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Messages - NWsteam

Hopefully something steam that is small or medium sized.  :)
HO / Re: Smaller Loco Suggestions
April 14, 2010, 12:44:08 AM
I'm a steam fan through and through. But those camelback are hideous.
General Discussion / Re: what would happen if
April 14, 2010, 12:41:47 AM
It would sound like a hooter whistle. Whistle sound is affected by PSI. A whistle can sound slightly different when operated at a different PSI. Check out some videos on Youtube if you are really interested.

As for an N&W hooter on Western steam like the UP's blasphemy.
HO / Re: Bridge
March 09, 2010, 01:05:47 PM
Scratch build! It's a blast.

HO / Re: Unusual 2-8-0 Kit
March 01, 2010, 04:45:22 PM
LOL, I feel sorry for you. You are estimating/paying way more than you need to be. The American dollar has lost value but not that much.
HO / Re: Unusual 2-8-0 Kit
March 01, 2010, 04:28:26 PM
Quoteno the US dollar is way less value than that, think more $600, either way, its highway robbery even just for a kit

This sentence makes no sense. If (according to you) the American dollar has less value how did you come up with the number 600? Check out this site and you will find 450 was very close...
HO / Re: new locomotive suggestion
February 12, 2010, 03:29:21 PM
I'm still stuck on that M class. But boy I would love a non brass streamlined K2 or K2a.

Quotebtw, it is a common misconception that southern and n&w locomotives were set up to run long hood forward. most were in fact bi directional. the n&w's had dual control stands

Yes but the commen practice was to run long hood forward. At least in the early days.
HO / Re: Bachmann suburban double Decker's
February 10, 2010, 11:41:33 AM
QuoteBoth N&W's J-class and SP's Daylight locos had air horns.

False. N&W J's did not carry an airhorn during regular service. 611 might have during excursion service, but not during regular service.
HO / Re: Pulling a 4% grade
January 29, 2010, 12:55:08 PM
I would have to agree with ABC. If you are in the planning stages change your grade to something else! Lower is much better. That being said I do have a 4% grade on my layout and regret it very much. It's even worse in the fact that it has sharp curves (22 radius). My Bachmann DCC ready N&W J will pull two Bachmann heavyweights up that grade. This is with weight/decoder added and you must build up some steam before tackling the grade. My Bachmann shay has trouble taking more than 5 cars up the steep climb. Even if you have some scenery done I would suggest going back and changing it. That's what I am in the process of doing.

HO / Re: 4-8-0
January 21, 2010, 12:25:17 AM
Beautiful! Just gorgeous.
HO / Re: 4-8-0
January 20, 2010, 12:24:32 AM
RAM- You are correct. Ohio Central has a 4-8-4 (ex GTW). BUT...since Ohio Central has been sold the condition/location of its steam locomotives is unknown (At least to me...Maybe someone else has insight). It is safe to say it hasn't been run for a couple of years.

HO / Re: Your Opionon on Smoke and Sound
January 16, 2010, 06:01:57 PM
Sheldon- I have never thought of that. My second job is a part time sound tech. I'm used to things sounding nice.

HO / Your Opinion on Smoke and Sound
January 16, 2010, 12:05:19 PM
I have never liked smoke. It smells (There is that no odor stuff), it gets everywhere, and in my opinion it doesn't look very good. Though the BLI/MTH smoke genorators with the chuff are a kind of cool.

I haven't even liked sound that long. Everytime I heard it I was not impressed. I just purchased my first sound locomotive (BLI N&W A) and its alright. Maybe its because I haven't messed with any CVs at all. I like sound some of the time and some of the time I like to just shut it off.

The reason I bring this up is I am also a part of the BLI forum. They all request engines that have been done by other companies like a berk for example and say there is a great need for them. I don't see the need as several other companies make a berk. The only reason the want BLI to do it is for smoke and sound. (OK getting off my soap box).

The real reason I posted this is because I wanted to hear your opinion of smoke/sound.

HO / Re: Which is your favorite HO Spectrum steamer?
January 15, 2010, 11:23:44 AM
Love my DCC ready Bachmann Spectrum J. It's a trooper!

Also love my shay. How about a 2 truck version?  ;)