Installing Digitrax DH126D Decoder in Bachmann Plus F7A

Started by [email protected], September 08, 2018, 02:17:41 PM

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[email protected]

Hello all,

I had previously written a post asking for recommendations on installing a decoder in an older Bachmann Plus F7A.

I have just finished the install and I have a few questions.

The first thing is that everything seemed to have been programmed correctly and the train runs using my Bachmann EZ Command Control unit, but the headlights did not come on. I had assigned the locomotive to address 6. I then tried reprogramming the decoder for address 3 and the lights came on, but they are permanently on. F10 does not turn them off nor do any of the other 9 function buttons. Any thoughts?

The next thing is that it seems to really jump out of the gate even when I turn the throttle slowly. It seems to run fine overall but it definitely wants to get up and go compared to when it was just DC. My only other Decoder equipped engine is a Port 2000 GP38-2 which is very smooth so for all I know this could be normal when installing/hardwiring a decoder myself. Is this okay or is this an indication that I have done something wrong.

Any help would be great.

Thank you very much


Your issues sound like decoder setting adjustments. You should consult your decoder (Digitrax) documentation. First thing to do is a reset to default values (CV8 to a value of 8). The speed adjustment could be speed step setting or momentum adjustments.