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Messages - claire

General Discussion / it's all greek to me
February 07, 2009, 07:32:19 PM
My introduction to model trains (at the age of 70) was 12/08, when I purchased a set online for my husband (he's as green as I am)

And we're hooked.  The first thing I very quickly learned is that we are entering into a "brave new world", where nothing sounds familiar, let alone makes sense.  We're housebound so our education must be online. 

I am determined to learn, but can't find anywhere in etherworld any books, mags, etc. that would get me going in the basics:  terminology.  We are struggling to become comfortable with such things as oN30, O, H & G scales and just when we thought we were inching our way forward, we come across "Large" scale in the Bachmann catalog.  In layman's terms, how does this compare with the others and will it run on narrow gauge?

We want a hand truck (Gandy Dancer), but our train set is oN30 and the only gandy dancers found are HO size.  HO size in figures won't we learned from ordering a bunch online.  My head is full of visual outcomes, but no clue how to go about achieving the goals...trestles, bridges, turnouts, remote control to name a few.

Any and all help is appreciated...and please be kind.   ??? :'( :'(