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Messages - New ChooChoo

HO / Re: Old Life-Like passenger cars.
January 06, 2011, 12:44:27 PM
Thanks to everyone who replied. I figured as much that there weren't any made. Just wanted to make sure. I have some coach cars and the vista domes and observation cars and just wanted to add to the set. You are right. Not worth the time to track em down and paint em and refurbish them. Guess I should upgrade to Athearn cars or Walther cars...LOL!!
HO / Old Life-Like passenger cars.
January 05, 2011, 07:26:43 AM
   Hi there,
   Does anyone know if Life-Like ever made a baggage car and a combine car. I have some Amtrak passenger cars with the figures at the windows on paper and would like to get one of each baggage car and combine car if they can be found.
HO / Re: Bachmann Spectrum Cars keep uncoupling
December 31, 2010, 06:47:47 PM
    Well here is the latest on the problem of the passenger cars that uncouple.  I took one car and took it all apart. Got rid of the stock Bachmann coupler and the linkage inside the car connecting the coupler and the trucks. There also was a little tab inside the car that prevents the truck from pivoting too far to one side. Took a drumel tool and whisked that off smooth with the floor of the car. I installed Kadee #148 couplers and gear boxes to the bottom of the coach. If its a 4 wheel truck, it will clear the gear box. If its a 6 wheel truck, I needed to burnish the back end of the gear box off so the truck would clear it. When the cars are coupled together, there is still just the right amount of space between them. The diaphragms are about 3/8" from each other and look good. I have 18" curves and the cars go around them with no problems. The biggest fear was I would destroy the car,but ya never know unless you try!
HO / Re: Bachmann Spectrum Cars keep uncoupling
December 25, 2010, 01:29:53 PM
 The couplers on my heavyweights pivot on the bottom of the car. The trucks and the couplers are are connected together via a link and they turn together. I am going to play around with things and see what I can come up with. Will keep everyone informed and thanks for all your responses.

P.S. Does someone make a non operating coupler? One that doesn't open.
HO / Re: Bachmann Spectrum Cars keep uncoupling
December 25, 2010, 10:55:20 AM
Hi there Oldtimer,

   I did some more investigating and found that indeed the one car's coupler was sagging like you said. I also noted that one of the couplers on another car is a different height when coupling to the car in front of it. Strange as both cars are identical.
   I have heard and seen couplers that fasten to the bottom of the car body. I am going to experiment with one or two cars and see what I can come up with. Also the trucks turning in sync with the coupler bothers me too. Thanks for the info and I'll be sure to let you know how things turn out.
HO / Bachmann Spectrum Cars keep uncoupling
December 25, 2010, 12:56:08 AM
   I have a set of the Bachmann Spectrum heavyweight passenger cars. I replaced the horn hook couplers with Kadee #148 Magne-Matic couplers. It doesn't matter if the cars are going on a straight away or around a curve, one or two of them keep uncoupling. I noticed that the cars have the coupler boxes that pivot with the trucks. I am running 18" curves due to limited space. I have tried replacing the couplers with fresh ones, but it still keeps happening. Any ideas on how to prevent this. Do they make a coupler that is solid as I don't have the need for uncoupling the cars.
HO / DC & DCC with EZ Track
December 20, 2010, 07:40:10 AM
I am curently in the process of updating my HO layout to DCC. I have all EZ track and was wondering....all EZ track, including it all compatible with DCC? I thought it better to ask questions first before I go too  far.
HO / Re: Ho and DCC.. I NEED HELP!!
December 15, 2010, 06:41:10 AM
   I guess for what I need, I could get the Dynamis Dcc controller.
HO / Re: Ho and DCC.. I NEED HELP!!
December 14, 2010, 06:51:30 AM
  So what would you recommend I get to be able to set the CV's? I guess I would just need a section of test track and a controller that can program the decoder to the whistle etc that I prefer. Dont want to spend alot.
HO / Re: Ho and DCC.. I NEED HELP!!
December 13, 2010, 07:32:17 PM
Hey Jim Banner!

