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Messages - armorsmith

Large / Re: Egg Liners
July 21, 2024, 08:14:49 PM
Bachmann hasn't yet figured out that delivering product multiple years after promised dates are not good for sales.  Then they wonder why stuff sits on shelves.
My recommendation would be to check out Iron Creek Shops. They will likely have something to get you up and running.
January 22, 2024, 01:01:50 PM
Also try They have a large selection of battery terminals.
Large / Re: G gauge track power
June 13, 2023, 07:12:33 PM
Let's start off by gathering a bit more information. First, are we talking about a 40 foot oval (40 feet out and 40feet back, total 80 feet), or an 80 foot oval. Big difference between 80 total feet and 160 total feet.

Next question is what tyep of track are you using?  Brass, aluminum, stainless steel....all have different conductivities.  What type of connectinos are you using?  Standard slip joiners provided with the track or something more substantial like Split Jaws?

Is this layout indoors, or outdoors? I will make the assumption that it is outdoors, cuz most folks don't ahve the space for a 40 foot oval indoors.  Outdoors requires much better joiners than indoors. Corrosion and debris can hamper joints and therefore conductivity.

In my opinion, two should be sufficient with good track joints. Wire size, I would run 12AWG for the trunk lines and 16AWG for the feeders. Personally I solder all my wire splices with heat shrink for insulation.

Happy Rails

My guess is the model is built to what was called 'Standard Gauge' many moons ago. Scale would be 1:29 according to

If memory serves, standard gauge modern ties are something along the order of 9" wide x 7" deep x 96" long. That would scale out to .310" wide x .241" deep x 3.310" long. Anyone with a table saw can cut those readily. I might opt to do 3/8" wide x 1/4" deep x 3-3/8 long for convenience, and at that scale, no one will notice.

Finding just rail might be a bit more difficult. You may need to purchase assembled track in 45mm (1.77) gauge and disassemble it for your needs. I was not able to find rail easily.  There are several listings in Google for spikes.

Good luck with your project.
Large / Re: C-19 Drawing Huge Power load
July 01, 2021, 04:06:36 PM
To add a couple to Bill's list:

How many hours has the loco been run?
How often do you follow the lubrication schedule?
What lubricants are you using?
Have you checked the internal gear drive for grease? It is not common, but occasionally one may slip with out being properly greased at the factory.
Is this a sudden change or has it been developing over a period of time?

I must say that my C-19 is a fantastic loco. Pulls well and at prototype speeds.

Bob C.
Large / Re: Connie K-27
May 23, 2021, 07:14:18 PM
Tom, the specs for both locos recommend minimum 8 foot diameter circles. Both will run on that size but the K especially looks rediculous with the excessive overhang. FWIW.
It never ceases to amaze me how we come full circle. In the early years, Bachmann and large scale as a whole were ignored by serious model railroaders due to the complete 'Toy Like' products sold. Seirous modelers bought LGB because their motor blocks were near bullet proof and bashed them in to serious incarnations of US prototyp steam locomotives. Slowly over the years Bachmann began producing prototype looking equipment, not necessarily in scale or prototype road name, but more model than toy. Hail Lee Riley, he brought out the Spectrum line of products that followed prototype closley and were generally much better made than the Big Hauler line. (Not dissing the Big Hauler line, I have a ton of it). Over the years the Lionel child's toy like appearance went away, and here we are begging for children's toys.

Yes, I am a modeler. And yes, I have 12 grandchildren. And yes, I do my best to keep them interested in a hobby that is slowly dying because as a whole society, we teach our children to only want instant gratification, something model railroading will never provide.

You talk about new product. What is Bachmann's risk in producing a new product. The known part is the 150-300K they are going to spend on new dies for the parts. The two unknown components are, can I price this new car at a level the public will purchase, and if so, can I sell enough to cover the cost of manufacturing.  It came through the rumor mill that it took Bachmann near 10 years to recover the full cost of the K27. Not entirely sure i buy off on that, but we are in a niche market of a niche market. There are 15 or 20 pieces of rolling stock I would like to see Bachmann produce, due to market conditions I doubt I will live long enough to see them.

My suggestion is to sharpen you MODELING skills and scratch or bash that stock car with bleeting sheep, or roaring lion. There are lots of articles in hobby magazines on how to do that.
Large / Re: royal blue 4-6-0 won't run on track
December 19, 2020, 11:25:20 AM
Turn the pilot truck 180 degrees
Large / Re: K37 loco
December 18, 2020, 07:21:53 PM
I agree with Greg, no need for another thread.

Bachmann made only one of the four K class locomotives, the K27.  I believe LGB also made a k27, but in 1:22.5 scale (sorta LGB rubber ruler). Any of the other K class locomotives were made by either Accucraft or Berlyn.

Greg and I both stated that if it is Berlyn, you have one choice, generate your own diagram by tracing wires.  Accucraft publishes a diagram that may or may not be correct, again self generated diagram is your most reliable option.
Large / Re: K27 Loco
December 17, 2020, 01:18:44 PM

Likely either an Accucraft or a Berlyn.  Accucraft you can probably get information on. The Berlyn has been out of business for some time.
Large / Re: 55 Ton Shay 8 Pin Plug
December 09, 2020, 01:21:40 PM
Try Molex
Good advice provided.  Also consider the 'Ten Wheeler' is a Bachmann Big Hauler line product. These are on the simpler end of the spectrum generically speaking. Sold for economy, not full featured.  The advice above is solid, but there are other resources as well. Take a look at this web site The information is dated, but still valid for the kind of conversion you are looking to do.  Also stopping by Large Scale Central would be a good idea. There are many good folks there who are more than willing to provide advice. I am not sure there is a 'hand hold, step by step' for your request. There are just too many possible combinations of batteries, R/C equipment and personalities to make one for every possible configuration.

When you mention the C19, you are referring to a Spectrum line which is a very full featured locomotive with a much heftier price tag. I have a C19, but have not converted it to battery R/C yet. Yes it is plug and play and you paid for that convenience in the price you paid for the locomotive. By the way, I consider the C19 the finest locomotive Bachmann has produced to date.
Large / Re: Drumhead
October 19, 2020, 07:22:08 PM
Hey Joe,

Right instructions, wrong forum.  Large Scale Central has Freight Sheds.

As for the drumhead, Take a trip over to and ask the same question.  Lots of long time folks over there and a fair chance someone will have one.  I am now all packed up to repair my home from Hurricane Michael and cannot get to my parts bin. Not sure if I have one though.

Good luck hunting.

Bob C.
Large / Re: maximum grade
July 08, 2020, 09:42:22 AM
Stokerman, if your chassis is a more updated chassis (gen 5 or 6) then you may well be able to do that. Being as the OP did not reference what chassis he has, I chose to respond on the side of caution. An older Gen 3 chassis without modifications will not stand up to the kind of loading your heavy trains will exert.

Although this site is dated, if the OP has an earlier chassis the information on this site will be what he needs to read.