Bachmann Spectrum FM H16-44 parts

Started by BLarson, September 12, 2023, 11:26:27 AM

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Hello all. I am new to this group. I am in search for a handrail set (front, rear, left & right side) for an older H16-44 Baby Trainmaster, Item # 81201. Does anyone have a set they want to part with? I have checked with Bachmann  parts and eBay with no success. Thanks & have a great day!


The days of eternal parts availability in model railroading are long gone along with US manufacture. Bachmann is actually better than most with many parts still available for many engines back into Jurassic times.

Your request is typical and often seen here, with the same answer nearly all the time.  More often than not you have to find a cheap donor locomotive somewhere which is functionless, but has your part on it undamaged.  eBay often has used locomotives listed just like that, as in operable but good for parts.  The good news is that when you do that and salvage your replacement handrail, you still have nearly all of the other parts available for future needs.

Occasionally someone on this forum will reply offering you the part.  Wait a while to see what happens.


There is always the option to bend your own handrails. Personally, I prefer the metal handrails to the plastic ones that come on most models these days.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA


Of course, that is the serious Model Railroad solution, Jeffery.  Metal handrails are better on diesels all around. I have several Athearn and Bachmann GP units with the plasticized handrails. They are never really completely straight and don't look that good, but even at my advanced point in this hobby, I'm not really up for fixing them. Since I hardly ever run those units or even see them, it's not much of an issue for me.

But most newbies aren't really up for that level of craftsmanship yet. If he is, great.  But he'll have to find the stanchions/posts somewhere to hold up the new railings.


If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.