     So tell me this: when I buy a DCC decoder with sound, the Bachmann EZ Command will be able to control the chuffing, whistle and bell along with the lights? I see that most of the sound Decoders have multiple whistles etc... will I be able to select which one I want my engine to use?
   I used to have O Scale trains with sound and it all seemed so much simpler! I am learning as I go and reading up on all the different types of decoders that are out there. Asking questions here has been a big help.
HO / Re: Ho and DCC.. I NEED HELP!!
December 13, 2010, 07:38:53 AM
 Oops!! Sorry. Yes the engine I have will operate in DC and DCC. I have the Bachmann EZ Command system and it seems to be just enough for me at this time. I have run a DC engine with it and it didnt have alot of power, BUT when I run a DCC engine with it, the difference is amazing. So much more power!!
   The tender with the GS4 has enough room for a sound upgrade. I dont think the Bachmann EZ Command can handle setting CV's?? I just want to make sure I get a sound decoder with the 4449 sound and whistle. I am not to concerned about setting the CV's at this time. I will keep asking questions to stay on the right track. Thanks for the help!
HO / Ho and DCC.. I NEED HELP!!
December 11, 2010, 08:52:00 PM
      Ok Here's what I have. I have a Bachmann steam engine and tender with DCC onboard. It is a Southern Pacific  Daylight GS4 4-8-4. Inside the tender is all the DCC stuff. It has a decoder Bachmann# 44915 which is DCC only. So to upgrade this to SOUND I just need to get a sound decoder with the 8 pin plug and remove the other decoder and plug the new one in? Of course I need to get a speaker too and the bottom of the tender already has the holes in it.  The other locos are not DCC ready. Just DC and I know there is more to it to upgrade those...isolating the motor,wiring for power pickup etc.... Am I on the right track?
Thanks for the ideas guys. Upon looking closer inside the tender, I found that the DCC decoder does indeed unplug. Looking on the Soundtraxx site, I see that the sound decoders are very small and would not be a problem to replace the current decoder that is there. I would have to get a speaker also and I think there is enough room for that too. One thing on the Soundtraxx site...are the decoders available with the 8 pin plug n play connector already wired. The site doesnt really say and the pictures seem to only show decoders with wires and no connector in the pictures.
    I am used to O scale trains that are readily available with sound in them. I am learning though. Just want to get it all right the first time around. All the info is greatly appreciated!
Hi there,
   I have a similar problem to yours. I have an HO GS4 Southern Pacific Daylight engine and tender that has only DCC on board and I want to upgrade it to sound. I did look in the tender and didn't see any provisions to add a sound decoder. The DCC decoder had two plugs going to the engine. One 4 wire connection and one 2 wire connection. This engine can be used both with DC and DCC. Any info would be appreciated.
New ChooChoo
On30 / Need Info & Help With DCC & Sound!
August 01, 2010, 08:26:39 PM
    I have a Bachmann On30 2-6-0 and want to install sound in it. I am new to all this DCC stuff and sure would appreciate some help with it.

   First off the engine is DC. It has nothing. I have been looking at alot of things online and think I am getting to know somewhat about what I need. I have been looking at the Bachmann E-Z Command System. Seems it can run DC & DCC engines. I would like to install sound in the engine that I have. I assume that I can do this and NOT install DCC? If I do install DCC, is it just a matter of getting a sound decoder and plugging it into the DCC decoder and programming/running it? I dont really have to upgrade the engine to DCC? The decoders I like are the Tsunami Decoders.
   There is NO room in the engine,so I guess I would have to install everything in the tender? Oh and also, How large of a layout will the Bachmann E-Z Command System handle? I have two 6 x 8' tables connected with two 12' straight sections.......sort of a large oval "L" shaped track. Any help/info would be greatly appreciated!!