Started by train_guy2511, June 03, 2019, 03:00:44 AM

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i would like to know if anyone has the terminal wire that comes with the ez command digital controller? i had a prior layout that i used the controller, but i had to modify the terminal wire. for this new layout i am planning i need the wire that came with the power pack. i have looked an looked on ebay an elsewhere, but all the terminal wires come up for analog packs. this is my first post. any help, will be very much appreciated. thnx an keep them trains a moving ;D


As can be seen here:

The top terminal wire in Terry's post is the one that comes with the EZ-Command system.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.


ty sooo very much terry replying to my post:) the top wire is the one i need. i didnt think to go to bachmanns site. thnx once again!!!!

Terry Toenges

Your welcome. When you said you modified it, I thought you might need the one with bare ends so I showed both.
Feel like a Mogul.

plas man

the wire used by the 12 volt DC and DCC Command control are the same wire that connect to Bachmann EZ track . in N and HO scale . cant help with other scales .