Observations on the NEW Bachmann OF 4-4-0!

Started by ksivils, December 24, 2008, 10:38:51 PM

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We open our gifts on Christmas Eve - the kids obtained one of the new Bachmann OF 4-4-0s for me!  I knew they were good kids!

Some quick observations:

1) It is heavy for its size!
2) It is much larger than the inside frame 4-4-0.
3) Keith Wiseman's whaleback tender casting will fit on the stock tender frame, allowing the stock tender frame and electronics to be used.  It also allows for an easy installation of DCC sound by using the stock tender frame.  Shades of NCNS #7, albeit that locomotive was an inside frame locomotive.
4) A plea for someone to make a post-production kit to detail this locomotive like one of the 4-4-0s on the San Paulo line in Brazil!  It would only require the canopy, pilot, and some drop over castings for the cylinders - beyond my skills.
5)Runs like a dream!
6)Has parts to convert to wood or oil, analog, and spoked lead truck.

I think I like it better than my OF 2-8-0!