Need Help With TRAINZ Thomas Models

Started by thomasj219, January 17, 2012, 10:04:22 PM

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Then scroll all the way down-on their 2006 website-and stop once you find Narrow Guage Locos.Go ahead download them and import them to your game. Hope i helped. :)


OK, so do I go to the main website, or should i go to the "TRAINZ 2006" site?
and when i register, then register my game, is there an import section that i can add certain files to, and then they will become activated on my game? sorry if I'm making this confusing, I'm not to knowledgeable on the working of a computer..... ::) ;D


Their 2006 website.And when you go to file (in content manager)there willl be a dropdown menu and it will have an import CDPs and import the CDPs,but i think there in zip files so just unzip them. ;D :)


(...import the CDPs,but i think there in zip files so just unzip them)

uhhhhh.............. ??? sorry if Im making this complicated, ill have access to the game and such this weekend, so maybe it will be easier when i see it for my self.