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Topics - Mister Lee

On30 / The 2019 On30 Generic Wish List
January 14, 2019, 01:02:40 PM
I am going to put in a good word for a tank locomotive sized somewhere between the 0-4-0 Porter and the 2-6-0 for those of use likely to build shelf layouts.

In the meantime, I recently bought a  British-prototype Bachmann Branchline tank engine while entertaining evil thoughts about building a new superstructure.
I recently bought a collection of old bare-plastic Plasticville O scale figures. The previous owner had used the paints that came with the sets to paint some of the figures, with variable results.

I plan to try my hand at painting both the unpainted figures and the ones a previous owner started work on. What I'd like to do is to first strip off the previous owner's efforts. Has anyone had any experience at removing the paint from figures without dissolving them, and how did they go about it?

I look forward to sound advice.

--Mister Lee

(Looking forward to having properly-painted postmen)

On30 / C&S Everywhere West steel hoppers?
August 02, 2017, 11:08:42 AM
I remembered a splendidly flakey idea I had some years ago: how about a limited-run C&S Burlington Route Everywhere West / Way of the Zephyrs On30 steel hopper car?

I admit that it's NOT prototypical. The real Colorado & Southern never had any narrow gauge steel hoppers, and the C&S logo lingered long on the narrow gauge after it disappeared on the C&S's standard gauge lines because the parent-company CB&Q did not want to be associated with the anachronistic narrow--gauge trains. But it could have happened, at least if the C&S narrow gauge lingered a few more years, and certainly would stir up conversation.
On30 / Return Of The Round Roof Caboose?
March 14, 2016, 07:57:33 AM
Is there any chance that Bachmann will do another run of their round roof (no cupola) caboose any time soon? They may not be pretty, they may not attract the sorts of folks who buy their On30 to compliment their Department 56 buildings, but I like them and I wish that Bachmann would find it profitable to do at least another small run of them.
I've got an interesting (dumb) idea. If the copyrights for Lego's basic block system have expired, how about some Bachmann/Plasticville scale-size doors and windows for those of us exasperated by the lack of variety for early 20th century-style stations and buildings but who lack the skill to build ab initio from plaster or styrene? I'd love to have a building made of Lego (tm)-style blocks with 1/48 scale doors, windows, and chimneys.
Plasticville U.S.A. / Improving The 45975 Bridge
October 24, 2011, 02:40:16 PM
Hey, Bachmann, how about improving the Plasticville 45975 truss bridge with a realistic looking deck? The bridge is popular enough with both O 3-railers and with On30 modelers, but a deck would finish a model that still looks incomplete even after it's assembled and would make it even more popular.

Yes, I know that a certain manufacturer made an aftermarket deck, but a compatible deck made by Bachmann that could accommodate either O 3-rail, O 2-rail, or On30 made of the same sort of plastic would be very nice.

Thank you for letting me bend your ear.
Williams by Bachmann / Williams PA Sideframes Broken
April 21, 2011, 08:17:43 PM
A few months ago, I ordered a powered/unpowered set of Williams PA-1s painted in the McGinnis scheme. Much to my dismay, when they arrived, I discovered that the metal sideframes had broken off from the power trucks. No, this is not a repair that can be done with a dab of glue.

I am wondering if the PA's are repairable. Are the current PA's truck components essentially identical to what Williams offered back then? Are the carbodies still identical, or will I have to get new ones? Does Bachmann service Williams by Williams locomotives?

I await knowledgeable replies with interest and anticipation.
On30 / Backdating the Mogul's Domes
February 14, 2009, 09:15:39 PM
I am interested in backdating one of my Bachmann 2-6-0s to a late 1880s-1890s appearance (Yes, I have seen that article in the On30 Annual). Does anyone know who makes replacement flanged steam and sand domes that fit the 2-6-0?

I'm looking forward to reading the answer on the boards.

Thank you.
Plasticville U.S.A. / ReDo The O Scale Bridges!
June 02, 2008, 01:25:01 PM
I bought part of one of the O scale Plasticville two-span steel truss bridges (no deck)  at an estate sale and I'm a bit surprised in spite of myself. I think that they'd pass the three foot rule with ease.

Could Bachmann at least consider re-releasing the O scale bridge again? While I'm sure that the steel truss bridges would fit a lot of "broad gauge" O two-and three-rail projects, they'd also make a wonderful fit to Bachmann's On30 line, especially if they had a deck that has/accommodates On30 ties and/or code 83/code 100 rail.
I like to think that the On30 modular crowd would LOVE them.

How about it, Bachmann?
On30 / Bolster holes and bolster pin sizes Sizes
January 30, 2008, 10:45:52 AM
I'm planning to move beyond the shake-the-box skill level for On30 and want to provide new trucks and underframes for some conversions. I'd prefer to use Bachmann trucks, esp. the ones found under the EBT hoppers. Is the screw hole for the Bachmann On30 trucks the same size as the ones Bachmann uses for their ordinary HO bolsters, or will I have to buy a whole On30 car for sacrifice?