I for one am impressed with the wide range of B'man products across all product lines. I won't comment on the O or large scale trains -- except to say that the "O" EZ Streets and large scale Mogul look pretty great -- because they're not where I'm active but there sure is a lot to talk about in HO and N. Oh, yes. I won't comment on the MSRPs, either, except to notice that they seem to be astronomical. thank goodness we don't have to pay at those levels.
Sound in N-scale locomotives? WOW! And road names like Erie and NP? These are decisions which I'm sure will make many N-scalers very happy. I love the Van Sweringen Berk. As a kid, we lived in a house which had to cross one of the Nickel Plate mainlines to get into town, something we did several times a day it seems like, and the trip often included waiting for one of the Berks hauling a fast freight at speed on a seriously super-elevated curve. If we were the first car it was like the train was actually over us, not merely in front. Once I got over being scared it was really something to look forward to.
Not surprisingly, the HO selection is the most extensive. Three steamers with sound, including more Berks and some Mikes. Now that's tremendous. Did I mention how great it was watching the Nickel Plate Berks roar by? And everything with sound. I'm thinking the DC folks are going to find it harder and harder to hold out. And the Climax, just waiting for sound. Holy cow!
The buildings look neat, if truly expensive. Road names like Alaska, MEC, W&A and Pere Marquette are certainly good to see. The horse cars make me wonder if these are toys or models but I'm sure there will be lots of buyers so my opinion has even less importance in this case than it usually has. I absolutely have to get my hands on the AT&SF TOFC with the Navajo trailer on it.
Is there a down side? Well, I'm still trying to catch my breath on the flex track at $8 per. If the rest of the new offerings weren't so great I'd never be able to get over that price. I hope everyone is as happy with the new line up as I am. I think the B'man did a bang-up job this time.
-- D
Sound in N-scale locomotives? WOW! And road names like Erie and NP? These are decisions which I'm sure will make many N-scalers very happy. I love the Van Sweringen Berk. As a kid, we lived in a house which had to cross one of the Nickel Plate mainlines to get into town, something we did several times a day it seems like, and the trip often included waiting for one of the Berks hauling a fast freight at speed on a seriously super-elevated curve. If we were the first car it was like the train was actually over us, not merely in front. Once I got over being scared it was really something to look forward to.
Not surprisingly, the HO selection is the most extensive. Three steamers with sound, including more Berks and some Mikes. Now that's tremendous. Did I mention how great it was watching the Nickel Plate Berks roar by? And everything with sound. I'm thinking the DC folks are going to find it harder and harder to hold out. And the Climax, just waiting for sound. Holy cow!
The buildings look neat, if truly expensive. Road names like Alaska, MEC, W&A and Pere Marquette are certainly good to see. The horse cars make me wonder if these are toys or models but I'm sure there will be lots of buyers so my opinion has even less importance in this case than it usually has. I absolutely have to get my hands on the AT&SF TOFC with the Navajo trailer on it.
Is there a down side? Well, I'm still trying to catch my breath on the flex track at $8 per. If the rest of the new offerings weren't so great I'd never be able to get over that price. I hope everyone is as happy with the new line up as I am. I think the B'man did a bang-up job this time.
-- D