How my K-27 runs on 8 foot diameter track

Started by tommygunner, January 09, 2008, 07:34:22 PM

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I recievd my K on 12-28 -07.  It is a beautiful engine. After lubing it up I ran it on my 8 x19 ft indoor loop of track. There have been a lot of questions regarding running K on 8 ft dia. track.   Here's what I found;
1-It only needs about the clearance requirements of a Connie or 45 tonner.
2-It can push or pull a train using the front coupler without derailing car being pulled or pushed. No problem with tender coupler.
3-It did not negotiate 5 ft. dia. curve. Tender and engine hit. I pushed loco into curve it felt real tight, the fact that so large a loco runs on 8 ft dia. is  a miracle, dont expect tighter curves than that!!
4-It has gone thru lgb 8 ft dia. switches without problems.You may experience a tapping sound in curves,mine is caused by 2nd axle riding up and falling down on rail,the more it ran the less it did it. I suspect the driver springs may not be strong enough to hold driver down during tight curves, and suspect the problem wont surface on larger than 8 ft dia. curves.
5- loco doesnt slow down at all running thru 8 ft dia curves.
6-loco starts moving  on very low voltage even before headlite lites up!
7-I'm a rivet counter and a few of the small but easily changed details are not correct for the drgw 455 version,does that bother me? ,not in the least.
8-Easily pulls 7 cars will definatly pull more cars but thats all the cars I have unpacked at the present!
9- Pittman motor is huge and gear box is substancial as well, a cooling fan is mounted above motor to keep motor running cool!!
10-Thank you Bachmann for making my favorite engine at a price I can afford :) !!  I hope this helps answer some questions that have been asked on the forums .


Thank you for the information. Still waiting on my 455, but will be patient. It certainly seems to be worth waiting for.


Belay that! I just received a UPS notice from Caboose Hobbies that it's on its way...Yippee!

Rich Niemeyer

I want to thank Bachmann for waiting to ship the locomotives with the DVD and instruction manual.  I have found the DVD very informative and useful.  It also appears that installing a sound system will be very easy.  Thank you.

I also appreciate the very careful packing.  Everything was perfect.  I can't wait to run, but still have over a foot of snow on my layout and will have to be patient for awhile.

Now that the AMS J&S cars are also shipping, I won't be able to buy coffee in the morning for the next six months!  What a great hobby.

Rich Niemeyer

Rich Niemeyer
Taos and Chili Dust RR

rocky steamer ng

Hello tommygunner,

thanks a lot for the informations on the K-27 curve diameters.
This is disappointingly what I´ve expected thinking of my 5 ft. curves.

Have fun with the engine on your layout !

rocky steamer ng