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Messages - dave`s dangerouse

General Discussion / Re: e z command controller
October 09, 2009, 01:36:26 PM
Thanks for that jim I did try runnning th Ultrapower on a dirreant circuit ie andextention lead from the garage, but it still knocked out the dynamis, so I have since disconnected the ultapower and put other transformers onto my lights, and guess what no problem and the lights are brighter than ever, so obviosley the problem is somehow to do with the Ultrapower (anyone want it) Incidently I cheked all my lights and all are definatley on seperate circuit to the track.   Thanks for your Help Jim.
General Discussion / e z command controller
October 08, 2009, 01:55:53 PM
I reacently purchased the e z command Dynamis contoler, but find it cuts out when run alongside another transformer namsley a Ultrapower 10 amp
which is feeding my model lights approx 30 even though the Ultrapower is on a differant plug and seperate feed circuit, could this be somehow upsetting the infa red signals/? also the lights stay on but it just knocks the power out on the dynanmis.
When the Ultrapower is disconnected , no problem with Dynamis!!!!