New G Scale Thomas Looks great!!

Started by Loco Bill, July 13, 2009, 07:25:31 PM

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Loco Bill

Got a chance to get a good look at the new Bachmann Thomas items at the Large Scale convention in DEnver.  They had production samples of Thomas and the two coaches.  The Percy locomotive was not at the convention nor were the freight cars.

I was very impressed with how robust they were!  Looks like these should hold up pretty well in play activity.   They were well done and the graphics were outstanding!!

If the mechanism is as robust as the bodies, this item will be a hit!
Loco Bill,
Roundhouse Foreman
Missouri Western Railway

Unnofficial Historian of Bachmann Large Scale Products


Did they fix all the problems us Ho scalers have been complaining about?

Joe Satnik

Dear Loco Bill,

You didn't happen to sneak out a ruler and measure its length, did you?


Joe Satnik

If your loco is too heavy to lift, you'd better be able to ride in, on or behind it.


They had them at the NMRA convention in Hartford, CT.  I plan to order both sets this week.