A small start, but getting there

Started by Michael J. Caboose, January 17, 2009, 05:08:56 PM

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Santa Fe buff

Stunning... Hey, could you spare me the instructions or how-to on making that coaling tower? I would like to make something like that... You can e-mail them if you want.

Anyway, I love how it's going so far. Do you buy Woodland Scenics figures, around where I live, I have a large selection, but no money.  :)

Good luck,
- Joshua Bauer



If your camera permits manual F-stop settings, try F8 to F10.

You may need more light.  But you will have much better depth of
field, and your photo's will be sharper.

Tim Anders
Souderton, PA

Michael J. Caboose

Thank you very much Tim. Unfortunately I don't believe this camera does. It's an older model and is fairly basic. I'll see about borrowing a family member's newer camera and try that one. As far as lighting goes, I'll have to add another light. The one lamp is all I have, I'll experiment with that with the next set of pictures.

Santa Fe Buff, not sure what there is to explain. I just made some measurements and cut some cardboard and sheet styrene, then somehow with some superglue, it all came together. It actually leans slightly to the left on it's legs, but it stands solids. I'll send you an email to see if I can better detail how it came together.

And thanks hotrainlover, I tried to make them as similar as possible. The only real givaway is the Revell has thick handrails, and the handrails on the boiler are solid. No way to fix this though, any attempt to give it normal looking handrails would not be an easy task, nor a clean one.


i like the sweeny stack on the mike :) i plan to do that with a 2-10-2 ive acquired as well as my light mike

Michael J. Caboose

Thank you very much! All the Mike needs to be fully accurate is a modified pilot, but I'm saving that for a summer project. I'd like to see your projects when they are finished.

I wish the company that made the sweeny stack in a brass detail part didn't drop off the pace of the earth. If you ever need some detailed explanation on how we managed to get a taper on the styrene cylinder used, let me know and I'll show how we rigged a drill press and used a standard razor blade to get the desired effect.