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Messages - bob kaplan

General Discussion / Large scale modeler starting anew
December 03, 2016, 12:41:31 PM
We are hoping to move to a new house (once we find it).  Our present basement holds a large scale layout more than 25 years in the making...nothing great, but it is mine.  Lots of Bachamnn engines ( I kind of collect them), Accucraft and Bachmann rolling stock....and stuff you can't get any more because the interest in large scale has so declined that they don't make it anymore.

When looking for a house we somewhat are hoping to down-size.  But I don't want to give up modeling.   Sooooooo  a basement is necessary if I hope to continue in large scale....But starting out in an other scale (selling off what I can) taking up less space (such as ON30 or HO) probably would be no more expensive than purchasing large scale track and switches needed on a new layout.  (Lots of glue, ballast and nails holding the present layout and track intact and the track and even some structures would not be removable).

Being slightly over 21 (by nearly 50 years) I don't have the eye sight, patience or motor control that I once had.  So I was thinking of starting out in 0N30.  But what little I have seems to be ebbing away as well.   Thus....perhaps HO is the answer.

Hard to believe, but the practicality of starting a new layout, will influence the purchase of the new house.

Please share your thoughts...What would you do?
On30 / Re: On30 2-8-0
October 29, 2016, 02:46:48 PM
Is there a hopes that this engine will be released again in the near future?
A nice read....thank you.
Large / Re: New Spectrum 1:20.3, 2-6-0 Release Date
September 12, 2016, 09:31:03 AM
Nice looking....but again...a bit on the "classic" side....Woodburner is a bit too early for my era.  Would like the coal burner with the less showy stack....thanks.
Large / Re: New Spectrum 1:20.3, 2-6-0 Release Date
September 11, 2016, 08:18:01 PM
The colorful paint schemes look wonderful.....but might we see a good ol' basic black sometime in the future?....would certainly fit better into my era.

Large / Re: large scale climax sound help please
August 08, 2016, 01:43:54 PM
Solved my problem.  Thanks!
Large / Re: large scale climax sound help please
August 02, 2016, 09:58:16 PM
Thank you....but I would like to be able to use the optical sensors from the Bachmann Climax to power the sound board in the trailing car.  I don't need a set of sensors since they are in the engine.

  I should point out that the power for the Dallee sound board is from pick up wheels on the trailing car.  Then I do feed that into the power input on the Bachmann board to help the Climax get through LGB plastic frogs without any sputtering.
Large / large scale climax sound help please
August 02, 2016, 01:43:25 PM
I have a Dallee sound card installed in a trailing car behind my climax.   Used a reed switch with two sensor magnets on an axle of a wheel to provide chuff sound.  But that arrangement does not provide enough chuffs per revolution of the wheels to look in time with the piston motion of the climax engine.  In hopes of getting a higher chuff rate, I installed 4 mags on the wheel of the car.  But the reed switch did not seem to open/close fast enough and was equivalent to the two mags on the

In hopes of using the optical chuff from the engine I ran wires from the Bachmann board in the tender area, splice out the reed switch, and spliced in one wire to the locomotive ground from the Bachmann board and the other wire to the # 5 pin (Chuff trigger 1) on the Bachmann board.  But then there is no chuff at all.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my thinking....and how using a trailing car, I can use the Bachmann mechanism to stimulate the chuff circuit on the Dallee board.

Obviously I do not know a great deal of electrical "stuff" so help would be appreciated.   Thank you.
Large / Re: Upcoming 2-6-0s
July 08, 2016, 10:13:34 AM
that sounds encouraging.....thank you.
Large / Re: Upcoming 2-6-0s
July 06, 2016, 09:49:29 PM
Thank you Mr. B.   It would be appreciated.
Large / Re: Upcoming 2-6-0s
July 06, 2016, 02:04:01 PM
Will the updated 2-6-0 rely on the same two pins projecting down from the frame to keep the center drivers on the track and above the railhead so they do not drop below on sharper radii....or has another method been found.  I have the earlier model and on some LGB switches (the larger ones of course  16000)  the center wheels of the Mogul drop below the rail head....and the pins, if left in place, catch on the frog of the switch.   And count me among those that would enjoy a modernize version of this engine.   Thanks.
Large / new cattle car
June 19, 2016, 09:38:02 PM
Just received my first horse cattle car as a gift for father's day.   It is kind of "cute" to see the horses' heads move in and out and bop around a bit.  Looking forward to b-day when I might hope to see the cows along the route. about the electronic box car with the little men that gently shoot the boxes of dry good onto the loading platform!! :o
Large / Re: Just in case.....ETB
June 01, 2016, 09:52:23 AM
Isn't she a beauty Kevin?!  ;D....would anyone else buy her .... other than you and I?
Large / Just in case.....ETB
May 30, 2016, 12:54:00 PM
just in case Bachmann is thinking about producing a new engine ( i know....i know....I've read it all) how about something from the East Broad know something with a definite Eastern profile.   Yes there is the Forney....but it is a modified two foot gauge prototype.  A number 11 would be a smallish engine....but if done with the care that the C 19 would be a super model.   Number 12 would be a tad bigger...and might have a larger following.   Just wishing out loud!!  ;)
Large / Re: 3 truck second tender
April 08, 2016, 07:22:59 PM
Thanks for the insights gentlemen.    Your replies are welcome.