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4 4 0 American

Started by dagnarble, September 13, 2010, 02:54:37 PM

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  Thanks for the help with the "backwards compatible" issue Now I have a fresh question. Also got a new 4 4 0 American and put it on the track. Runs great (after I made sure the plugs were in tight) but it does not go up the slightest of grades without spinning the drivers, and this is without pulling any cars. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to help this engine get some grip??


Maybe add a little more weight and maybe a traction tire or that "Bullfrog snot" stuff.


It is possible that the spring that supports the front of the loco does not have enough "up" pressure and the rear drivers are not firmly on the track.




  Checked the front spring and both drivers are on the track . Weight would be an option but I don't understand why this engine should not pull at least one car up a 2% grade. I would like to know 9if anyone else has had this problem. We should not have to doctor up an engine right out of the box. Thanks



The Spectrum 4-4-0 has a reputation for being a pretty decent puller for a small locomotive... at least everything I've read so far.   Therefore a little diagnosis seems to be in order.  These are a few things that have held back my locos from running their best:

Coupler trip pins too low
Tender umbilical cord dragging
Tender pick up brushes too tight against the axles
Pony truck wheels won't spin
Not on a Bachmann, but I have actually had a cowcatcher too low and dragging on the rails.
As a side note, the wheels will grip better as you break in the loco.  A small amount of wheel wear can be a good thing.

Occasionally, some folks (like myself) will recommend a little bullfrog snot on one driver.  I have used it on larger locos with positive results.  Since there aren't a whole lot of wheels on your loco, I wouldn't recommend it.

I can't see or touch your loco, but if I were a betting man, I would say something is dragging and won't let the loco ride freely on the rails.

I hate to ask, but have you removed the small piece of foam packing from between the frame and the pony truck?

Just some brainstorming for you.




I've had the spectrum pulling 12 of the Roundhouse Milk cars with little problem, up a slight grade.

as Jon said make sure the packing material near the pilot truck is removed.
Emily C.
B&O - America's #1 Railroad.

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Thanks Johnathon, the small sleeve around the plug wires was catching on the track. After the fix, the little engine pulled three gondolas ( one filled half with track nails ) with no slippage at all.


And for my next trick....    ;D

Glad you found the problem.  I had that happen to one of my Connies.  Took me a long time to figure out what was going on.  After all, who ever looks at the wires while the train is running?


