EZ track DCC turnout with lights

Started by jgaynor, November 08, 2010, 08:54:11 AM

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I the process of setting up my setup i'm using EZ track DCC turnouts and want to use lights to indicate the position of the switch. is there a way to use a TCS FL2 to switch the lights at the same time the turnout is switched or can anyone suggest a better way of doing it.
Also if i'm using a two signal light i assume the green light should indicate that the switch is thrown closed for the mainline and red would indicate siding or branch line corret

thanks for the help and advice
I do it all for the love of my son Cameron

Jim Banner

I have not been able to find any details on how the Bachmann DCC turnouts are programmed internally but I am assuming they work much like other accessory (stationary) decoders.  The following is my take on the subject.

Stationary decoder addresses are different than mobile decoder addresses.  This means that you can have a locomotive running on address 17 and a turnout operating on address 17 without interfering with one another.  As I see it, a TCS FL2, which is a mobile, function only decoder, would not respond to the same commands as a stationary decoder operating a turnout motor.  This means, unfortunately, that what you want to achieve cannot be achieved in this manner.

A possible solution would be to use a regular dc turnout with an external accessory decoder.

I am having a bit of a problem understanding your second question.  If I am guessing correctly, then yes, the green light should indicate that the switch is closed for the mainline and red (or amber) would indicate that the switch is thrown for the siding.  Sorry, but I don't know what a "branch line corret" is.
Growing older is mandatory but growing up is optional.

Joe Satnik

To quote Ed McMahon,

"That is correct, sir."

If your loco is too heavy to lift, you'd better be able to ride in, on or behind it.