box cab'. The MDC is a model of the 60 ton box cab which had one motor that could output about 300-360 HP. Then they developed a larger version with two motors, doulbing the horsepower and those were called 100 ton box cabs. I don't think any company other than brass imports has ever made the 100 ton version.

The reason for the strange name is that Alco, GE, and Ingersoll-Rand, (AGEIR) all worked together to create this first production diesel back in the early 30s or maybe even the late 20s? The future demise of wonderful, mighty, iron horse began very early!

I have an old MDC box cab (in good, like new condition) that I would be be willing part with ... but I need to make sure it's running well. I was going to try and 'kit bash' an ICRR 100 ton box cab from it (the trucks are the same and pretty well detailed) ... but don't want to tackle cutting into the MDC metal chassis and other necessary gearing/mechanical work to create the necessary power supply for the longer body. Contact me via my eMail, offline, if you are interested.

lanny nicolet