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Messages - Robertj668

General Discussion / Re: Education in model railroading?
November 14, 2009, 01:51:26 PM
Did I read correctly?  You have a website for model railroading? That would be educationally great!  ;D
General Discussion / Re: Education in model railroading?
November 12, 2009, 08:47:57 PM
I will say that I have learned a lot here.  I have learned how to ad DCC to a DC engine (Jim Banner).  I have learned how to convert my old Horn Hook Couplers, all varieties to kadee (Yampa Bob)  I recently go the courage to build and post pictures of my first wood kit.  Oh and some Bachmann Engine help too! And great general advice from everyone.

I made made many friends here to. Jim Banner, Yampa Bob(hope you are okay), CNE Runner (Ray) , Jonathan, jward, Steemgene all of you I consider friends.

I did check out the other links the Mabloodhoun posted. They seem pretty nice too.  I am going to give them a try.

I would love if we could post how to videos here.  Well we could put them on Youtube.

Now I do need help in learing how to solder. I have tried and never get the hang of it. My local hobby shop has offered to teach me but when I do show up they seem to busy.  That's okay. First I need the right tools any help with that?

Thanks for telling what what a truck tuner is I need one!
Is your current layout EZ track and ATLAS Or I think it was a previous one. Did it look good? Did you cover the EZ Track with ballast?

Wow the code 83 #6 switches worked better? Now I am more confused on which way to go.
We fixed the couplers.  However I should check again.
I really do not want to switch from the EZ Track.  I am kinda at the end on the line.  I cringe every time the steam engines run over the switches. Will it derail, will it make it? 

The diesels run great. But I do not want to have everything set up and glued down and then switch.

Great example of the difference. Code 83 does look better! Which one gets more derailments? How do you control your switches? I would like to run mine by DCC.

Most of my cars have been converted to my 33" intermountain wheels. I need to find out what a truck tuner is.

Johnson Bar Jeff
In Texas I was unable to find Homasote so far But I will keep looking.
Thanks everyone.

I painted the house body last night. The instructions are great.

I like the model. The still offer it.  Did you build the farm house?

Well after I finished my first wooden kit i wanted to get started on another one.  It is  the Two Story Farm House #140.  Well Unfortunately when I opened it a few of the pieces were broken.  Well the Hobby Shop did not have any more so I decided to email the company and see what they could do. I sent the email in the morning and in the afternoon they emailed me back and said that the replacement  parts would be on their way.  This was on Wednesday.  Today, Monday It came in the mail.  I am totally impressed and wanted to share my great experience.

Thank you American Builders Inc!

Well its 2 months later (Neck Surgery kept me a little quit) and I still have the Bachmann EZ-Track. But a new question has come to mind.  The Bachmann EZ-Track is code 100 right?  I am only having problems with the switches can a I use another manufactures switch?  I know I would have to add roadbed.  And I thought that to make it match I was going to put ballast on all of the track. 

Now the next question. 

If go for the complete redo shall I go will 100 or 83?  I am leaning towards 100 as I understand from my previous questions that the older Rivarossi Engines do not run well on the 83.

I plan on using Atlas.  I am not good with flex track so I am probably not going to use it that much.


PS I am excited to start my new "Two Story Farm House" But that will be in another post.

For now the house sits on a shelf in my "office" waiting for a prime piece of realestate.  Then I will make my final improvements. I will soon be able to work on  the railroad itself as I am able to pick up things now (Neck Surgery 2 months ago).

Do you have any examples of interiors I think I know what you are talking about.

Thank you Everyone!


1st time. I was never any good at building any models but at 41 I wanted to try again. The roof is where I need to do the touch ups. Make it look more weathered.
Again I feel lucky to found this forum.  What great information did I get.
Well The model is 95% done.  A few areas need minor attention.
Things that I learned.
Read & Reread the instructions. (Thanks for everyone on that & I did read them)
Take your time. It is not a race.
I like wood model building better.
Get a syringe for certain areas for gluing. (Thanks Jim)

I used was Elmer's Carpenter's Glue and Super Glue Control Gel.  The Super  Glue allowed me to get pinpoint accuracy on some minor details.

The main color of the house was actually my house paint by Sherman Williams.  The rest of the paints were from Glidden trail sizes from Home Depot. (Thanks NM) I did paint both the outside and inside of the home.

Will be in the future.  I plan on making a mock interior of the home with lighting.  It will be separate from the house. Basically the House will go on top of the lighted interior.

Tough areas.
The dormer on the top of the house was the hardest part. It did not marry well to the roof.  I had to use putty to fill in the area to make it look good.
The windows were tough as some of the parts came off when I pealed back the  backing back.

Part of the instruction's I ignored.
For now i did not do the seem caps as I was able to make the seems looks good on their own.
Parts of the instructions I goofed.
Some may notice that the fireplace is on the right and the door is on the left  I glued on the wrong parts. Once I realized this I l dry fitted everything to see if i could continue.  Lucky for me it worked out.

I am very happy with the results and am looking forward to my next wood building.  But the next building will be a plastic Lifelike Church.

I have a few photos below to show the nearly finished product. The roof needs some final touch ups.

Again thanks to all for giving me the confidence on doing this!


HO / Re: Demise of kits.....Silver lining?
October 24, 2009, 03:14:46 AM
Just to make a quick note my local Hobby Shops were very happy to have them.

One additional thought. I would go in and buy a $7 kit and wind up spending $50.

I am really glad that I asked. I read and re read the instructions. And probably will reread again as I do the model. What I have done so far is just paint the four side of the main house. Okay I used our house exterior paint.  And I am glad I read the instructions as it did curl the wood.  Well  this evening it is completely flat.  I did let it dry first then weight it down a bit.  The trim is next but I cannot find our house trim paint.

I did not see any raised grain and I do not think I will need to sand it.  I must admit it looks beautiful!

I paid $51 for the kit but my hobby shop guy lets me do a modified layaway.  I pay 1/2 in cash and I get a month or so to pay it off.  During that time he even allows me to make other purchases. So I know I could of bought this cheaper but I like to help out my local Hobby shopand he like to help his customers that he trusts too.

As for glue I have Titebond III waterproof Ultimate Wood Glue I am going to give it  a try.

As for painting the inside I may paint it white and maybe make two separate stories and add lights!  But I be I could do that later.

Any advice on making the Chimney look real?

Below is my house and colors.


PS The November issue of  Model Railroader is what inspired me to finally do this


OK I am too excited and somewhat confused. I just bought #634 HO Wenonah House. I have read several articles on how to build them.  Some places say paint first the build.  Some say build first then paint. 

I also tried a small area of my house paint. And I must admit it looks great. 

Also would love any advice on building it.  Like glue paint and stuff! Or what to do and not to do.  I will say this the kit was expensive but it it beautiful!


HO / Re: Projects
October 19, 2009, 06:39:07 PM
We live in Texas but visit that Museum about 3-4 times a yr. So we bought the family membership!

Here below is my new Project.  never built one so wish me luck.