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Topics - Franz T

N / Is there a Decapod in the future?
January 04, 2011, 07:38:20 AM
Now that the 10 Wheeler has been released it is obvious that Bachmann has developed a reliable motor small enough to fit into the boiler of a Vintage Steamer. Since this was supposedly the problem holding back the Russian Decapods a few years ago, can we expect to see them revived??
N / Doodlebugs...
June 12, 2010, 01:51:12 PM
It has been over 10 years since the release of the N-scale Doodlebug. Now that there is a re-release in HO, how about bringing them back out in N again, preferably in DCC and with a trailer like the new HorriblyOversized version??? ;D
N / 44 Ton
November 10, 2008, 08:12:22 PM
Does anyone know when the new 44 Ton Diesel is supposed to come out???
N / Russian Decapod
February 03, 2007, 09:11:29 AM
What are the chances of the decapod being released this year? Pete at Brooklyn Locomotive Works announced them for this spring a few months ago and I have one reserved; but he announced them the year before as well :(
Also, is the 2-6-0 still in the works? I understand about the small motors, but Model power has a 4-4-0 and a 2-6-0 out and they are rather small, so a motor for the decapod should be out there somewhere..

Franz T
N / Plymouth MDT
February 02, 2007, 09:40:17 AM
I posted this on the old board yesterday, but I'll try it again:
Does anybody have any experience replacing the couplers on this engine with MT's? Their website offers no help. I understand the MDT is a good running switcher but those crapidos....
In the last 40+ years manufacturers have raised the bar on so many things, (performance, detail, etc..) I find it hard to understand why the don't give those toy train couplers the heave-ho.

Franz T