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Messages - beampaul7

HO / Re: Experimenting with a new camera
February 25, 2012, 07:20:14 PM
Hi Jonathan.     Maybe I can help. F-stops refer to the amount of lite admitted into the camera.  In a film camera of 35mm a setting of f2 came to be pretty standard and let in a lot of lite and made for a very short exposure but reduced the depth of field drastically to where what you focused on appeared very sharp but places nearer or farther away tended to be out of focus.  It is easy at this setting to hand hold the camera and still get sharply focused pictures.  By setting the lense to a smaller lens opening (larger number f16 f32 f64) you dramaticly increase the depth of field, also increase the exposure time which may require one to use a tripod to avoid bluriness from camera shake.  The newer digital cameras compensate for this to some extent but not always enough.               I have no idea what level of experience you have involving photography but I hope I haven't over slimpified this.  Your pictures have always been excellent.  Hope this has been helpful.            Paul
HO / Re: Completed Fleet of 0-6-0s
February 22, 2012, 11:38:06 PM
Superb, as usual, Jonathan.  I have wanted to thank you for a long time for your posting of the 2-8-0 disasembly sequence and all the photgraphs.  I've copyed it on photo paper for when I become brave enough to open one up.  Your're work is always outstanding and much appreciated.                                                                                                                                                  Paul
HO / Re: Pennsy H9,10
February 22, 2012, 03:26:08 PM
HO / Re: Referencing "Spectrum 2-8-8-4 #80404" Thread
February 21, 2012, 10:33:21 PM
How about one of the arties that rye guy showed on page 1 of the "other large aritculated's?" thread.  I'm refering specifically to picture #6, D&RG #3360 exD&SL 200 series little malleys(sp).  With both engines swiveling it should be capable of some very tight curves.  It was based on a B&O 0-6-6-0, one named Old Maude, so should be popular with eastern rail modelers as well.   paul
HO / Re: Other large articulateds?
February 20, 2012, 12:00:44 AM
I ran out of space?.   Anyway, I'd love to have a couple of those in ho at a price I could afford.  I think they might even look pretty good on someones 4x8. :D ;D
HO / Re: Other large articulateds?
February 19, 2012, 11:54:42 PM
Hey Rye, you showed pics of two of my favorites arties.  The 3700's were the chalengers that the Rio Grande wanted more of.  They were very versital and were used throughout the system, being used even in Alamosa on the standard guage.  Instead of sending more 3700's the government in its great wisdom, (some things never change) diverted an order of UP chalengers, fine for the UP but all wrong for the Rio Grande.  The UP's, due to the tight radius curves on the Rio Grande were useless in Colorado, and  were restricted to  running between Ogden and Helper Ut.  The Grande was so glad for the Clinchfield to take them over after the war, as they were roundly hated by the Rio Grande engine men.       The D&SL's 200 series 2-6-6-0's,  renumbered by the Rio Grande, were fine powerful loco's that started out as 0-6-6-0's paterned after old Maud, a famous? B&O engine of the time.  They were purchased for pulling heavy tonage ove the Hill (Rollins Pass) before the Moffat Tunnel was built and to push the 3 rotarys the D&SL reguired in the winter.                                                                                           
HO / Re: Pennsy H9,10
February 19, 2012, 04:12:43 PM
So far as I know the Rio Grande NEVER had a loco with a belpaire firebox.  In my opinion  the Pensy"s  locos looked very powerfull, bruteish, and ugly!  Just my opinion.  The H model in question looked so out of place in a Colorado mountain setting that it just totally grossed me out and spoiled the scene.


HO / Re: Pennsy H9,10
February 19, 2012, 03:23:47 PM
Within the last year or so there was a layout article about a Rio Grande layout which was very well done and looked very nice, as I remember.  There was one steamer which was was assembled by the owner and of which he seemed to be inordinately proud with Rio Grande markings.  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  I don"t think I need to tell you which 2-8-0 I'm talking about. Just like chalk screeching across a blackboard.  It totaly ruined the viewing of his railroad for me.                                                                                                                                              paul :o :o :( :'(
HO / Re: New Mantua 0-6-0T
February 08, 2012, 10:55:23 AM
I guess I should elaborate on my last post.  I have four of the new Roundhouse old time connies and they are superb runners and will pull a ton.  The traction tires are a big help.  I had hoped that Bachmann would make the Ma & Pa little connies but after looking at a photo recently of an O guage #26 the resemblence seems so close to the little Roundhouse loco that I doubt if they will.  It apears to me that Bachmann chooses not to compete directly with other manufacturer's on specific locos which seems a wise business policy.  So how about making M&P #41 thru #43 Mr B?  You already have the 4-6-0's & 4-4-0's, how's about making us a complete set
HO / Re: New Mantua 0-6-0T
February 07, 2012, 06:39:45 PM
JWard Hear Hear ;D
General Discussion / Re: Railroad's paint names
February 07, 2012, 06:31:54 PM
Has anyone mentioned Rio Grande Gold?
General Discussion / Re: Make up your own Railroad?
February 07, 2012, 06:24:59 PM
Hi uncbob, I specificaly designed my Aimless Mountain RY with NO DUCKUNDERS for that very reason.  While I can still do it, the day when I can no longer is coming sooner rather than later.   :'( :D :o