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Do you run steam and diesel?

Started by Loco Bill Canelos, July 20, 2023, 08:36:00 AM

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Mark Oles

Quote from: Greg Elmassian on August 25, 2023, 05:16:02 PMMark, the GG1 came with a programmed in speed restriction. Change the max speed CV in it, it will go much faster. Been there, done that.


Hi Greg! Hope you're well! I actually bypassed that QSI board alltogether. I am running directly from the output of a revolution train engineer board. I've got 24 vdc going to those motors (measured at the leads), but your comment has me wondering if the board itself can't handle the amp draw of the gg1 and maybe that's the limiting factor? I think those are rated for 5A. Do you know what the amp draw for a GG1 is supposed to be?

Greg Elmassian

So you don't even have sound? I think you could also control the pantographs.

It's not likely that the voltage would drop under heavy load, it would just overheat the revolution.

The GG-1 can draw current, but this does not sound right. My friend that had one was complaining about the low speed, and the CV setting even affected DC top speed... can you check the voltage while running?

This guy does run Bridgewerks, so he could be running over 24 volts...

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Mark Oles

Now that I think about it. I think I've got the QSI board operating in parallel with the motor from the revolution outputs. The motor will start turning at Revolution speed step 1. ANd the engine starts to move. I have never seen any other locomotives start at this low an output.  THe QSI board does not start making noise until about 25% output (so that's 6v). It doesn't make the engine movement sounds until 12v and there's no way to trigger the bell or horn so I am planning to remove this entire board and install the phoenix P8 board I have for it.  The only thing holding me back is the lighting. I really like the green/red  and dim/bright. Not sure that'll be possible with revolution, it's just too basic.

Greg Elmassian

Mark, Would you consider running the DCC Revolution system? Then you could leave the QSI installation alone, reprogram the top speed limitation, run on batteries of your choice (or power of your choice).

You would have all the great sounds and functionality of the QSI, all the functions would be accessable from your remote.

The only downside is you need the DCC Revolution and have to run that loco from that transmitter.

There's a lot of cool functions in that GG-1....

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I am steam and Goose only Railroad. I converted this locomotive from A Bachmann C-19 into an Accurate D&RGW C-18 over a period of several years, but this year was a concerted effort to get it done for the NNGC. Voting is now closed, Awards Ceremony is tomorrow night, wish me luck.


Maybe The Bachmann will consider this loco going forward. the major modification is in the frame.

Al P.

Loco Bill Canelos

Hi Al,  Nice job on that conversion!  Thanks for sharing the video.  Good Luck.  Bill
Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!


I'm in HO but I have to jump in. It's steam-only on my layout, even though I have a few diesels to run elsewhere. I'm 75 years old and saw the very last of steam engines in freight service back home, saw T&NO mikados stomping through on manifest freights, MP 10 wheelers pulling little locals down street trackage, and heard the lonesome whistle scream in the hot summer afternoon drifting in on the wind. I never got over their going away and I still cry for them.

I lost count a long time ago, but I believe I have about 75 steam locomotives. I run about 20 of them all the time but I do like them all and won't sell any. Most of them will never be made again, so I keep them.


An update on my contest entry at the NNGC. the locomotive was awarded the H Lee Riley memorial Award, for excellence in large scale narrow gauge modeling based on a bachman trains product, and was awarded third place in Rod Locomotives. i also entered a type 1 RGS stock car in the contest and was awarded first place.


edited to correct award name.

Loco Bill Canelos

Congratulations Al,  Nice going!  If you get a chance could you post pictures of the stock car?

All the best, Bill
Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!



I do not see how to attach an image that is not on the net? if you go over to large scale central there is an image posted there by me of my stock car, under a thread called D&RGW C-18 Build from Bachmann C-19. there will be updates to the thread when i get a spare moment or two.

Al P.

Mark Oles

Quote from: Greg Elmassian on September 01, 2023, 01:25:41 PMMark, Would you consider running the DCC Revolution system? Then you could leave the QSI installation alone, reprogram the top speed limitation, run on batteries of your choice (or power of your choice).

You would have all the great sounds and functionality of the QSI, all the functions would be accessable from your remote.

The only downside is you need the DCC Revolution and have to run that loco from that transmitter.

There's a lot of cool functions in that GG-1....


Hi Greg, I didn't consider trying to run the GG1 with REVO DCC.  I think it requires an all new transmitter, right? I'm already feeling hamstrung with the 3 Revo TX's I have when I have multiple iPads/iPhones that could run apps to control the trains...

I checked my railroad and it's got 23.5 vdc in most spots on the line. Maybe I should use the super revo board for controlling the motors if it starts to overload too frequently but the truth is this engine doesn't see much track time. Even the guys at USAT service told me they can't do anything about the top speed and they agree it is slow.

I checked with NWSL about having some gears cut and they suggested to count the teeth, figure out the ratio and then try and do it myself. They just didn't have the manpower to take it on themselves. It's about what I expected them to say.

HEre's a long video a guy made of this past weekend's train show here. I start at about 13 mins or so.

Greg Elmassian

The guys at USAT have had no clue about this issue (it's a setting in the DCC decoder that affects DC), fixed this long ago in Nick S's GG-1

I guess you don't believe me... ok... a single DCC setting... I tried to help.
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Loco Bill Canelos

Hi Mark,

The original Crest Revo Transmitter with the plastic keys that I have seems to work fine with all my Crest and Precision RC Receivers. The TX's with the rubber keys are up-gradable but the ones with the plastic keys are not. Upgrading does require hardware from the new manufacturer tho.

Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!

Greg Elmassian

The loco has a custom sound file, and is DC and DCC compatible with a special setup for the pantographs I believe.

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A Trainman

Back to the original question, I run battery. Just kidding, I run all steam except one Eggliner.
