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Messages - thomasj219

I have a feeling it may be more towards the middle of the month. I could be wrong though. There seems to be something that caused a slight delay.
Quote from: JLK2707 on February 08, 2024, 03:41:30 AMThe CGI engines only mandate just seems silly due to how Thomas and Friends was rebooted.

Exactly. I think we may see the end of that as the years go by, especially with the 80th anniversary coming up.
Wow! I can't believe that it's time for the announcements again already. I love that we get two a year now.

I agree with everything you guys said. Christians predictions seem to me to be the most realistic.


I can definitely see them bringing back Arry and Bert, hopefully with new faces too.

If they went crazy and did give us a new tooling for HO, my money would be on Whiff or even Harvey, I know he's an odd choice but I just have a feeling. But I can't wait for Stanley and even Rebecca.

For HO Stock we definitely need the tar tanker and ice cream van back. As for troublesome truck seven I would love something not as colorful, and a bit more reminiscent of the older series.

Also, I would love the China clay Trucks from season 2. I know they're an NG design. But still...

The Works unit coach would be an amazing introduction, but I would also love to see the breakdown crane. Either in its classic fashion, or even as Jerome and Judy. But I would prefer it to be classic. 

Can you imagine seeing the classic breakdown crane in a blister pack? It would sell like crazy.

Long shot I know, but I would love to see the old coaches from season one.

N Scale

For N I think Henry is the obvious introduction. Along with the red coaches, a brake van, and probably Henry's log car.

The next engine I'd like to see in N scale is Edward. Or Duck if they go with a tank engine.

Large Scale

Ah the mystery of Large scale. G is expensive to produce and expensive to buy, so the range is always the most random.

Edward would be the most logical introduction, but I think to get a little money going it would be smarter for them to release the two sets of twins. Bill and Ben and Arry & Bert. Bill and Ben with Cell amazingly, and even though the two diesels are recolors, I think they would too. Bachmann could save a little money, only do one tool and make four new engines.

Other than that, it's possible we get origins James or 70th anniversary Thomas as mentioned.

For large scale rollingstock, I'd love to see some express coaches that that probably won't happen. Or a flat car. Something a little bigger than what we're used to.

Narrow Gauge

For the gauge that everybody thought would never happen, we are already pretty much at the end of the line when it comes to normal numbered engines. I would love to see Duke, but I don't think he's coming anytime soon. Maybe for a special occasion like the anniversary.

I don't think anymore engines will be announced this year unless they surprise us with someone like Smudger.

I also agree with Christian, some TV accurate slate vans would be very nice.

Guess we'll have to wait and see!!

Thomas & Friends / Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
May 14, 2023, 03:01:28 PM
Great review man! You know I never realized those black indents on the side were steps.  :D  Now it's so obvious. 😂

I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on Ryan. He's so detailed.

As for Henrietta. Maybe you could make yours RWS accurate when it arrives?  ;)  Or turn her into Hannah if that interests you.

For some reason the back of the model is my favorite bit. The buffer beam looks fantastic. As do the cow catchers. Can't decide if I'm more excited to see Emily or Gordon next. I know it's been said, but I do wish they had model era faces. That's the only thing that kills it for me. But that'll be an easy swap one day I think with all the talented fans out there.

I wonder who will be announced next? Another big engine like Henry. Maybe twins like Donald & Douglas, a baddie like Diesel (imagine those side rods in N!) or an old favorite like Duck or Mavis!

We'll just have to wait and see.

So I figured before the announcements come out I'll put in my predictions. I'm not really sure what to expect this year, I'm tempted to do a hopes and predictions column. So I will. Lol.



Stanley or Nia

Harvey or Stepney

Rolling Stock

Well Wagon Comeback
Troublesome Truck 7
Gordon's Special Coaches
Circus Train

China Clay Truck
Breakdown Crane
Spencer's Express Brake Coach


DUNCAN (Seems inevitable, just pray they don't use his CGI model as a basis.)

My hope here would be Duke.


No hopes here. They are doing pretty well :)


These are all wild cards, I expect we may see another figure pack or two. But beyond that I'd love to see...

