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Messages - JerryB

General Discussion / Re: Spectrum Compatibility
February 25, 2014, 07:30:44 PM
Quote from: ejseider on February 24, 2014, 07:09:22 PM
Too bad.  I really like the Bachmann engine, but can't see paying the price for a DCC loco if I can't at least get some of the DCC functionality before I can afford to upgrade to DCC.
The solution is simple: You want DCC functionality, upgrade your system to DCC. Then you will be able to fully use what you paid for.

Personally, I do not understand the mindset that expects Ferrari performance for a Volkswagen price! And, that comes from a person who hopes to soon be able to upgrade to DCC, but is currently stuck on plain old DC!

Hope this does not offend & Happy RRing,

Large / Re: g scale climax height
February 09, 2014, 04:58:07 PM
The backup light is the tallest point: 7 1/4" railhead to top. (No clearance.)

Happy RRing,

General Discussion / Re: not enough power
February 06, 2014, 05:14:52 PM

How steep is the track going up your "hill?"

RR grades are measured in percentage, defined as rise divided by run. If you measure the length of the track that is actually on the grade, then measure the difference in height, we can calculate the grade. As an example, 50" of track with a rise of 1" produces a grade of 2%.

Prototype RR grades for single locomotives pulling short trains are typically limited to something less than 3 percent. Model railroad grades tend to be slightly steeper, but anything over 4% is considered very steep.

Do the measurements as above, and post back. That way we can help you determine what might be a solution.

BTW, richg's suggestion about checking the speed match between engines will also be very helpful in determining your problem and possible solutions.

It also sounds like you are exceeding the capability of your power supply when trying to run two engines. If this is a 'starter set' supply, you will find that it is pretty limited in output. A larger (more powerful) supply will give you the ability to run more than one engine, but will not help much if the grade is too steep.

Hope some of this helps.

Happy RRing,

Large / Re: Black rubber Tube
February 03, 2014, 05:02:14 PM
Congrats on your new 3 truck Shay!

That tubing is used to simulate the large hose that was carried along the left side of many Shays. On the prototypes, that hose was carried to allow drafting (sucking) of water from creeks and other water sources that were below the level of the locomotive. This was the way engines working in the woods could take on water where there were no water tanks, water columns, or other elevated sources.

Look under the edge of the tank & footboards along the left side of the engine, and you will see several 'hooks.' The hose gets hung from those hooks. Since the prototype was relatively soft rubber, the hose usually sagged from gravity between the hooks.

This is a fine detail that is not included on many Shays in the smaller scales. Bachmann really did a great job on these engines!

On edit: The item that looks like an air filter is actually a fitting with a screen that goes on the end of the hose that is stuck down in the water source. It prevents rocks from being drawn in, thus damaging the pump on the engine. It would usually be left on the end of the hose nearest the front of the engine.

BTW, you should consider 'weathering' the hose prior to installation. The prototype hose would have been made from rubber that was quite dull and somewhat gray (rather than the shiny black of the plastic) in color. The prototype hoses were usually constructed with an outside covering that was wound in a spiral, so it is also appropriate to include that detail in any painting you might do.

Hope this helps!

Happy (well watered) RRing,

General Discussion / Re: Western Maryland Question
January 26, 2014, 06:18:36 PM
Quote from: jettrainfan on January 26, 2014, 05:15:26 PM


"Welcome to our discussion forum threshold.  You will be directed to our EZBoard sponsored web site.

Please create an account for yourself if you do not have one already.

When prompted for the password to join, type...


in the exact manner above." Going from signing up to making a site doesn't add up if you know what I mean....

Then I tried the links section they supplied, which didn't help my needs either. (They did have some good pics of diesels though I must admit.) I tried searching for the forum they were talking about there but got nothing. < The site

There was another site for the WMRHS, but it was basically same info, different format. Maybe I'm doing something wrong...? Last news update was about their HO group on 10/25/2011 so that may say something about not getting the site updated. I honestly have no clue.  Thanks though!


