4-8-2 runs backwards when power turned off or on

Started by billoberst, November 18, 2020, 10:42:13 AM

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I have a Bachmann 4-8-2 steamer that works very nicely but acts crazy  when a TCS KA-1 is installed. The keep alive never seemed to work but after I did a decoder reset just trying anything to make it work now the engine will take off backwards until what must be the KA discharging. The faster I turn it on and off the less time it runs backwards as if the capacitor is less charged up. If I remove the KA the engine runs normally. I'm positive I have the KA connected to the correct points on the decoder as TCS has a picture on their web site showing the connection points. I'm at a loss  for things to try and the main tech at TCS is out sick they say so I thought some of you guys might have a suggestion. Thanks Bill


If the KA1 is causing problems better to leave it off.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA