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Messages - Sunshine Express

HO / Spectrum New 4-6-0 No Go
February 13, 2012, 06:31:17 PM
I have just bought a Spectrum 4-6-0 DCC and Sound,and it makes all the sounds,but does not go.The wheels do not turn.Every Bachman and Atlas DCC loco always went straight out of the box first.Programme later to your own setting. I only have a simple Lenz outfit,but all work well. I have put the Spectrum Users Guide into the computer,but a lot  is all over my head. What to do ?
P.S. 2 other brand new Athearn DCC /Sound locos do not work properly  either.
Meanwhile,all my regular DCC Locos are operating normally.All my 10x5 Layout tracks are saddled for better electric flow. Thanks for advice here, Owen Robinson
HO / Re: Gandy Dancer not dancing correctly
October 04, 2011, 06:04:09 PM
Trouble with Gandy Dancer found. All owners take note.--
The stop start operation which seemed like something binding in the mechanism,was finally rectified. Took it to my train club,and it went great running on the 2 driving wheels,with the other 2 off the track.This proved something was stopping the other 2 from turning.
Very small pieces of hair like fibre had wrapped around the unpowered wheels,but so small,hardly visible to the eye.
Fine tweezers,and tiny screwdriver removed it,the total amount about 3/16".
It runs as new again,glad I did not have to pull it apart.
Owen Robinson
HO / Re: Gandy Dancer not dancing correctly
September 17, 2011, 07:28:08 PM
Thanks Jonathan and Rich G,I will have to get hold of that conductable lube.Do hobby shops stock it,or is it an electronic store item ?.    Owen
HO / Gandy Dancer not dancing correctly
September 17, 2011, 05:50:59 AM
My old Gandy Dancer is running erratically,stops,starts,goes for a short burst and stops.
It is a a few years old,but has had little use. Gave it a bit of oil underneath,and a shot of RP7(WD40). I like to run it for the newcomers,and it gets a good audience,may grandchildren look forward  to it coming out now and then.The little workers move well,but no forward motion at times. Any suggestions ?
Thanks to all for this very useful advice   Owen Robinson
It is the large plastic moulding under the loco ,covering the main drive that is hitting the KD uncoupler ramps,not the locos couplers. Even my Gandy dancer gpes over the KD ramps,as do my other Bachmann/Spectrum Locos.
My Spectrum Saddle Tank 0-6-0 DCC Model,does not  clear the Kadee Uncoupler Ramps,as  all my other Locos do,even the Bachmann Gandy Dancer. I have checked these with the Kadee Tool,and taken a bit off the ties to lower them a little. I think the 0-6-0 is built too low? Any suggestions please ?
I am considering a Bachmann GP32-2 Santa Fe Diesel with DCC and a Sth.Pacific 70 ton Switcher DCC,for my small layout. Recently retired a couple of very old Athearn DC Diesels    .
Do these Bachmann Diesels  have die cast chassis,and flywheels ?. Very happy with me Bachmann American 4-4-0 DCC,and the Jupiter 4-4-0 DC only.
Descriptions from On Line Dealers,leave much to the imagination,and or knowledge.
HO / Losing It ? -- a simple check
May 20, 2011, 09:33:44 PM
I recently mislaid 2 sets of test leads,one black& red,the other yellow & Blue,about 2 ft. in length.
They usually hang on a hook on the right hand side of my 10x5 US Layout.
Did not need them immediately,but later could not find them in the garage(part of the house),and looked everywhere.Under the layout,car,desk,work table ?
My wife said she saw me with them. At 81, I am getting a little forgetful .
I gave up ,but started to have an attack of self hatred,thinking I really am losing it.
About a week later I took my dust coat off the old office chair where I operate the trains,and behold,there were  both leads hanging behind the  chair seat.
I told this to my friendly Pharmacist Lady,and she reassured me I was not losing it.
She said ,  The test would be if you forgot you mislaid  them.If you remember losing them then you are not "losing it" . Felt better , Good modeling,  Owen
HO / Re: Spectrum 4-6-0 DCC-W/Sound
May 20, 2011, 09:16:45 PM
Thanks  rich g & CNE runner. I thought it was the manufacturer and not me that noticed the difference in the Athearn/Roundjouse  2-6-0 operation on DC with sound.
Yes my Spectrum 4-4-0 DCC no sound   runs great on both systems,everyone at the Train Club admires it.  Owen
HO / Re: Spectrum 4-6-0 DCC-W/Sound
May 17, 2011, 07:16:48 PM
My Roundhouse 2-6-0  operates  with sound from the DCC  Controller,and when running on DC,the sound is actuated by the hand held Monitor  as supplied.
All my layout rail  joints are now saddled with fine wire  for better power supply.
The 2-6-0 ran a bit better on the Club,s DC layout yesterday,but asking all my mates then running Double Proto  Diesels,Garrats with sound  ,how they run on their normal home layouts,the answers were unanimous,"just the same ".
From everyone,s help  here,I think the Athearn/Roundhouse 2-6-0 weak DC operation,is caused by the excessive amount of power needed for the MRC Sound device. I was the only member running my brand and type of loco.
Case closed -- thanks to all --  and my next sound  steamer will be a Spectrum.
HO / Re: Spectrum 4-6-0 DCC-W/Sound
May 16, 2011, 12:24:48 AM
Thanks Jim, My Transformer is stamped as follows;
Back - Input 240 Volt AC - 2 Amp. 
Front - Output  -17 Volt AC - 4 Amp   & 17 Volt - 2 Amp DC
Total Output  50 VA.
Looks like I will have to invest in a new Transformer re your advice.
HO / Spectrum 4-6-0 DCC-W/Sound
May 15, 2011, 08:05:51 AM
I am hoping to  buy a Spectrum 4-6-0 DCC with sound when funds permit,but I would like to ask a question about it,s performance.
I bought a Roundhouse 2-6-0,and it is a fine model,but goes slow on DC operation.
My enquiry to Athearn told me that I needed more DC power above the normal 12 volt,as the loco,sound system uses a large amount of this power.
I notice some of my friends operating sound locos,diesel and steam on our club 12 volt DC layout,and they run the same as on their DCC at home I am told.
I have a Spectrum DCC 4-4-0 American,without sound,running the same on both systems.
Will the Spectrum  4-6-0 DCC With Sound run slowly when on DC Analogue,like the Roundhouse 2-6-0 ?
HO / Re: Lenz Decoders or similar
May 13, 2011, 06:56:06 PM
Thank you  all,I appreciate  the answers and links members  provide  in this forum. Owen
HO / Lenz Decoders or similar
May 11, 2011, 10:17:44 PM
Can the forum advise a reliable supplier for Lenz Decoders please.Their small models fit nicely in space poor diesels.Mine are the older models and do not have the printed circuit board.If not Lenz,then any make you recommend would be appreciated.