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Messages - DrJay

Many thanks for your reply. I think I've cracked it. DrJay
I have successfully programmed a Cobalt ADS-2fx to switch two pairs of points. I have tried to assign Hot Keys to both units but nothing seems to work. I am using a basic Dynamis Command and Control unit (no probox) and have followed the instructions to the letter in the user guide but to no avail. I have assumed rightly or wrongly that by pressing the appropriate hot key, say F1 that it would take me to the accessory address that I have allocated to that F key. The manual also suggests that you press shift F key. If I do that I get F11. does this mean that in fact there are 20 hot keys within the unit. Any help in solving this Hot Key problem would be much appreciated. DrJay
General Discussion / Dynamis Ultima
August 15, 2015, 11:52:39 AM
At the age of 68 I decided to build a model railway something I have wanted to do for a while. I bought a Hornby basic DCC set as a starter and later invested in a basic EZ Dynamis system, (No probox). I have now read about the Ultima system but cannot find out what in non technical parlance what are it's advantages never having used the probox. Can anyone tell me what advantages I get with the enhanced system over the basic and should I go ahead and buy what computer software I should use as I am aware that with the USB port I could connect a computer. My layout (track) is complete and 'am now concentrating on scenery. I am reasonably computer savvy. Any help would be much appreciated. DrJay