Noob question on tandem engines and road numbers

Started by Mogul2-6-0, January 28, 2009, 02:24:02 PM

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Can I order 2 UP GP40's with different road numbers and run them together?
Is tandem the right word for this?
OR do you apply road numbers yourself?
Or do only more expensive engines come in different road numbers.
Do they then have different Bachmann part numbers?
Can you run 2 non DCC engines with one backwards can you/how do you rewire one?
Should I run one analog and one digital? Can you set the digital up to run backwards manually without full on DCC support.
I'm still learning.  So far I love all my Bachman products.
I searched all over on how to run 2 engines yesterday, couldnt figure it out, then whent home last night and just hooked up my 2 F7A units and they ran great is this correct?  LOL
I'm basically debating wehther to get the set with a dummy GP40 and caboose or 2 seperate engines.


A few answers -

1. You can run 2 engines together if your power pack is powerful enough.  (The same brand would probably be better - hopefully they will run at approximately the same speed.)
2. Some companies make engines with different numbers.  Otherwise you can re-number them yourself using decals or dry transfers.  Most companies will have different stock numbers on differently numbered engines.
3. If you are running 2 engines "rear to rear" there should be no difference in operations.  They should run that way right out of the box.  (If not, the wiring on one is mixed up.)
4. A powered engine might not cost much more than a dummy.  That way you will still have a powered one should one stop working.
5. Do NOT run a DCC engine with a DC engine unless you want to burn out the DC unit.

I'll let others answer the DCC questions.


Thanks a bunch jay, it makes much more sense now.
I like the idea of 2 working locos better than a dummy too.
Not much price difference, plus I want an UP bay window caboose to go with them anyway.  May just get that tonight.
My Bachmann Spectrum Magnum power pack should handle it.
Yeh I guess if theyre pointed frontwards or backwards they still go closkwise or counter clockwise based on the position of direction switch on the controller and the polarity on the track.  duh LOL  ...hmm since the hot side of each truck is reversed if you change the direction the nose is pointed..
I think the Bachmann GP40 comes without numbers so I just have to get 2 sets of numbers for each of them.
I'l likely get 2 DCC version or 2 DC versions.

Yampa Bob

Hi Mogul
I think Jay covered all your questions, just a few added thoughts.

I suggest buying the DCC versions. They will run on your Magnum DC pack out of the box.  Then if you later decide to move to DCC power, you will be set to go.

I have 2 Bachmann GP40 UP, and you are correct, there are no numbers on the cab. So you could number them as you wish. They are very well matched in speed so they run well together.

I have the Magnum pack, when I ran strictly DC, it easily powered 3 lightly loaded (about 15 cars) locomotives "in consist". (fancy word for "tandem")

This page describes the "right rail rule", which allows all locos on a DC powered track to run the same direction regardless of orientation, as Jay mentioned.
I know what I wrote, I don't need a quote
Rule Number One: It's Our Railroad.  Rule Number Two: Refer to Rule Number One.


Thanks Yampa,

I went home and ran my 2 F7A's "in consist" back to back and they magically ran fine together.  LOL
I found the GP40's online and at my local Hobby Central shop.
Havent decided on DC or DCC yet $$$.
I isolated 2 spurs (blocks?) in my "yard" for the DC's and it works nicely, will likely move to DCC eventually.
I believe I could add DCC to the GP40's later too. 
May keep the Magnum to run an isolated "scenic" loop with the old DC locos and run DCC on the rest of the layout.  Bu one step at a time.

Thanks again to all,
Richard F.