nice ! thanks I will definitely do this!
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Show posts MenuQuote from: James in FL on August 14, 2016, 05:46:48 PM
@jbrock27, I know your question was rhetorical, and people will only hear what they want to hear. Neither you nor I will convince them otherwise. It's like beating a dead horse or talking to a rock.
I don't understand the why it is, of one's choice, to do this either, other than they read on the internet, so it must be true. Therefore the "right" way.
I don't want to take the spectator view on this thread.
But just to show others how silly this all is...
(Don't take my word, research this for yourselves) I will feel better if you do.
Let's, just for example, say one's feeder lengths are 12in. (x2), so one would have 24 in. per feeder, and one's choice is to use 20 gage AWG wire.
Let's also say one's lokie is drawing 2A for a DCC/Sound equipped lokie running full speed (yes, I'm inflating that draw, most are probably less than half that) but again, just a hypothetical scenario.
Empirical data suggests that one's resistance will measure .020 ohms. Therefore one's voltage drop will measure 0.040v.
Using 22 AWG gage wire (same length, same current draw) will have a resistance of 0.032 ohms and a voltage drop of 0.064v.
0.064v drop. Not even a tenth of a volt.
Negligible, miniscule, unnoticeable, undetectable, and whatever other adjective one chooses to use to describe the ridiculousness of all this.
So to those that want to wire a 4x8 layout with Romex (12-2 or 14-2) for busses, and lamp cord (16/18 AWG) for feeders, knock yourselves out. I still don't see the advantage but rather the disadvantage as the op states...QuoteAs it is i have to clip off a couple of strands just to get the wire to be able to fit in to the connections on the back of the command station.
I'm just suggesting, IMO, even if your CFO allocates funds to do this, those same funds could be better utilized somewhere else in the general fund account.
I'm done with this. It's pointless to argue, there are no merits (cost vs. benefit). Again do your own research, and as always...
Good luck
Quote from: Vizzin72 on August 14, 2016, 06:08:20 PM
I don't want to have to fix anything down the road. I don't want to have to be tearing stuff apart and finding problems and fixing stuff and sticking feeders up after I have ballast and dirt down.