BULGY (He's been around recently too)


Here is an interesting scale, I love large scale and feel it's long overdue for a new engine. But I'm not sure what direction they'll go. I propose two for the engine.

Option 1:  One Bigger Tooling options I see as,
Donald and Douglas

It would be a big new tooling. But I think they would get some thing for their buck.

Option 2: The Twin Route

As much as I want some of the engines on that list I put above in large scale, if I were Bachmann what I would do is this.

Bill & Ben
Arry & Bert

Do both sets of twins in one year and get four engines for really the price of one. Use the Class 08 tooling to do Arry and Bert, which most all classic fans would buy. Plus Bill and Ben would be selling like hotcakes. Then Bachmann is able to make a decent amount of money to put into the range for the future. Boom.  8)  8)

As for rolling stock.

More Recolors
Flat Car
Mail Car (Long Overdeue)

Also, I really like the option of a normal brake van.

N Scale

This is the only scale I haven't purchased a single item from yet, I plan to, and I can't wait seeing how much has been introduced so far. Here's what I think is coming next. 

Edward or Henry

Mail Car
Express Coaches

I'd also love to see Cranky in this scale.

That's about it for me, might come back and edit later or make an additional post. Happy to be back all.  ;D

Good to be back boys. Just wanted to say hello, will post thoughts later.
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on June 25, 2021, 12:54:56 PM
Quote from: TrainCollector on June 23, 2021, 07:19:16 PM
I'm really hoping we get a Bachmann Diesel 10. I mean the demand is there so it is possible. I would buy that right away if they made that.
Again, his claw breaches NMRA standards so he can not be made. It's against the NMRA's rules.

Weren't you banned?

And I thought we've already established that NMRA standards really don't have much to do with how Thomas models are chosen.  It's profit my friends. Let's move on.
Thomas & Friends / Re: BoCo or Diesel 10
June 07, 2021, 02:06:23 PM
Well, I for one would love both. BoCo would have to be my first choice. Iconic. Diesel 10 I would buy in a heartbeat too, although I hope they would use his model series face and make the claw manually movable. Bandai style.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Daisy Thread
May 30, 2021, 02:52:44 PM
Well isn't that certainly the pot calling the kettle black....

Rodimus, I don't know where you think you are. But that kind of language is not welcome on this forum, nor is your usual hostility.

I'm not sure what your issue is, but this is not the place to sort it out.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Daisy Thread
May 17, 2021, 04:13:08 PM
Looks like we're getting a Painted Sample of Daisy tomorrow......

A little birdie told me  ;) ;D

Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
January 22, 2021, 11:50:54 AM
Lol "goat with dogs fur"  :D

So it's been a while since I made Thomas content but I figured I would post this here and in some other Thomas groups.

I've always wanted to do my own narrations of the episodes, but when I was a kid instrumentals were a lot harder to come across than they are today. Finally I had the tools and the time to get these done. I did a US version and a UK version and they both premiere at 9 o'clock.

Please share them with anyone you think may enjoy them and please let me know what you think, if these prove popular I'd love to continue doing things in this vein. 


Keep Your Steam Up!

Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
December 09, 2020, 08:08:43 AM
Anyone ever come across a decent model of the Sodor Shipping Co. building?

Shapeways, custom etc.?
Thomas & Friends / Re: Large Scale Thomas
November 15, 2020, 07:09:36 PM
Anyone have a spare 6 Thousand??
Thomas & Friends / Sodor Themed Shelf Layout Ideas
November 15, 2020, 07:23:29 AM
Hello all,

So I decided to create this topic because I, like many of you I'm sure, am dealing with small space restrictions at the moment. I want to keep busy and I'm really itching to make a small layout and the idea hit me to do a shelf layout, with the possibility of keeping both ends open so I can just add it to a finished a Layout later on. 

I'm coming up with a design myself but I figured if anyone had any or wanted to shoot some ideas out this would be a cool place to do it. 

My first idea was Season 1 Elsbridge, with a Christmas theme. 

What do you guys have? :)
A bad one.  ;D

Don't give them any ideas.  ;)