You seem to be confusing signing up a new personal 'account' (yours) on an existing website, in this case the WM Historical society, with starting a new website (not what they are suggesting).

Just follow the instructions given on their home page and quoted above, and you will be able to enter and fully participate in their forums and other information.

Happy RRing,

General Discussion / Re: 1361
January 25, 2014, 09:58:08 PM
Quote from: rogertra on January 25, 2014, 03:59:52 PM
Quote from: JerryB on January 25, 2014, 03:27:06 PM
I agree with what the others have already written about the total lack of information in the original post, but Googling "Bachmann 1361" produces lots of returns. In fact the result line shows "9,150,000 results!"

Looking at the first couple of ebay listings, they show "BACHMANN/SPECTRUM K4 4-6-2 PACIFIC POST WAR PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD #1361 HO SCALE."

Of course the next responses here will try to address the OP's message that it ". . . does not work consistently," whatever that might mean.

Happy RRing



You are correct but is it up to us to Google and find out what he's asking about?

While we may assume he's questioning a Bachmann product, maybe he isn't?  :)

While Google may answer lots of questions asked by people on all message boards and news groups, when asking a help question the onus to provide details must lay with the person asking the questions.

Now, if he explains, like you asked, what ". . . does not work consistently"  means, we can all jump in a try to help.




Far from suggesting we are responsible for determining what the OP meant, I was only suggesting that with over 9 million hits on Google, the OP, or perhaps someone who works in H0 scale could have provided more information. This appears to be an out of production, but not rare engine, and apparently was a Bachmann product. The expectation would be that there are numerous members here who are familiar with it. I apologize that this did not come across in my response!

I might be wrong, but suspect many of these "I have a train; What could be wrong with it?" postings are really not trying to gain information, but rather are just trolling the internet. There are at least two new ones on this board right now.

Meanwhile, we don't see any further posts from "Glenn E," who has the "1361 . . . that does not work consistently."

Happy (Well Informed) RRing,

General Discussion / Re: 1361
January 25, 2014, 03:27:06 PM
I agree with what the others have already written about the total lack of information in the original post, but Googling "Bachmann 1361" produces lots of returns. In fact the result line shows "9,150,000 results!"

Looking at the first couple of ebay listings, they show "BACHMANN/SPECTRUM K4 4-6-2 PACIFIC POST WAR PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD #1361 HO SCALE."

Of course the next responses here will try to address the OP's message that it ". . . does not work consistently," whatever that might mean.

Happy RRing

Can you see to trace which wire comes from which side of the drive wheels?

If not, then use your volt-ohm meter (VOM) in continuity (resistance) mode to determine which wire goes to which side of the powered wheels. If you don't have a VOM, you might be able to borrow one, or you can get one at Harbor Freight for around $10. It will be handy for all manner of construction and repair projects.

Happy RRing,

Large / Re: Connie drive gear
January 02, 2014, 11:34:32 PM

So you have recently called back to the 800 number to find updated information about the parts you are looking for? When you originally talked to the person who gave you a schedule for the parts, you left your contact information and an order for those parts? That contact and your order were ignored?

Or, is it just easier to post your unhappiness with your own lack of clarity and follow through here?

This is a public forum where most of the respondents are just civilians like you appear to be. Or, perhaps you actually work for a Bachmann competitor and are just trolling?  In any case, venting your unhappiness here is just so much garbage.

If perchance you are really a Bachmann customer with a problem, may I politely suggest that you use the (previously supplied) 800 number to speak to the same person and find out if / when the parts are going to be available. That was where (according to you) the promise was made.

I have found Bachmann service to be very good, but they can't always please everyone, especially folks who do not allow them the chance.

Happy RRing,

Large / Re: 36 ton shay trucks
December 28, 2013, 01:00:53 PM
Also be aware that the TrainPower 6200 is only rated for 35Va. That is less than two amps. This is marginal power for large locomotives, even the two truck Shay.

