Changed Address on 44 tonner but it will not run

Started by Billm10454, January 06, 2012, 03:53:21 PM

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I changed the address on my 44 ton to the engine number but it won't run and the headlight does not come on. I tired a reset (cv8 to 8) but no luck. It does run in DC mode. I use a gigitrax system. Any help would be appreciated. This is a Bachmann engine.

Patrick Durand

You say you use the digitrax system, but are you familiar with programing?   Have you reprogramed other engine addresses succesfully?        If you are using a throttle to program on a single track the problem could be anything from simply selecting the wrong number during the programing of the address all the way down to failure to turn the DCS 100 or 150 track status back on after you set the address.   



Yes I have programmed many engines with the digitrax. Yes I am familiar with programming. I was finally able to program it with the 2 number address not with the 4 number address. I don't know if it can be programmed with a 4 number address. I used a computer and DecoderPro to program it back to a 2 number address. For anyone with a computer DecoderPro is a great program to use for programming the decoder.