Spectrum 2-8-0 with bachmann DCC and sound will not move.

Started by elfho, July 13, 2011, 08:14:14 PM

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I have a Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0 with DCC and Sound.  All functions of the sound work fine.  My problem is that the engine will not move.  When i attempt to run it the sound will work as if it moving(chugging, brake squeal, etc) but no movement.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Other engines I have operate fine on the track.  I am using Digitrax system/.



We need a little more info in order to be helpful.

I have this loco.  It has been out of production for quite a while now.  Did you purchase this new or is it second hand?

Have you tried resetting the loco to its factory specs?

Has it moved in the past or never? 

Have you inspected the drive rods and valve gear?

Hold your ear close the the boiler with the power up.  Can you hear the motor whirring or humming?  I ask because mine needed a new drive belt when new.  It was a three dollar part and easily replaced.

Give us a little history or any other symptom.  Really want to help as I have a great fondness for this locomotive.



This is what it should do... (click on pic)


Locomotive is new.  It did run perfectly when I firs ran it.  Have only run it about 5 times.  I listened for the motor running as you suggested, but did not hear it running.
    I have not reset the decoder yet.  If that does not work then I would assume I either send it to Bachmann or take the body off to see if I can figure out what is happening. 
    I do have a Bachmann K-4 Pacific which runs fine, and I was expecting the Consolidation to operate the same.
    Thanks for your reply.


OK, now we're getting somewhere.

Let's assume for the moment the decoder is working fine, because you're getting sounds and getting chugging sounds as you increase the power.

You don't hear any humming or whirring from the motor, so it may not be getting any current from the tender/decoder.

There are six wires that pass from the loco to the tender:

1.  Two wires transfer current from the wheels/brushes back to the tender, which leads to the decoder.

2.  Two wires travel from the decoder/tender back to the headlight.  Does the headlight come on?

3.  Finally two wires pass power to the motor.

Here's a possibility:  I once put one of my Connies on the track, not realizing the draw bar had come loose from the post.  So I was pulling a train on the tender wires, until one of the plugs had enough and came loose enough to stop operating.  Fortunately I didn't break any wires and all was well.

I don't enough about decoders to know if this scenario could happen on a sound locomotive.  However, it's worth checking to see if your plugs are seated completely in their sockets.  At least see if your headlight comes on when you power up.

Hopefully, someone else on the forum has had this problem before and knows the remedy.  I suggest following the wires.  Sounds like something electrical rather than something mechanical locking up.  Just a guess from a distance.




Jonathan - It Runs!  I took the engine to my workbench and removed the tender.  When I checked the wires, one wire was broken between the tender and engine.  The wire looked cut and where the cut was, was underneath one of the pieces of shrink tubing Bachmann had placed over the wires.  Maybe it was making contact when I firs got it but with handling the connection was broken.  I soldered the wire back together with a small(1/8" long) jumper wire between the two.  Then used heat shrink tubing the insulate and strengthen the connection.  It works great. 
I appreciate your help in getting this engine back on the road.   Greg



You are very welcome.  Glad it was something simple.  Always beats having to send it in and wait for what seems an eternity.

