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Messages - jsmvmd

HO / Re: peco turnouts
March 27, 2007, 10:35:58 PM
Dear Sheldon,

Helps immensely!!  Thanks a million for the good thoughts and vibes!  I have just been offered a custom HO layout 11' x 22', block wired, etc and will set it up later this year.  Will have to play with the turnouts and possible replace the older ones.  I'll be having Fun Fun Fun, even without a T'Bird!

Best, Jack
Thanks, Brad.

I will have the chance to handle a Paasche and Badger unit(s) this weekend at a tool show. Should get a better handle on it then. Thanks to all for the great responses.

Best, Jack
HO / Re: peco turnouts
March 27, 2007, 05:11:15 PM
Sheldon, Nigel, et al:

Please elucidate re: powered vs non-powered frogs for DCC.  The most recent article I read on DCC is by Lionel Strang, who stated he preferred powered frogs for DCC.

Having read your responses, I am confused about choosing powered or non-powered turnouts for my new and first HO layout.

Any help would be appreciated. I will probably take Nigel's advice and try several to see which I like best.

On Hal Minkwicz's site he shows how he fixed Atlas turnout conduction problems with brass shims near the points, I believe.

Thank you, all. 

Best, Jack
Large / Re: 1:20 freight cars "Procedure"
March 27, 2007, 04:12:46 PM
Thanks for the heads up! And the fine pix!  I am glad we have our good friends who can elucidate simple and complex fixes for these products, which are mechanical, and therefore subject to repairs, whether NIB or after I get my grubby hands on them!  To date I have been quite satisfied with all the Bachmann stuff I own.

Best, Jack
Dear Friends,

Muchas gracias for the great info. One of our own, in a thread on aux tenders has this sidebar: Engineers like a tender behind.

Could not agree more! Not only an engineer, eh?

Kidding aside, is the Aztek more comfortable to use than the Paasche airbrush?

Best,, Jack

There is a story about the Army Sgt. instructing the troops in the use of the M1 US 30 Army, who, when asked if it was not the same as the 30.06, replied, "I don't know anything about civilian calibers!"

Best, Jack
Thank you, all. Very good stuff to chew and digest. Also in the planning stage for a 12' x 17' HO layout, my first, so I have lots of stuff to do before the actual construction starts.

Best, Jack
General Discussion / Air Brush Choices/Guidelines
March 21, 2007, 04:47:59 PM
Dear Friends,

On the old board, there was a discussion re: how to choose an air brush.  I am now getting ready to buy one, but do not have the old thread saved.

Q. My choices are Aztek, Pasche or Badger, vacuum fed, double stage. Any info how to choose without actually getting my hands on them?  The air brush will be used primarily for minor paint jobs and weathering. Does water based vs. oil based paint matter much?

Thank you in advance!

Best, Jack
HO / Re: EZ Track Planning
March 20, 2007, 11:19:05 PM
Hi, Nigel.

Do you have any electrical conductivity issues such as Harold Minkwicz has noted on his website? My reason forasking, I do not want to get into excessive tinkering if I can avoid it.

Am in the process of planning an HO layout in a space 12' x 17' and am anticipating a long U-shaped dogbone with attached "Monitor" style piece in one corner, with wye connection, 24" or greater diameter curves, easment, etc. Looks like Atlas flex track with #4 Peco turnouts might be the way to go. Have not decided on a DCC system. No one locally is expert at any one system. Might just go with EZ Command to start. Althought, NCE is quite appealing.  I have a friend, retired electrical/mfg guru who is champing at the bit to help me, wants to do 3 day marathons, etc. Very motivated guy, wouldn't you say?

Best, Jack
Wonderful, Hal.

I guess that is what the fur is "fo'."

All kidding aside, a very nice idea and effect!  I will be sure to try it!

Best, Jack
HO / Re: EZ Command/Dynamis
March 18, 2007, 11:39:50 PM
Thanks, Hunt.
HO / Re: EZ Track Planning
March 18, 2007, 11:31:20 PM
Thanks, Glenn.  AFAIK?
HO / Re: EZ Track Planning
March 17, 2007, 10:22:49 PM
Thanks, Nigel.

Now, and with respect to Bachmann, will EZ track give me a great layout, or should I consider Atlas flex track with Shinohara or other powered frogs for DCC?  The reason I ask, Lionel Strang in his book about DCC has stated powered frogs are to be preferred for DCC.  Am I correct in assuming you are the chap who has planned computer aided block control, and thus are not too concerned about DCC, Nigel?

Anyone else can chime in, if you wish.

Thanks and best wishes,

HO / EZ Command/Dynamis
March 17, 2007, 09:41:08 PM
Having read the thread on EZ Commander and responses by Hunt and Jim Banner, is there any confirmed information about Dynamis? Will EZ Command compete with Digitrax, CVP, etc to be a good basic system? All I need to do is run one and possibly three trains, and feel Dynamis might just be my ticket.

In the future, I might install stationary decoders to power my turnouts. Would Dynamis work for this, Mr. B?

Best, Jack
HO / Re: EZ Track Planning
March 17, 2007, 09:35:19 PM
What I should have said is I am not good at close figuring to precisely fit all this stuff together without cutting and pasting. Is it possible to cut an EZ Track section to size, then use two connectors to join the pieces? I have not had a section of EZ track in my hand, but it looks like there are molded connectors. Am I correct?