Happy RRing,

General Discussion / Re: My Fathers Collection
December 05, 2013, 09:45:04 PM
First of all: Nothing you have shown us is "garbage" or "trash." In fact, you have shown several common, but very usable items, especially the locomotives and power supplies. There is an old saying: "One person's trash is another person's treasure." Do Not under any circumstance throw any of what you have in the trash!

I don't know where you live, but I would suggest you get in contact with the local branch (probably a division) of the NMRA (National Model Railroad Association). Many of the folks there are H0 scale modelers and can help you evaluate your father's collection. They can also help you get some of it running for you and your family members to enjoy, and advise you as to what to do with whatever does not interest you or your family.


You do not have to be a member to follow the chain from the national organization down to regional, division and local resources. Just spend a little time exploring and I will bet you find a local club with members who will gladly work with you to understand what you have and how best to preserve the memories.

And yes, Model Railroading IS Addicting!

Happy RRing,

General Discussion / Re: Question about powerpack
November 04, 2013, 11:59:05 AM
Power packs intended for N-scale or H0-scale are usually rated for 1 amp or less at a maximum of 12 volts. The ones from sets are even less powerful. Not enough power for a large scale railroad.

For large scale you need a power pack that will give you at least 3 to 4 amps at voltages in the 14 to 20 range. Even the power packs that originally came with the set you have are very limited and frequently trip their internal circuit breaker. Once the breaker is tripped a few times, it will tend to trip at lower and lower currents. Again, not a satisfactory situation.

Best to find an after market power pack that is designed for large scale trains. More amperage and voltage is better and will provide you with a long-term power solution that will serve you as your railroad acquires more motive power (engines).

Find an issue of Garden Railways and / or do a web search for large scale websites. The folks there will be able to recommend suitable power supplies.

Happy RRing,

On30 / Re: 2-6-0 suggestion for Bachmann
October 30, 2013, 09:58:48 PM
Skarloey Railway:

A link to the Australian model company, and their product, including pricing was posted, then (properly) deleted by Bachmann's website administrator. You probably missed it as it didn't last very long.

And before anyone starts complaining about censorship, I would point out that you are all free to start your own website and post links to any manufacturer you want. Bachmann Trains, our host here, has always made it clear that they do not want links or information concerning competitors posted on their boards. That works for me!

Happy (Respectful) RRing,

Large / Re: Unpacking 3 Truck Shay, Third Truck
October 20, 2013, 08:47:34 PM
The third truck on both prototype and model Shays is firmly fastened to the tank frame. That is the way three truck Shays are designed. DO NOT try to move it independent of the frame / tank assembly. Doing so can damage the locomotive. The third truck does not move independent of the tank frame & tank.

The drawbar between the end of the rigid locomotive frame and the third truck / frame / tank assembly provides the necessary freedom of movement. The drive shaft has two universal joints and a slip joint to allow this movement while providing drive power.

Write again if any of this is unclear.

Happy RRing with your new Shay,

On30 / Re: On30 message board?
October 17, 2013, 09:06:58 PM

I too find the new Yahoo groups to be virtually unusable. I am a member of quite a few (mostly RR orientated) Yahoo groups but can no longer access them nor post messages. I have written to Yahoo, carefully describing the problems, but do not receive any reply. I have to assume they just don't care.

As to your question, I had repeatedly applied to Yahoo's "The On30 Group," but always received an immediate and permanent turn down from the moderator / owner with no reason nor comment. I find it interesting that the same group owner is now asking the 'lurkers' to please post there. My feeling is that he probably believes his group is an exclusive club for a few, and the rest of us unwashed are just not worthy. No sleep lost, as that is just the way of the internet!

If you are successful in finding an 0n30 site that welcomes new members, please post it here or send me a PM.

Happy RRing,
