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Messages - Irish Modeler

HO / Re: F7 shell removal.
December 06, 2023, 02:56:15 PM
Jward, I can get a screwdriver on the screws but, just cannot get them to turn. I already have the replacement parts from Bachmann as I have had to do this in the past. I will look again at the coupler pockets but, they seem to be to far up to get them released without prying on the body. The difference about the past repair is it was done on a B unit with no motor. I may just have to use a longer screwdriver to get more torque on the screws. What do you think about this idea. Thanks for your response!
HO / F7 shell removal.
December 05, 2023, 04:30:52 PM
I received an NHL F7 off Ebay and the coupler pockets ended up broke off. I cannot get the screws out of the cab shell to remove it. Any ideas how I might get this done without damaging the body? Thanks for any help in advanced!