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Messages - MarkInLA

As so many helped me I try to give some when I can. I have same engine. My guess is make CV 25 a value of 16, enter it..Then go to 'binary (option 9 I believe)' in 'Prog. on  the Main'. Get up CV 29 and change bit 4 from 0 to 1,..enter it. Now go to CV 29 in 'Use Prog. Track' . Make CV 29 a 50 value, enter.. This should work. Also, there is really no F or R on a diesel road switcher. But ,if you want short end as front, CV 29 is either 49 (reversed) or 51 (reversed) instead of 50 value in table A. Download the Tsunami manual and get into programming and advanced programming pages. ...Mark
Everyone (above), I'm perplexed ! After a few days of engine insisting on remaining 38 in CV 29, table A (Analog "yes") it now is back to normal and is on 50 again, not 38 ! This little guy is more user friendly than the 2-8-0 I have which is the most difficult engine to sync the chuffs to..Even if you get it ok for solo running , chuffs go way off again when pulling cars ..I must have an accumulated 20 hours dick docking with her over this. She runs really smooth but the chuff situation is really annoying ! I hear it's going to be sold as non-Spectrum and cheaper. Maybe this is why !
Thanks for all responses,
Mark Harris 
(Addendum to above) I just now found "wayover 50"s post on same problem. He said he had to put CV 29 to 38 plus 25 to 2 , and something with CVs 3&4. Though I think I already had her at CV 29 =38, I'll try it again later (not at home now ) and report back...
Gents, I have owned this 2-6-0 ( a replacement by Bach of another, a poor runner ) for maybe 1.5 years now. She always was fine with long address 1908 (on cab side). I have had her at '6' and '39' on table 29. Whichever one it was supposed to be at, it was and was fine all this time. Something has made her cease running unless she is address 3 now. If I reprogram to 1908 she won't move. I have done both refreshes 8-8, 30-2 separately, not at same time. The '2' trouble code is apparently a software problem Tsunami says must go back to manufacturer. My question is: (since it's software) might there be a way to correct a say, binary code somewhere myself ? Or, is something fried in a chip, maybe ?
HO / Re: Just some insight on the new 2-8-0
November 16, 2013, 06:34:59 PM
I have the HO spectrum model. Runs very nice, too. Chuff rate was very hard to sync up. With everybody's help I finally got it 94% correct ( will never be 100% without a cam. Yet non-Spectrum 2-6-0 syncs up 99% if not 100% perfect using CV116 only !). My tender had same problem. After a few weeks the wire stops the lifting it.. Engine did a cool thing last night: I had wired up a wye track situation wrongly..Conny kept tooting whistle 3 times just like a real one approaching a potential disaster up ahead..I knew something was wrong. (found rail insulators were in wrong place in relation to switch it was approaching). All fixed..
Joe, though anyone's response is meant well and is appreciated, you have merely repeated what I just said above that I did. I did the CV 8-8 and/or CV 30-2, power off/ then on several times. My question was : Since this doesn't clear problem, must a CODE 2, trouble alert (whistle blows/light blinks 2 times, over and over) mean it absolutely needs to get sent to Bachmann for repair as Tsunami manual states it does ? Might it be a matter of going into the binary code of a CV or CVs to correct problem ? Loco behaves fine if I leave it as address '3' (after refresh). But, when I change its address back to cab no. 1908 the 'code 2' begins ....
General Discussion / Re: Truck Identity
November 14, 2013, 10:25:30 PM
Am thinking, if brass loco comes from Japan maybe trucks are a Japanese RR prototype which got fitted to this tender before it got here somehow. Never saw anything like these. With leaf springs maybe they're off a caboose ...Mark   
General Discussion / CODE '2' decoder trouble warning !
November 14, 2013, 09:25:59 PM
Hi, my HO 2-6-0/sound somehow got messed up. After several refresh attempts (CV 30 to 2 value and 8 to 8, power off/on ) It either has sound but no light, or light with no sound and whistle blows and headlight flashes 2 times repeatedly while rolling. Do I absolutely have to ship it in to Bachmann repair to correct this what Tsunami manual 'trouble-shooting' states to be a 'code 2' software problem and must go back ? Or, is there a programing maneuver I can perform at home ?
Much thanks,
Mark Harris
HO / Re: 2-8-0 Problem
November 13, 2013, 06:59:26 PM
I don't see what jumpers are needed for. Merely find a local MRR club or use a train store's test track. Can't remember 'table' name in Tsunami manual (CD with loco) , but you need to set loco to 'analog mode' using this table. Your loco is probably set at 50 in list (DCC mode/normal/28 speed) and thus needs to be like #38 on table list. This is changed while engine decoder is on 'program on the main' (if NCE throttle) and idling on a DCC powered track. Then she should run on a DC powerpack...Mark
HD, very nice explanation. I did not know about the split axles. This isa problem waiting to happen. I wonder why Bach came up with this. Anyway, my HO 2-8-0 rolls smooth. I just can't sync up the chuff rate after many many  hours of programing methods. I am aware of all the CVs needing changes including 25 to 16 and bit 4 of 29 to 1 then dealing with 28 speed steps, etc. Can't get it synched !! My mogul does wobble which maybe needs your quartering method. BUT, she synchs up chuffs real easy needing CV 116 only ! And it's not even a Spectrum !!
General Discussion / Re: feeder lines
October 21, 2013, 11:12:11 PM
I have a 30ish foot long HO DCC layout which, as long as there is nothing else like dirt or too jiggly rail joiner somewhere (not hard to find using made up car brake-light-bulb continuity tester) which runs perfectly with no buss or feeders anywhere ! I do run jumpers to a spur (s) installed past a power-routing T.O. to have both tracks always powered, and not thus affected by the switch's position. I simply tap the main line closest to them by soldering jumper wires to/from. As far as future lighting up structures, this can be done with a separate old DC power pack ...I've never had to run a buss under my layout. But I'm sure a huge club layout would need a buss and feeders...
HO / Re: Not so new a topic over lubing problem
October 21, 2013, 10:50:29 PM
Thanks all responses. I guess I just got to tug harder is whole problem since no one says anymore about removal of anything else..Mark
HO / Re: Not so new a topic over lubing problem
October 17, 2013, 10:37:27 PM
Since no one disputed my description of screw removal or if railings/grab irons need come off first or such it looks as if I just have to be more trusting and tuck a bit more..Again I'll assume it is straight up tug; not toward front or rear..This is HO both 2-6-0 and 2-8-0..Have an RS3 but I'm not worried about a diesel shell...No further replies will assume all now agree.
Thanks again,
Mark Harris
HO / Re: Not so new a topic over lubing problem
October 16, 2013, 08:44:12 PM
Yes, I know that about old brass and say, Mantua, Tyco, Athearn and such..Real simp it was. But what I don't get is that I'll remove big screw above pilot into smokebox. Then I remove 2 screws under corners of cab ( I haven't unplugged decoder though)..Then I start to squiggle shell here and there but it never releases !! Lube motor or not, I still  should be able to get in there..but can't..Why ?
HO / Re: Not so new a topic over lubing problem
October 15, 2013, 09:14:11 PM
Wow ! As I'd said, I had just posted in a response to  a "Donaldon"  not 5 minutes minutes before logging into Bachmanntrains and receiving your response !! What's the odds ?!!!!!
Great to know I can ignore motor lube. But still, why does everyone seem to have no qualms about removing shells ? Why does cab start to wobble but boilers won't lift off ? Is the tug straight up ? Or do we kind of pull toward front or rear at same time ? Do any small parts like grab irons and smoke box support bars have to come off first ?