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Messages - SodorAdventures

HO / How to make Bachmann trains smoke more?
June 25, 2012, 04:41:50 PM

   Just wondering, how do you make Bachmann trains smoke more? It only works when you go 100% and then it spits. I have a Bachmann controller and am pretty sure it may need more power. How would I go about doing this? Thanks for any help!
Thomas & Friends / NEW Train Forum (By Caleb and I)
June 25, 2012, 10:30:18 AM

   Hello everyone!

       More to say!

              Out now! A NEW forum by Caleb and I.  :o Talk Bachmann, Thomas, and all things trains! Get expert advice and enjoy talking in the train community. Where should you go?

                        Get the party started here:


          Start a topic, and get a following now! We are waiting for YOU!  :)           -Tanner

     NOTE: This new forum is not meant to replace the Bachmann Forums.   
Thomas & Friends / Re: 15" Radius turns?
June 24, 2012, 10:02:22 PM

     I'm not starting anything!

            I am just relaying to this man my opinion on 15" radii on a HO Scale Layout. Your more than welcome to give your opinion, but don't completely blow off mine. Once again, I feel like 15" radii are too small for even the little engines. Try and steer clear of 15" just from my, oh 8 years of model railroading experience. But, you are more than welcome to do what you please. -Tanner
Thomas & Friends / Re: 15" Radius turns?
June 24, 2012, 07:03:48 PM
Hey Dr. Nick!

    Just out of opinion, I have found Thomas, Percy, as well as the rest of the small engines not handle 15" radii too easily. Just out of opinion and knowledge, try and steer clear (no pun intended  ;) ) of 15" radii.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Layout Thread
June 21, 2012, 03:49:38 PM
Quote from: panniertankboy8751 on June 21, 2012, 03:29:58 PM
Those building... they look familiar. Did you split up Merchants' Row #1?


Actually, no. :P    They are DPM (Woodland Scenics) and Walthers street buildings, but they do look like Merchants row buildings. :)
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Layout Thread
June 21, 2012, 03:28:47 PM

Time for another....

                      SodorAdventures Update!!

Check out this:

 Give me Comment, and Suggestions! Thanks!!! How do you like?
Ah, welcome back!

              Opa! (Drops Plate)  ;)

                 Not much new, photo of Ice cream van. Also continuing work on the layout.
Quote from: JD417 on May 29, 2012, 03:34:14 AM
thats not james tender, thats the back side of thomas' bufferbeam

  Yeah, Thats just the back of Thomas
Quote from: PasqualeCS96 on May 27, 2012, 07:41:54 AM
Quote from: Choobacca on May 27, 2012, 06:51:12 AM
Quote from: Sparks on May 23, 2012, 06:14:01 PM
Considering Hornby does have the toolings to do such a range and they haven't done it yet, I don't see Bachmann doing this in the near future.

I think Hornby can only make Thomas products for the UK. Bachmann have the contract for most other countries.

Personally, I think a 'Real Thomas' range would work well, especially as the new movie uses more realistic versions of the Thomas characters.

I wouldn't be surprised if the reason we've only had 2 new Thomas items this year is because Bachmann might be designing a new range of realistic movie related products for next year?

Unlikely, I don't think Bachmann would release products based on just one movie, sorry  :-\

  I second that, also because the movie might not even come out until 2014. Bachmann makes TV models and thats their job. I can't see them designing a new range.
Quote from: Calebtrain on May 22, 2012, 09:38:45 PM
They pretty much use that chassis for all 4-wheeled rolling stock.  :P The front of the van is different. Many vans on the GWR and NWR do look similar, but comparing the vent van and Ice cream van, they are different. A different top, door, and front makes it not a repaint of the ventilated van.  ;)

Well, to be down to the wire, it isn't a repaint alone, but the detail that was added to the ice cream wagon was from the same Design of the Vent. Van.
Quote from: DinoNTrains on May 22, 2012, 08:15:53 PM
No, Caleb is right. It is a different van model.

Nope, I am right. Its the same, take a look.

The only difference in design is it takes a different top, and the door is slightly different.

             The van model is of the same prototype of the Ventilated van.

                         Even all the details underneath the body are exactly the same.
I like it! You did good Bachmann.

  Oh and Caleb,

       It is the same van. It's just repaired and logoed.
Quote from: Yardmaster on May 16, 2012, 08:28:35 AM
There are no plans to update these items.

Ok, thanks for the updates!

         Yeah Bachmann, I think keepinng away from these update for now is a smart idea. Just my opinion.  

                              :)               I think this thread can run down now, as we have seen our answer.

Quote from: Anthony P2 on May 16, 2012, 06:27:33 PM
Quote from: Sparks on May 16, 2012, 04:41:37 PM
I'd assume no plans means HiTs Marketing has not brought it up to Bachmann to make any revisions, thus it has not been on their minds beyond the occasional time they hear it from us on the forum.

I imagine most products we want Bachmann hasn't considered unless HiT has brought it to the table as well.

This means they're probably at least planning on other engines for now, which right now the most likely candidates seem to be Oliver, or Arry & Bert

I spoke to Mr. Harrington, The General Manager, at Bachmann via email for a short interview about how they make their new products for a school project back in January. I thought then i might ask some questions about the Thomas range. here is part of the email with questions about the T&F range:

Q: What goes into deciding on a new Thomas and Friends product? Does HiT Entertainment decide or do you decide on which character(s) to make?

A: We decide. We get input from our customers and have product meetings to decide new characters. They have only asked us to make one product - Tidmouth Sheds.

Q: Say you want to come out with the character Oliver, for the Thomas range, does HiT have to send you images of Oliver so you know the proportions of him and what details to put on said character?

A: Hit gives us tons of information and must approve the design and final model. There are several steps for this approval process.

So HiT has no input of what bachmann has to make, we do. HiT only approves the model.

  Um, we are a very small percent of bachmanns team of designers, so we just help them from what we say about what comes out.
Look, Im as much hoping for an update to happen as you are, but looking at this from a realistic standpoint, its not going to happen. Have you notices the engines with no open cab are the short engines who need the space for their motors (i.e.: Bill and Ben, Diesel) , and then you expect them to make the motor stronger? Im sticking up for Bachmann on this one. You must realize that these updates you say are contradictory of each other. As for the paint changes, I am sticking to the fact that the updates would not be beneficial from a selling standpoint. Even if they did have an open cab, and granted, your right that Duck has an open cab, and is only slightly larger, it would raise the cost of the engine substantially because they would need people to cut the molds and buy more detailed molds. As for James, the wheels not painted black has (probably) been because people would be needed to paint the mold, or dip the mold in paint.

                                       Most changes are not economically smart to do.        Just my opinion.

Just so you all know, there are only few changes in the large scale, and mostly because it larger, making it easier too add that little more detail.

Here are the 3 I found:


  • faces(granted that's a nice change to have)
  • open cab, definitely not possible for ho scale
  • colored front and back hooks

    Unfortunately there are not enough differences to make a whole design and assembly line instructions for those 3 or 4 changes. -Tanner