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Messages - sedfred

HO / Re: anyone have a review of the 2-8-0?
July 08, 2015, 06:52:48 PM
the 2-8-0 sounds great but i really don't know if i want that or the 2-10-0, are they both just as good? i haven't heard enough information about it for some reason, is it likely the 2-10-0 in particular will come back?
HO / anyone have a review of the 2-8-0?
July 08, 2015, 01:03:44 AM
i just got my 2-8-4 and i love it, the next engine i will acquire is the bachmann 2-8-0. are there any flaws with this locomotive? is it a "must have"?
HO / discontinued locomotives
July 06, 2015, 07:02:56 PM
is it possible any of these engines will return in a future run?    1. spectrum 4-6-0    2. spectrum 2-10-0     3. spectrum 2-10-2     4. specrum 4-8-2,    these are all engines i would like to get,   are there any sites that ship to canada that have these locomotives still in stock at a decent price? are any of these engines going to come back?                                                                                                                     
HO / Re: repainting an f9
July 04, 2015, 07:31:43 PM
i pretty much just got my dad to look it it, i really hope there is something i can do about it. do you think it matters that it doesn't run really fast? or do you think it is a minor issue?
HO / Re: repainting an f9
July 04, 2015, 09:46:44 AM
it still does not run properly, but the maximum speed is the speed i run most of my other locomotives anyway, i still want to figure out what's going on with the darn thing
HO / repainting an f9
July 04, 2015, 01:24:39 AM
like i said before i have an f9 from the red rock express and it has a simplified warbonnet scheme, i want to repaint it to the full warbonnet scheme, how would i do this?
HO / Re: 2-8-4 pulling power
June 29, 2015, 03:30:45 PM
okay then....
HO / Re: 2-8-4 pulling power
June 27, 2015, 08:50:00 PM
i have heard mostly good things about this locomotive, i was mainly wondering about the performance of it. it looks amazing, it almost looks like a spectrum in terms of detail. i am very happy to be getting one, when i get it i will test how many cars it can pull and if i am not satisfied i will add weight. i also plan on adding sound to it someday, i watched jlwii2000's video of it and love the sound but did not want to spend that much, is there any way i can get the exact sound decoder from the sound version? is it available separately? i do not want the mikado just yet, maybe later
HO / Re: 2-8-4 pulling power
June 26, 2015, 08:10:16 PM
thanks, though it is a bit of a shame people bash bachmann stuff without giving them a chance. people are like: " it's weak because it's a bachmann piece of junk blahblahblah!". yet if the same thing happened with bli people would say it's fine and just needs more weight.
HO / 2-8-4 pulling power
June 26, 2015, 06:24:22 PM
i have heard the 2-8-4 is kinda well, weak! is there any way to fix this because i just ordered one and it's on the way! is this a very good locomotive? in terms of mechanical stuff and pulling power?. i did my research but can't find any really good information about it.
HO / Re: Modern 4-4-0 question
June 14, 2015, 06:07:27 PM
this is going a bit off topic, i want to know how to remove the current domes and smokestack and replace it with the others ones so it looks more like the GN one.
HO / Re: What is better, the 2-10-0 or 2-8-0
June 14, 2015, 05:57:37 PM
oops i forgot to say it's in ontario canada, also i hope this isn't spam but i have a youtube channel i think some people might like to check out: it is a railfan channel. i hope i am not advertising or spamming. just thought someone might want to check it out! just decided to say that since this thread is pretty much over.
HO / Re: What is better, the 2-10-0 or 2-8-0
June 14, 2015, 01:30:39 PM
i mow lawns in brantford because that's where i live, i mainly mow lawns for my dad and grandparents but my city has a model train club near the train station.
HO / Re: What is better, the 2-10-0 or 2-8-0
June 13, 2015, 12:37:11 AM
i have all the information i need, i think it is time to put this thread to rest, unless anyone still has a few more things to say. activity on the thread is dying out so i think it's time to give it the axe.....
HO / Modern 4-4-0 question
June 09, 2015, 09:07:41 PM
The modern 4-4-0 seems to come with extra more domes and a different leading truck, I like the other domes because they are more ornate, how exactly does one take off the current domes and put on the older looking ones?