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Topics - trackman23

N / bachmann dd40ax n scale
September 27, 2012, 10:31:16 PM
I'm going to replace the stock decoder that comes with the loco. I'm having a hard time getting the shell off.what is the best way to remove it without breaking anything?
N / choosing n scale track with roadbed.
January 18, 2012, 02:23:04 PM
I'm looking to start a layout in n scale.  i want to get track that comes with roadbed.  i've heard some say ez track and some say kato unitrack. which is the best?
General Discussion / rerailer wire question.
January 14, 2012, 06:29:40 PM
Is there somewhere I can buy rerailer wire that has one end to connect to ez track and the other open end wires to connect to any dcc controller that isn't bachmann?
General Discussion / ez track to digitrax controller
January 13, 2012, 11:53:06 PM
My track is bachmann ez track, I'm thinking about getting a digitrax zephyr. How will I hook this up to my ez track? I know the digitrax doesn't have the same connection plug that goes in the track. Will I have to buy  different wired to connect my track? Thanks.
N / N Scale DCC Turnouts?
January 10, 2012, 03:23:00 PM
I'm looking to build an n scale dcc layout and wanted to know if there are dcc turnouts in ez track for n scale?  I've searched and have only been able to find them for ho scale.
N / dcc installed n scale.
December 30, 2011, 07:16:28 PM
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and new to model trains. I recently purchased a thunder valley starter set. I'm looking to get into dcc when expanding my layout but I'm having a hard time finding dcc equipped n scale LoCos. I've searched a few sites but only find a handful of LoCos. Is n scale really limited when it comes to dcc? I'm starting to think i will have to stick with dc instead. By the way, my local hobby shop barely has any n scale products.