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Messages - Conrail Quality

General Discussion / Frame Milling
January 15, 2009, 09:32:38 PM
For a kitbashing project I'm working on, I'm probably going to need to mill the frame of the "donor" mechanism to fit the kitbashed shell. Does anyone have any recommendations, tips, etc, about how to go about doing this? Internet searches haven't yielded much fruit, suprisingly.  If it helps, the mechanism in question is an N-scale Life-Like E8, which I believe is made out of the same zinc alloy that most manufacturers seem to use.

N / Re: Need Coupler help!
January 15, 2009, 09:15:44 PM
You might want to take a look at the Micro-trains website to see what they recommend for conversions. Some MT conversions are easy, some are very difficult. Also, you might want to consider Red Caboose Unimate couplers. They aren't automatic like the MT's, but they are usually very easy to install (and much cheaper too!). Both of these brands will mate to Bachmann knuckles without difficulty.

N / Re: How old is Bachmann N Scale Model 50-4300
January 14, 2009, 02:50:54 PM
Bachmann started making trains in the late 1960's, so that's the oldest it could be. Again, without more information , it is difficult to tell you any more.

N / Re: How old is Bachmann N Scale Model 50-4300
January 13, 2009, 05:42:33 PM
No one on here memorizes stock numbers. It would be more helpful if you told us what it is a model of (EMD F9, 0-6-0 Steamer, etc). If you don't know, try looking at this website here (, under the models labeled Bachmann, and see if any of them looks like the one you have. If you are looking to sell it, the only Bachmann models I am aware of that have any collector value are the Metroliner and the Turbo Train. The rest, unless you get lucky, have little resale value.

General Discussion / Re: How old is this train
January 11, 2009, 10:43:32 PM
We need more information than that. Bachmann started making trains in the late 1960's, so that's the oldest it could be.

If you're thinking you're going to make a lot of money selling it, you're not. Most Bachmann train sets have virtually no collector value whatsoever.

N / Re: Your Favorite N scale Locomotive
January 11, 2009, 12:38:46 AM
1. Intermountain makes the only plastic SD-45-2 in N scale.

That should give you some ideas, although it doesn't include Athearn.
N / Re: Your Favorite N scale Locomotive
January 07, 2009, 07:22:00 PM
My favorites are my Atlas P32-8 and my Con-Cor DL-109. Okay, so they're not necessarily in the same era, but I've never claimed to be a rivet counter...

N / Re: electricity
January 05, 2009, 11:49:55 PM
Personally, I just leave everything plugged in. Yes, the manual warns you that you should unplug it when you're not using it, but so does the manual for my TV, computer, and a whole lot of other things that I never unplug.

General Discussion / Re: Favorite Locomotive
January 05, 2009, 10:59:34 PM
Steam: Pennsylvania H-8 Consolidation
Diesel: Alco DL-109
Electric: GE Little Joe (and a few more, but I'll stick with one)

General Discussion / Re: HELP With New Train
January 05, 2009, 01:59:07 PM
Make sure any oil you use is plastic-compatible. Don't use 3-in-1, WD-40, etc. They will ruin your train.

N / Re: rail connectors & couplers
January 04, 2009, 11:09:58 AM
They are in fact dummy knuckle couplers. They can mate with other types of knuckle couplers, such as Accumate or Micro-Trains (the N-scale Kadee), but they are dummies, so you will need to couple and uncouple them manually.
General Discussion / Re: Your tax dollars at work.
January 02, 2009, 08:25:18 PM
Pennsy locomotives and Central passenger cars? Hmmm....

N / Re: Starting in N Scale
January 01, 2009, 06:27:42 PM
One of the first things you need to consider is track. There is code 80 and code 55, much like HO code 100 and 83. You also have the option of using track with built in roadbed, like Kato Unitrack , Bachmann EZ-Track, and Atlas's new True-Track. I currently use Unitrack, and am quite happy with it. I also have used EZ-Track, and was not so happy with it.

As for locomotives, here's a site I've found useful:
I don't always agree with his opinions, but his site has by far the most comprehensive locomotive information on the internet, and it gives you an idea what's out there.

If you want to start out with a set, Kato, Atlas, and Bachmann have some good sets. Life-Like used to make sets, and you still might be able to find them. I started with a Kato set and would recommend it.

One last thing to consider is couplers. N-scale is currently going through a transition between the old Rapido couplers and the new knuckle couplers, much like what HO scale went through with horn-hook couplers. Since you aren't starting off with any old models, I would buy only equipment that has knuckle couplers installed. It will save you time in the long run.

General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year!
January 01, 2009, 12:59:05 PM
Happy New Year!
