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Messages - Pops

HO / Re: They're finally done....
February 23, 2013, 09:59:41 AM
Wow - what a great tribute. 
I never thought of that,  I lost "Wizard" six months ago.  I'm starting mine on Monday.
Love begets love.

General Discussion / Re: Old West
February 21, 2013, 07:48:36 PM
Thanks for posting - those are great photos.

HO / Re: Dept 56 Train Set with DCC?
February 21, 2013, 01:36:08 AM
Thanks for the input, guys.
I was afraid of that.

HO / Dept 56 Train Set with DCC?
February 20, 2013, 10:46:41 PM
About 20 years ago, I purchased a Bachmann HO 4-4-0 train set from Department 56.

Will it work at all, if I put it on my new layout that has power by an NCE Power Cab?  
I know it's not set up for DCC, but was wondering if it would damage it, or if it would at least go forward and reverse.

???           ???
HO / Re: Question for Mr. Bachmann
February 14, 2013, 07:54:36 PM
HO / Question for Mr. Bachmann
February 14, 2013, 04:35:15 PM
I would like to add a ten-wheeler to my layout.  I read in the first issue of the Bachmann Club Magazine that they are available in N and O but no longer in HO.  Are there any plans to release a new version in HO?

Also, the one that is no longer available - was it a Spectrum Line with DCC and sound?  If so, what was the model number so I can search for a used one.  Preferably in Southern Green. 

I'd like to keep my layout total Bachmann, so I hope I can find this.

Thanks for you time and any help.

HO / Re: Track Layout CAD Programs
February 09, 2013, 12:42:21 PM
Well, since everyone is giving opinions, I'll add my two cents.

I use RailModeller.  I believe it only works on a Mac but I chose it because it is so easy to use, does what it is supposed to, works great with EZ Track, and does more than I'll ever need.  Love it.

General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year!
January 01, 2013, 12:46:19 PM
Thank you - and a very happy New Year to all of you, also.
Thanks for your efforts here.
General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas
December 25, 2012, 07:01:34 PM
Merry Christmas, one and all.

::) ::)
General Discussion / Re: Which train for Dickens village
December 24, 2012, 01:08:24 PM
Just a follow up to my previous posts -

In the current issue (Dec./Jan 2013) of "Village D-Lights" magazine, there is an article on village trains.  This magazine is aimed at village collectors, mostly Dept. 56.

They talk about each village and what goes best with them.  As for Dickens' Village, they said it "would spring to life with a proper British 0-6-0 tank engine and coaches in OO scale pulling into a Victoria Station brimming with Christmas shoppers."  

OO is roughly the same as the American HO, and the same time period would be great for a 4-4-0 Modern American or 4-6-0 Ten Wheeler.    Here's one source for a Bachmann model -        This is what I have -

For Snow Village they suggest O or O27.  North Pole is a fantasy and anything will work.  New England and Christmas in the City is On30 on their recommendations.

But the nice thing about this hobby is you can do whatever you want.  It's your decision as to what you like.  Me, I'll stay with HO in my Dickens' Village - 'cause that's what I like.

;) ::) ::) ;)     8)
General Discussion / Re: Which train for Dickens village
December 18, 2012, 07:36:11 AM
Also more thoughts -

Passenger cars are the most common choice to go with most of the Dickens stations, but a freight could work if you preferred.  Check on ebay and you might find some "Dickens Village" passenger cars.  I found a set of four.  There are also plenty of other era appropriate passenger/freight cars available.  

For example:

I was going to post some photos but a pop up said the download is full for now.  Maybe another time.


Jeff - that's a neat looking display.  I'd love to see a larger photo of it.  Could you email me one?

Also - anyone in the New Hampshire area that's interested in a D56 club, let me know.  I am president of "The 56 Club" here and membership is open.
General Discussion / Re: Which train for Dickens village
December 18, 2012, 07:28:03 AM
TheaK -

There are a few variables.  However, if it's just for a Christmas temporary display, you can use anything.

For more accuracy, with your Dickens Village, it depends on whether or not you use the Dept 56 people. If you use the people, O scale or the O scale that runs on HO track works well.

If you don't use D56 people, HO works best.  I have a year round "winter" layout and use HO.  I spent a long time trying to decide, and finally brought one of my Dickens buildings to a hobby shop and found it almost identical to HO buildings.  Since I use only scale figures, it works great.

Keep in mind the first train Dept. 56 came out with was HO, then after customers complained it didn't match the people, they came out with the larger O scale on HO track.

Next decide on the era and location.  The 1880s is a good typical time frame for the Dickens Village.  Where you envision the display to represent is also a factor.  I picture my layout in the US, so I've chosen the 4-4-0 American for my display.  There are many sets that would look good in this case, however, I wanted the better quality and sound that came with the Spectrum series.

If you picture yours more correctly in England, I would suggest a model of a British engine for the time period.  I'm not familiar with those, but I'm sure there are plenty available.  

Here again, your choice of buildings will have a bearing on location (or at least the names on the buildings).  Don't forget names are easily changed with computer labels that won't affect the value of the buildings.

The name of my layout is the Heritage Valley RR.  This is because I have a few carefully selected buildings from each of the Heritage Village collection to go with my Dickens Village collection.  I just registered the website for and should start building the site in about a month.  I invite you to follow along with me when I do.

Hope that helps somewhat.
I've had problems with white glue/elmers glue. 
1.  I didn't paint or seal the foam first, and it bled through a 2" thick piece of foam onto the surface below.
2.  It never really dried.  I had used it for a Christmas display and when I took it down after Christmas, it was still not dry in between two pieces of foam.

Since then, I've used the WS stuff with great results and also Liquid Nails for Foam.

Good Luck. ;)
Thanks guys - I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.
Both of your suggestions are true, but I'm not having trouble reading the pages, but printing them.
I prefer a hard copy of the mag to read and save, so I print it out.  On an 8.5x11 sheet of paper, printing two pages is too small for me, but one page per sheet is like a regular magazine and easier for me. 

I guess Bachmann just posted it differently this month.  Not a major problem.  Just thought there was something I could do.

Burlington Route - The mag is free.  Yes, you should get it, it's neat, with lots of great info.
Find it at:

???      ::)
Thanks for the reply. 
I've tried that, and yes, it changes the layout of the paper, but doesn't correct the problem of having two pages at a time instead of printing individual pages.  If you look at the PDF of last month vs this month, you'll see what I mean.

??? ???