Need a Little DC/DCC-related Help

Started by BradKT, May 20, 2008, 02:53:41 AM

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Today was a landmark day for me.  After months of planning, benchwork, some scenery work (much more will be done here, but that is in the future) and wiring, I finally tested my track and it worked!!!

Scenario:  In order to give you a mental picture of the layout (sidings excluded), the layout area is basically a 9' x5' area AND a 9'x6' area in an "L"-shaped layout with 3 separate tracks...the outer and middle track both run in a "L" around the entire layout area and the inner track is an oval approximately 11' in length.  The inner track has 18" radius curves, the middle track has 22" radius curves and the outer track as 26" and 28" radius curves (except for 1 area where the curve is 22".  All 3 tracks are connected by switches that permit trains to switch back and forth between the 3 different tracks.  There is an access hatch and I have access to all areas of the layout, so don't worry about that issue.

Issue # 1:  All of the track is Bachmann EZ-track (silver rails).  THE SWITCHES ARE NON-DCC (this is important and is related to my first question).

I first tested the basic operation of the track with an old DC transformer and one of my old Athearn DC engines and the track and switches all worked fine.

I then went to substitute the Bachmann DCC system (the EZ Command DCC controller/transformer and the 5 amp power booster).  THE FIRST THING THAT I FOUND OUT WAS THAT THERE APPEARED TO BE NOWHERE TO CONNECT THE POWER TO THE NON-DCC SWITCHES.  When I was using the DC transformer, I could connect the wires from the controls for the switches to the DC transformer.

Question #1:  Can I use the Bachmann DCC system AND connect the power for the switches to a DC transformer and use both at the same time?  Otherwise, I have no power for the switches.

Issue #2:  When I had the DCC system connected, I ran one of my old Athearn DC engines and it worked fine.  I also tried out 3 different Bachmann DCC-equipped (factory installed engines).  These 3 Bachmann DCC engines  have never been out the box and are brand new...I acquired them over the last 5 months.  Only 1 of the DCC engines worked at all and I was able to successfully program it.  The other 2 engines showed no signs of life...they do not move at not run when the decoder address is either 0 or 3 (or any other address).  I tried every address on the DCC controller. 

I was even able to run the 1 Bachmann DCC engine that did work (and was able to successfully program) and the Athearn DC engine on the track at the same time.

Question # 2:  Is there any way I can "purge" the decoder for these 2 non-operating Bachmann DCC engines and start over (assuming that they are working at all) without knowing the decoder address?

Issue # 3 concerns the 5 amp power booster.  Will using it make any appreciable difference in the performance of the engines?  There seemed to be no difference whether I used the 5 amp power booster or not with the EZ command DCC controller/transformer.  The Bachmann  DCC engine that ran seemed to be a little slow. 

I want to make sure that I understood the somewhat sparse directions re: connecting the EZ Command transformer/controller and the 5 amp power booster correctly.

Question # 3.  Am I correct that the connection runs from the track terminal to the 5 amp power booster?  I'm asking because when I discarded the 5 amp power booster and just used the EZ Command transformer/controller, everything worked exactly the same.

As you can see, I have made a lot of progress, but I still have a way to go.  I have some other new Bachmann DCC engines that I haven't tried yet (that's for the near future, plus a couple of Atlas DCC engines and I still have to install DCC decoders in my old Athearns). 

I would welcome any advice that anyone can give to me.  Today was a very encouraging day, but these three unresolved questions remain outstanding.

Thank you in advance for your help, as well as all of the help that you have previously given to me.  I wouldn't have gotten this far without you.


#1: yes, you can (and should) hook up the accesories to the DC power supply's AC terminals.

#2: There are instructions for reprograming a decoder with a higher address at the bottom of page 3 in the E-Z command manual-it might not work, but it wouldn't hurt to try.  Check to see if they will run on DC.

#3 The 5 amp booster is just putting more power (not voltage) to the rails. This makes it so you can run more locos at a time with less slowing down due to the power being used up.

Hope this helps,


Thank you.  Your answers to questions 1 and 3 helped a lot.  I'm still trying to figure out #2.

Yampa Bob

All your Bachmann DCC locos are programmed at the factory to address #3.  As Kevin mentioned, see if they all run on DC first.  If they do, then they should run ok on DCC at #3.

If they won't run on DC, the plug in connectors to the tender may not be all the way in. 

I also found that my Bachmann locos ran a bit slow at first, but after about an hour of breakin they got up to speed.
I know what I wrote, I don't need a quote
Rule Number One: It's Our Railroad.  Rule Number Two: Refer to Rule Number One.


I was able to successfully reprogram 1 of the 2 engines that wasn't working.  Yampa Bob, I'll check out your suggestion.

I have another issue concerning Atlas DCC engines and the Bachman EZ Command System but I will make a separate post on it and I would like you to look at it.

Thank you for your help.

Yampa Bob

I'm still scratching my head about that last loco.

On page 3, second paragraph, it says to push #3 AND the stop button at the same time and release together (at the same time).  If the power LED doesn't flash, then you are NOT in programming mode.

I know what I wrote, I don't need a quote
Rule Number One: It's Our Railroad.  Rule Number Two: Refer to Rule Number One.